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Rise and Rule for Civ3:Conquests

No, Rufus graphics are not included (yet).But some will surely find their way in the mod in future.The graphic patch adds a lot of beautiful graphics, however it is too a (potential, not sure to which extend they are fixed in the last version) quell for problems.So if you experience new strange crashes with it, it is likely they are caused by the graphic patch.
bonscott said:
And welcome to RaR. It will change the whole way you view C3C, believe me.
Woah, it blows me away. I spent half an hour at the start up screen just trying to figure out which civ to use and looking at the UUs. In the end I went random. xD A lot of work must have went in this mod. :goodjob:

I have one question though: Why can't you build mines?
You can build mines, but you need the tech Construction (middle ancient age era).It is similar for farms, you get access to them with Crop Rotation (early middle age era).
To start I usually get Domestication so I know where horses are. Then scrape mining to know where Iron is. Then I typically get firmentation and weaving since the AI doesn't research it quickly, good trade bait. You have to trade like mad, believe me. Then I just beeline to contstruction.

By the way, there is an excellent file with a tech tree and information galore here: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=109398

It took me about 3 games to get the hang of everything.
Do you need C3C Vers. 1.22?
I went to the CIv 3 site and followed the patch link (I have version 1.0), but it said "URL Not Found"
eddfire3 said:
Do you need C3C Vers. 1.22?
I went to the CIv 3 site and followed the patch link (I have version 1.0), but it said "URL Not Found"
Yes you do. There are other places you can download the patch, I think CivFanatics provides other mirrors. If not, use google to search for it. :)
I have dialup access only, which makes downloading on the nonresumable mirrors impractical. Does anyone know of a resumable mirror for RAR? Thanks.
Have you tried both 3ddownloads and fileplanet? I don't know any other mirrors, however I'm almost sure at least one of both can resume.
I downloaded the mod with Version 1.0, and it works pretty good. A few glitches in the Preferences and some words in the Rules in the wrong place, but otherwise just fine.

Thanks for your reply!

Pfeffersack said:
Yes, the solution is not perfect.It was made this way for AI purposes; the AI should have better chances to hit the mark.BTW, to win culturally it is also important to have the duoble amount of culture compared to the strongest AI.If you move up in difficulty, your game will last longer, because there will be AIs with 25000 or more culture points.

Ah, I was unaware of that. Perhaps if I get good enough to try a higher difficulty level, I'll try turning that victory option back on.

Pfeffersack said:
The pentagon is not the problem, at least not on the technical side.The reason why they are disabled is again the AI - it doesn't use upgradeable armies.So they were taken out to avoid a human-only-advantage and generally overpowered armies.

Interesting. How about the idea of making some of the later small wonders produce larger armies? Would that fix the balance problem?

Pfeffersack said:
Yes, their role changes completly.No longer cannon fodder for promotions or a cheap source of gold/workers.Especially if you have activated AI patrol in the .ini file (which restores there old "moving" behaviour in PTW), the can be terror.It could be wise to reduce frequency about one or two levels from Conquests for the beginning.

No, I haven't reactivated the patrol feature. I do usually play with everything set to 'Random' ... but perhaps I'll start setting the barbian level manually!

Pfeffersack said:
There is indeed no need to have both barracks and a garrison in place (beside the advantage you still have one of both if one is destroyed by enemy bombardment).Most other buildings are cumulative, but you will see similar effects with the pollution cleaners (however, this matter is more complicated, since there are differences between pollution caused by citiziens and improvements).

Y'know, I've never really understood how pollution and cleaners actually work. Would you mind talking about that a little?

Pfeffersack said:
There is ability to let improvements go obsolete with Conquests. Slavemarkets,Castles and Worker Houses go obsolete in RaR, the reason why we haven't more of them in is one more time...the AI. It is too dumb to sell obsolete improvements and pays the maintenance forever. It doesn't sell redundant buildings, too...but it gets at least a slight benefit out of them and if the AI builds veteran ground units frequent, it is a good thing.

