Rise and Rule for Civ3:Conquests

I've heard of that mentioned earlier.
I had to go and copy it from my PTW units folder. What I actually did was copied everything from the PTW folder and then pasted it in the Conquests\units folder, saying no to any overwrites. That way *everything* that wasnt there now is. And I had to do this even though I have all patches installed. I think that the problem is the location of the files, not the existance. I think that they *need* to be in the Conquests\units folder.
Have bug fix biq files been released? I have run into one considerably disturbing bug. Fuedal Monarchy is listed as support cost of 1 per unit in the civilopedia. The actual cost is 3 per unit. The free units listed are 4-3-1 town, city, metro, but the actual numbers are 5,1,1. I have confirmed this in the toolset. This one can be rather destructive when running a tight ship. Am I correct in assuming the civilopedia is right?

I have moded my copy to a tech rating of 1000 and allowable research turns to span the full range of 1 to 1000. Because of this, I am on one government for quite many turns, and able to run the economy to its limits. You can imagine the trouble an unexpected change of unit cost from 1 to 3 can cause. I have fixed my copy to match the civilopedia, as that one appears to make more sense comparitively. That said, I have just considered that these numbers are more in line with Feudalism in standard conquests, so now I think I am wrong, and should change it back...

Apologies if this has been addressed.
The search path for the ptw units is correct, no need to fiddle around with that.

But the Apache Longbow thing is a bug (it's already reported, but I can't find it atm):
You need to copy/rename the arts/unit/Apache Longbow folder and the .ini file to Longbow Apache IIRC (sorry, I simply cannot find the exact name, please look at the error message again).

Fuedal Monarchy is listed as support cost of 1 per unit in the civilopedia. The actual cost is 3 per unit. The free units listed are 4-3-1 town, city, metro, but the actual numbers are 5,1,1.

:confused: What's odd here? Feudal Monarchy is pretty much the same as unmodded Feudalism (except for cash-rushing). The 'Pedia is outdated for the Govs, sorry.
Doc: Yes, you are right. I thought of that towards the end of my message. I suppose it was my mistake. I went by the civilopedia and was not considering that it was out of date. I have not been keeping track of this forum.
Thanks for this great MOD, it's almost like a new game.

Right now I'm having one problem: I cannot update Flaks and Artilleries although I have "guided weapons", oil and aluminum. Is this a bug?
Tuvok694 said:
Thanks for this great MOD, it's almost like a new game.

Right now I'm having one problem: I cannot update Flaks and Artilleries although I have "guided weapons", oil and aluminum. Is this a bug?

This is a bug in both cases (missing upgrade button) and it will be fixed in the next version.
Hello, I played the mod and enjoyed it.

I was wondering, (and I'm sorry if this came up in the board earlier but I don't really want to read all 25 pages of text in the board so far) there are structures like Coffee Plantation and such that are not in the game that produce treasure units.

Is this treasure building system a feature that will be implemented in the future of the mod, or is this a feature that was attempted in past installments, but abandoned becuase it was unworkable?
Cabbit said:
Hello, I played the mod and enjoyed it.

I was wondering, (and I'm sorry if this came up in the board earlier but I don't really want to read all 25 pages of text in the board so far) there are structures like Coffee Plantation and such that are not in the game that produce treasure units.

Is this treasure building system a feature that will be implemented in the future of the mod, or is this a feature that was attempted in past installments, but abandoned becuase it was unworkable?

The answer is...both is true to some extend.The shipments (and the improvements which generate them) were in the mod during beta and were disabled, since im implementing them properly would mean enabling VP scoring and...this is there more serious porblem...it would prevent SGLs from appearing (since they cannot be enabled for customized game settings).This is due Conquests bug...and if Firaxis fixes that in a another patch, shipments will find their way in again.
Just a thought:

Any possibility of splitting this thread into for pieces:

1. To report any serious bugs in the game (game crashes, error messages...) :cringe:
2. To report cosmetic errors (civilopedia, wrong sounds...) :blush:
3. To ask questions about how things work :confused:
4. To heap lavish praise on the designers :worship:

It would probably make things easier for the designers and readers to be able to post and reply to specific items that way.
I noticed another strange thing (possible bug).

