Rise and Rule for Civ3:Conquests

Dease said:
just a few things I've noticed in my current game -
1. seals appear can appear on any coast tile, I don't think having seals in the tropics is very realistic ;) maybe they could be a resource that only appears on tundra? it'd be better than coast IMO
2. the elephant resource seems to be quite abundant, out of 5 civs on my continent, 3 I'm positive have elephants and I'm unsure about the rest. IMO they should be rarer to match history and give a larger advantage to thos who are fourtunate to have them :)

I was also wondering what the reasoning was behind disallowing mining on grassland, was it purely for balance purposes?

1. Yes, the terrain model of CivIII is very limited in this aspect.The problem appears with every terrain type which is not connected to climate, for example mountains and hills.Coffee in northern regions is possible... Seals in tundra sounds good!
2. I have chekced the appearance values in the editor - they are very low for elephants.So it might be pure luck in your game.How big is your map? How many players and how many are still alive? And about fortunate to have them...ever played a game without iron for the first ages? They will save your live in this case...
3. disabled mining on grassland: Not really for balance - it creates more strategic depth, since you have too choose your city location more carefully.A second reason is the AI behaviour; their automated workers aren't able to alter terrain improvements later they have made - if you look on plains you will often see they get stucked with early build mines.Disabling mining on grasland combats this problem somewhat and leads to a more challenging AI.

AeroSP said:
And no sub class has the stealth attack enabled. Is this intentional?

For the moment yes I think, but changes are possible here - the addition of more stealth attack units is on the list (see earlier post of DocTS).
In the civilopedia it's written that you can't build slave markets, but i can i dunno if im supposed to build slave markets or if its wrong in the civilopedia.
Lord_Azazel said:
In the civilopedia it's written that you can't build slave markets, but i can i dunno if im supposed to build slave markets or if its wrong in the civilopedia.

Outdated Civilopedia.You can build them like regular improvments, but there is also a "great wonder" which gives you one in every city; the civilopedia refers to the time they were only available through a wonder (because there wasn't the ability to obsolete improvements).
You want to avoid building them, IMO. I've played it both ways, both in DyP and RnR. Slave markets are fine early in the game. Later in the game, when you start stealing wonders from the AI, it can give you a large problem with the extra unhappiness that it generates.

My last game, RnR, I didn't build these, and it make my cities happier. Unless you actually enjoy scampering around trying to make cities happier.

So that means you have to decide if you want to have the boost in production early and deal with the unhappiness aspect, or do you want to not be as productive but worry less about civil disorder. Adds to the strategy of the game, IMO.
Pfeffersack said:
Outdated Civilopedia.You can build them like regular improvments, but there is also a "great wonder" which gives you one in every city; the civilopedia refers to the time they were only available through a wonder (because there wasn't the ability to obsolete improvements).

ok ive found lots of other "bugs" in the civilopedia, maybe its time to update it?
They're working on it. It is a huge mod, and all of the modders are volunteering their time.

It would be a great help to them if someone (hint hint) were to wade through this thread and find all the civilopedia posts and consolidate them.
Lord_Azazel said:
sorry i'll stop barking about it

No, don't stop posting civilopedia errors! :) Reports are highly appreciated - it is the best way to make sure that they will got fixed someday.But of course fixing all of them is a time consuming procress, so it will take time before this happens.

Turner_727 said:
It would be a great help to them if someone (hint hint) were to wade through this thread and find all the civilopedia posts and consolidate them.

Yes, such lists are always helpful (and I guess I will make such a list in future or rather update the thread at CDG frequently with the findings here); however, the civilopedia posts made here aren't lost.They are noted and will find there way in.Not every single post can be answered (especially if it is a civilopedia problem - there isn't much to say in most cases), but that doesn't mean they are not noticed/from interest :)
I'm not saying don't bark about it, but it would be helpful to help these guy's compile the list....;)
firstly thank you for such a wonderful mod.

it appears as though the resource list is outdated and using the graphics from the original Civ3 (not CRC :( ) and the newer graphics are a little "rough".

anychance of any sort of update/refinment!??

just my 2c. :p

thanks again guys! i can hear infogrames on the phone now! ;)
Sorry if this has already been covered, but a got a message similar to the american rifleman problem when i tried upgrading to the Apachi Longbow. In addition the delta force unit will not airdrop, although this could just be a civilopidia error. I there a graphics pack i need to download or something?
Pfeffersack said:
No, don't stop posting civilopedia errors! :) Reports are highly appreciated - it is the best way to make sure that they will got fixed someday.But of course fixing all of them is a time consuming procress, so it will take time before this happens.

Yes, such lists are always helpful (and I guess I will make such a list in future or rather update the thread at CDG frequently with the findings here); however, the civilopedia posts made here aren't lost.They are noted and will find there way in.Not every single post can be answered (especially if it is a civilopedia problem - there isn't much to say in most cases), but that doesn't mean they are not noticed/from interest :)

As Pfeffersack says - keep posting Civilopedia anomolies. He knows from the beta testing that it takes time for reported problems to be updated. (Yes there are some updates added that you have reported more than once. :lol: )

Some of the differances also arise because the mod is also changed between versions (items added or removed or changed because of discusions over the Internet sometimes :confused: ) and because of all the civs (31) with different flavours etc. It is down to gameplay to find some of them. :goodjob:

So do keep posting about Civilopedia errors etc. :)
my current game (on monarch) I was in a pretty good resource situation at the start having most strat ressources, I was esp. happy about having 2 iron since it's such a powerful ressource. now I'm in very late middle ages and POOF! on iron is exhausted, then ~20 turns later POOF! there goes the other :mad: and this is the ONLY resource that have ever "run out" while playing RaR, is iron meant to dissapear so frequently in RaR or was it just bad luck?
It's just bad luck. I have had that happen occasionaly as well. Sometimes w/ 5 turns. Though not ever w/n the radius of the same city.
This mod is simply great.

Maybe I'm mistaken, but I saw something strange.
I started twice as the french, and each time I was surrounded with american civs.

Is it bad luck, or is the cultural proximity wrong for french ?
Hey all.
Has anyone else tried to use the Apahe Longbow unit? I looked in the Art\Units folder included in the mod and found nothing. Does the graphic exist? I looked in the custom graphics section of this board and didnt find it.

Anyway, great mod, one of the best I have played yet. Very nice job.
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