So after Feudalism is discovered, there is no penalty in selling off all your Worker Housing?

Pfeffersack said:
Social Democracy is an excellent option for a peaceful endgame.If you don't have too much units, you will profit strongly from no building maintenance.

Yes, I'm streamlining for that tech in my current game! I'm playing Tibet, located on a fair sized island totally out of reach of almost every other civ ... at least until they develop some boats that can get across the ocean, but the AI never was very good at naval war! I don't have that many land troops, though I do have a fair-sized navy, and I have a strong tech lead. Since I didn't even find any other civs until the Middle ages, I built only a few troops and went crazy on science buildings -- and with Tibet being a scientific civ, getting a massive tech lead was fairly easy. So I don't have a big army, but I do have a lot of improvements ... sounds like it was made for Social Democracy, eh? I think I'll go for a space race victory, if only I can get the other civs to stop trying to kill me long enough! (Though sending a few Hussars to take out their cities which are defended by Pikemen usually calms them down!)

Pfeffersack said:
Feudal Monarchy is a goverment for a special situation.If you are far behind and your cities are small, you can support a decent army to go warmongering.I never used it, but it might be useful if you space your cities very tight and they don't grow past 7 citizien.

I tried it once in C3C, didn't care for it. I've never had an opportunity where it might even be marginally useful that I've noticed.

Pfeffersack said:
My favourite government for most of the time is Repulic.Trade bonus and low unit support...most of the time thats all I'm looking for.

Definitely! The only negative part about Republic is the corruption problem and, if you go to war too often, the war weariness. I've definitely found that putting at least 10% into the luxury slider is a good thing sometimes!

Again, great game. I'm having a ball!

-- WC
I make a map in rar mod, but i change some rule, and let those xx_shipments (for example:Gold_shipment) have some use for me. Now the xx_shipments are not prize unit, and i chagne them to footman so they can move everycity. When you move them to one of your city, the just thing can be done on them is disband them, then you can get some production shield which can help you complete some city iproment or unit. But i don't know if the computer will do such thing like me!!!!!
WhimpyCiv said:
(...) Interesting. How about the idea of making some of the later small wonders produce larger armies? Would that fix the balance problem?

Only partly.It would give the AI a basic chance to use them and their number would be restricted, but the human will use them still more efficient (ok, thats nothing special about (big) armies, but the more powerful a feature gets, which the AI has problems to use, the more unbalanced things get) because of the poor tactical AI (for example, their hesitating behaviour if it comes to attacking undamaged armies with single units).And to make it even worse, a bug often prevents them from filling more than one unit in an army(only possible, if there is a faster second unit available)...if you make armies bigger, this bug is more likely to occur.

WhimpyCiv said:
(...) Y'know, I've never really understood how pollution and cleaners actually work. Would you mind talking about that a little?

There are four sources for pollution:
- metropolis population
- improvements
- nuclear meltdowns in plants
- nuclear blast caused by ICBMs and tactical missiles

Every citizien which exceeds the maximum number of citiziens for city size 2 causes one point of pollution per turn, improvments a certain number of points per trun (if set in editor).Nuclear things contribute with an unknown, fixed number (one time effect).This pollution has an local and an global effect.
If a city produces such pollution points, there is chance for a local ecologic damage (the more, the higher) inside the city radius.The tile it hits is polluted and gives no more ressorces until cleaned by a worker.
The global effect is global warming.It causes jungles and forests to vanish and transforms terrain types.It is triggered when all the caused pollution(which gets accumulated turn for turn for this calculation) reaches a certain level.
Beside cleaning polluted tiles (which is only "repairing", it doesn't reduce pollution!) and avoiding it by not building polluting improvements or keeping your cities small, you can build certain improvments, which reduce the pollution output of cities.To understand how they work, keep in mind that population and improvement pollution is seen seperate.There are editor flags which reduce the one or the other to no more than 1 and it is possible to reduce improvement pollution by a certain number.However, the "building pollution reduced to 1" flag and the "-X units building pollution" thing is not cumulative.You only get zero improvement pollution if the "-X" reaches or exceeds the improvement pollution and you will always have at least 1 point population pollution in a size 3 city.
In RaR, the Park and Recycling Center combat building pollution, while the Mass Transit System deals with populaton pollution.Sewage Treatment plant and the Labour Union each reduce pollution again by 2.If you have 9 or less improvement pollution in your city, you can keep it completly clean from it if you build all four.For the population pollution you can only reduce it to 1 with the MTS.