The park improvement is in all ways superior to the recycling center.
Both have a maintenance of 5 gpt and reduce building pollution (to a maximum of 1), but the park improvement is much cheaper to build, is earlier in the tech tree and provides the city with 1 culture and -1 pollution. Easy choise???
It sounds strange on first sight, but there's a reasoning behind:
1)The first Pollution Remover/ Production Booster/ Corruption Reducer/... is always comparably cheap. If you want a bit more, you have to invest a lot more.
2)Despite Parks reducing all but one pollution from buildings, it can make sense to build a RC: A city (not metro) with 2 pollution markers (say, ComDock and Assembly Plant) will have zero pollution with Labor Union + RC (or any two of those kind of buildings), but always one with a Park
3)Parks aren't that cheap for non-AGR Civs; and their upkeep is high anyway.
4)Parks give culture to incite the AI building them.

Good observation Roland, keep them coming!
Doc Tsiolkovski said:
It sounds strange on first sight, but there's a reasoning behind:
1)The first Pollution Remover/ Production Booster/ Corruption Reducer/... is always comparably cheap. If you want a bit more, you have to invest a lot more.
2)Despite Parks reducing all but one pollution from buildings, it can make sense to build a RC: A city (not metro) with 2 pollution markers (say, ComDock and Assembly Plant) will have zero pollution with Labor Union + RC (or any two of those kind of buildings), but always one with a Park
3)Parks aren't that cheap for non-AGR Civs; and their upkeep is high anyway.
4)Parks give culture to incite the AI building them.

Good observation Roland, keep them coming!

If you've build a park, does the recycling center still reduce pollution further? I thought that the reduce building pollution flag in the editor just reduces building pollution to a maximum of 1. I understand that a recycling center plus a labor union will reduce pollution further than the park alone could, but is the park plus labor union not better again?

I didn't know the effect of point 4. Does it work effectively (just asking for my personal mod)?
IIRC, the same observation came up during beta testing.If I understand correctly the problem is that "-X pollution" buildings and the ones flagged with "remove kind Y of pollution except of one units" do not simply add - if you have both kinds in place you will not see an effect of "-X pollution", until it exceeds the effect of the flagged building.I'm not good at explaing it...both subtract from the pollution number (not sure if "-X pollution" does affect - and therefor factores it in - population pollution, too) and if (pollution-1) from flag is greater then (X+X+...) from the -X-Buildings, than you will still have 1 pollution left.
Nevertheless I agree from the view of combating pollution, labour union + park would be better, because they have together -3 and the flag, compared to -2 and flag from RC and LU.

Yes, one of the most effective ways to get the AI building an improvment is giving +1 culture to it...
After all the the praises I've read on the pages of this Thread, I think some construtive critisicm is in order.

But first things first... -> Thank you for the great mod :goodjob:

It is great fun to play, but, as a usual regent player with some monarch successful monarch games, I found RAR so far suprisingly easy on regent. :confused:

The main reason seems the new food distribution in combination with the agricultural trait. While all the other civs are mostly stuck with a very few small cities until the discovery of dynastisicm, agricultural civs can expand almost as in the original game. The second problem is that the AI Civs don't look for a descent starting spot. They found their capital very often directly on their starting location. :mischief:
Some balancing should be done here (maybe making the Hardy Cultivator a bit more expensive).

Also there are a lot of Buildings that increase production or science. This leads to extremly high amounts of production or science in the later ages. Maybe some of the earliest buildings, like the forge or the school of scribes should expire after some time. It also feels strange to build a forge in modern times.
Also some important worker jobs come to late (esp. Clearing Jungle). This is a problem for some Civ's who start in such spots. These jobs should became availble more early (late middleages).

Aside from this balancing issuses there are some little bugs / Civilopedia errors to take care of. I don't know if they are already mentioned, so here it goes:
1.) Most of the Pedia-Entries about goverments are wrong. I know there is a spreadsheet, but these are minor changes, that ad a lot of playability. Maybe I do these Changes myself and post them here, if I allowed too.
2.) Some technologies are useless or wrongly flaged.
3.) Some of the units (for example: Bowmen) don't go obsolete.
4.) Many links in the Pedia are wrong (only a little problem). I can give you a list if you want.

But again, the mod ist great.
Greets Ghostmaker
Welcome to CFCs!

@ difficulty: Always a relative issue and I agree, RaR below Monarch might be easier than the standard games (the AI has no real chance here, since it is on equal food or at disadvantage, but with some serious code-related AI flaws) .But if you move up in difficulty and if you now how to choose settings (if you choose for example 3 billion old world, the game will become much harder - because the AI is better at terrain improving here) things will change.I tend to find Emperor more difficult in RaR.The mod tries to combat some of those AI stupidies, but of course modding cannot completly solve code related problems.