WhimpyCiv said:
So after Feudalism is discovered, there is no penalty in selling off all your Worker Housing?

Yes, there is no point in keeping them - they just cost after they went obsolete! However, we consider a change for the next version here (0 maintenance) to help the AI and to avoid annoying pressure to micromanage.

WhimpyCiv said:
Yes, I'm streamlining for that tech in my current game! I'm playing Tibet, located on a fair sized island totally out of reach of almost every other civ ... at least until they develop some boats that can get across the ocean, but the AI never was very good at naval war! I don't have that many land troops, though I do have a fair-sized navy, and I have a strong tech lead. Since I didn't even find any other civs until the Middle ages, I built only a few troops and went crazy on science buildings -- and with Tibet being a scientific civ, getting a massive tech lead was fairly easy. So I don't have a big army, but I do have a lot of improvements ... sounds like it was made for Social Democracy, eh? I think I'll go for a space race victory, if only I can get the other civs to stop trying to kill me long enough! (Though sending a few Hussars to take out their cities which are defended by Pikemen usually calms them down!)(...)

Since the free maintenance is so powerful, we will raise unit upkeep for Social Democracy in the next version.This way it will be more interesting to decide between Federal Republic and Social Democracy.

zxc-vbn said:
I make a map in rar mod, but i change some rule, and let those xx_shipments (for example:Gold_shipment) have some use for me. Now the xx_shipments are not prize unit, and i chagne them to footman so they can move everycity. When you move them to one of your city, the just thing can be done on them is disband them, then you can get some production shield which can help you complete some city iproment or unit. But i don't know if the computer will do such thing like me!!!!!

It would be pure luck, if the AI decides to disband them in a city.So your design will likely work only for the human player.
Wouldn't it be possible to make the shipments work the way they do in the age of discovery conquest. It produces a shipment and then you have to take it to your capital city where you get gold for it. I think this works by using the reverse capture the flag.
Yes, it would and we had that while beta testing.The only problem is a bug which prevents then SGLs from occuring (because they get disabled if you change default rules and there is no option to turn them on again).You can bypass it by using the 1.15 conquest editor, so maybe we will implement shipments again in future.
Just a suggestion but how about adding a modern resource like desert training area, found only in the desert (obviously) and required for a unit that would ignore desert movement costs, maybe an alternative to grunt or modern infantry.
You migt as well add such training areas for every terrain type in the world if you do that.
Okay guys, I have another problem for your brains to crunch.

The other day I download R&R at my father's. IT IS AWSOME! I NEED IT AT MY MOM'S!!!!

I go to my mom's, and the download is 8 hours and 18 minutes.....(dam dial up) :mad: :mad:

I go back to my dads, throw R&R on a CD and bring it to my mom's. I move the RAR folder from the CD into my conquests/scenarios folder. I start up Civ 3, and am devastated when RAR doesnt show up in Civ Content. Anyone know why i cant open it and play it? :confused:
No big problem. RaR ships with an installer that places all files into the correct folders. But all you're missing is the biq file itself, anything else is in the RaR folder. And that one is only 300 something kB, so it fits on any 3.5 disk. Or you can mail it easily.
Needs to go to the \Conquests\Scenarios folder, not into the RaR folder itself.
Doc Tsiolkovski said:
Also, all tracked vehicles already ignore desert ;).

yes but infantry doesnt ;)
also i just used desert as an example i would also mean Jungle and mountain
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