@ AI stupidity: I agree, but thats beyond modding and course the case in the standard game, too.The lacking ability for choosing start positions or the ignorance for food boni (they often buildon the top of them) is really annoying.Things may get more complicate in RAR, since choosing the right spot is more important.To some extend it is even the philosophie of the mod - only civs which have fortunate starting positions are likely to become powerhouses.For the AI it means usually doom or boost, the human player can still counteract with moving the settler or trying a new strategy

@ agricultural trait/civs: Without the doubt agricultural is still one of the stronger traits and I notice the leading AI civ is often an agricultural civ.I even tend to move up one level in difficulty if I play an agricultural civ.Nevertheless, agricultural is already toned down, because all of there colonization units in the first ages cost one population point more.It may be be still the best trait for the AI...but at least for the human player the other traits offer great advantage,too.Some might not be so obvious...ever thought about what you can do with the additional MGLs you might get from the militaristic trait? In contrast to the original game, RaR offers alot of small wonders for each civ and tons of improvments with a price of 500+ in the late game....so it can become an economical factor if you warmonger a lot.

@ science/production boosters: I fail to see the problem here...the output is high, but this is balanced with increasing costs for everything.Even the AI understands the concept...I found it even more balanced than in the normal game...no more ultra-cheap tanks.

@ late worker abilities: Again an intended change to create strategical depth and for realism, too.And keep in mind: Terrain in RaR is very different from terrain in standard epic games.Jungle has better values and there are a lot of ressources.Even if jungle or swamp cities may not grow to big until mid IndA, they have there definite value.Of course, it might not be a perfect starting location, but thatsrather a problem for the AI.

@ civilopedia: It is under construction and an update with the next RaR patch is likely (and I agree goverments are one of the most importnt parts, since exacts stats are very important here and the stats aren't autogenerated like it is for some basic unit stats).Feel encouraged to post everything missing/incorrect/broken linked you find, it is the best way to help us (perhaps not the things which are already mentioned on the last few pages of the thread, but I understand it is annoying to browse the entire thread to see if something is already reportet ;) ) A list of broken links would be especially helpful.

@ units don't go obsolete: There might be few oddities...but in case of the bowmen, it is connected to the fact it is an UU.They don't get obsolete unless you have triggered your GA.But if you find something beside that, post it.Keep in mind that the availability of many new units depends on new ressources.As long as you don't have them the old ones are still buildable.

@ useless techs: There are two "empties" AFAIK and there will be changes of course.I'm not sure what you mean by "flagged", but if you mean the "optional sign" in tech tree for two IndA techs which are required for area advancement...it is reportet, noted and will be changed.
Pfeffersack said:
(not sure if "-X pollution" does affect - and therefor factores it in - population pollution, too)

-X pollution buildings don't effect population pollution. The only way to create a mod with no population pollution is by not allowing metropolisses to be build.

Thank you for the rest of your answer. I was starting to question my experience with the combination of the -X pollution buildings and the reduces building pollution buildings. But your description is exactly as I thought it worked.

In my humble opinion this makes the recycling center useless in the present state. Maybe add a -2 building pollution to make it usefull or remove the "reduces building pollution" flag form the park (and then reduce the parks maintenance cost).
Roland Johansen said:
-X pollution buildings don't effect population pollution. The only way to create a mod with no population pollution is by not allowing metropolisses to be build.

Thank you for the rest of your answer. I was starting to question my experience with the combination of the -X pollution buildings and the reduces building pollution buildings. But your description is exactly as I thought it worked.

In my humble opinion this makes the recycling center useless in the present state. Maybe add a -2 building pollution to make it usefull or remove the "reduces building pollution" flag form the park (and then reduce the parks maintenance cost).

Thanks for the clearification regarding pop pollution!

About recycling center and involving "-X pollution" buildings more, I fully agree.I never liked those "remove all but 1 flags".The only problem seems to be the AI here.Without massive reduction the danger is it drowns in pollution.Perhaps it would work if the impact of buildings as the RC is increased and every environment protecting building gets +1 culture (to make the AI build them more; could be justified even regarding realism, protecting environment is also a kind of culture IMO).I would like it to have more strategical depth in here; I guess I will run a test game with the described modifications and if it doesn't hurts the AI much, I see chances to get in RAR.
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