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Role Play Challenge: "Will the Real Suryavarman Please Stand Up?"

"Will the Real Suryavarman Please Stand Up?": Part VII

Well after the last segment we had alot of discussion! Unfortunately none of it really gave me any advice on what to do in this insane world. That's OK since I forget what I was asking advice on. Nevertheless, I took matters into my own hands and played some more of the game, with a definite decision to be made by the end of a fairly longgggg segment.

First the techpath: finished military science/Replaceable Part/Rifiling and start Military Tradition. Not much tech for a long segment you ask??? Well perhaps that was due to the science slider being at 10% most of the time, and still running at negative gold.

But onto the game.

The Ap shows it's ugly head to try and spoil our fun.

Fortunately, we were able to vote it down.

I decided to fight this war a little longer so as

Yes, we have claimed the Olympics!!!

We dragged Grey Sury in to negotiate and got gold to fuel our research a little more.

I am sure this guy is Mansa Musa as he was immediately willing to make a trade for tech after peace.

Very soon after we continue to shake things up

And after another Sury jumps in we got

Another World War Sury!!!

OK, so this is where we are at with figuing these Sury personalities

Orange Sury = Cyrus
Grey Sury = Mansa Musa
Blue Sury = Zealot, probably Zara or Sal.
Lt. Blue Sury??? He avoided all conflict although he was building up military but backed off (the WHEOOH message came and went without war). I suspect Pacal.

We then popped a GS

Which we used for a Golden Age!

Now Orange Sury and Grey Sury are at war with each other, so I used this as a great time to put the smack down on Sury.

In the meantime we made a few trades with the dark and light blue Surys

What do I care if I trade away RP, it's an insane game anyway.

Readjusted civics to favor happiness and keep costs down (so I can run the science slider at 10%!!!!!).

My militayr plan is really not a plan! Just move my army north and south so they meet in the middle!

We capture the city Battanbang!

Which has

Too bad I couldn't get this before the last golden age, but that's OK. The Parthenon will help for a while.

We slowly at first start accumulating cities, but increase more and more as grenaders take the field

Then this vote pops up (EDIT: correction, this got me in charge of the AP, the Diplo Victory came later as shown in teh continued screenshot).

The hell with it, I take a chance, rules or no rule, let saintly enlightenment free the Real Suryavarman from this hell.

Unfortunately Sury, Sury,and Sury voted for Sury while Sury Abstained. No one voted for us.

OK, back to the attack, we split forced to take 2 weaker cities

We took both pretty easily.

We then started a new stack from the north going south to meet up with the stacks that went north but are moving up from the south.

We captured this key city

Why key???

We now have a continuous line from north to south back to north. Why this is important I have no idea, but seams like the thing to do!!!

To Be Continued
"Will the Real Suryavarman Please Stand Up?": Part VII

Woops, made a mistake on the previous post, it was here we got the question

And the results

And Zealot Sury offered a decent trade for some happiness and need cash.

OK, we bring the hammer blow to the Grey Khmerian capital


Unfortunately we did lose BattanBang arround the same time.

And this is where we saved.

OK, what to do??? Do we want our very own Sury Vassal so we are not outdone by Orange Sury? If we do that we are comitted to a space race win. Or do we move in for the kill and let our economy totally tank?

We are not doing so bad in tehc considering

Our empire is larger than the others, So I expect we shall catchup eventually although no promises on this insane map.

Diplomatically we have 1 friend.

And a view of what Grey Sury has left.

So there are 2 paths

1) Peace, hunker down, and beeline the spaceship path letting our empire size do the talking.

2) Tech Military Tradition and Steel and take out as many Surys as we can and go for the Conquest win (we shall have to do some razing though).

I am fine with either path.
Option (2) for great justice! Sury(s) need a beatdown for their backstabbing alien ways in all the games I've played against him!
I vote for conquest, haven't seen one in a long time.
i say make them all radioactive . Nuke them all.
Indeed, kill them all. :hammer: I mean two of these impostors have abandoned your beloved Buddhism and are now running Free Religion!?

Remember the credo by which the One True Sury started this quest:
2) We must play as the Suryavarman in BTS would play as the AI. Meaning agressive Militarily, a bit of a religious Zealot, favors LOT's of Military, and needs to stay in the OR civic all game!
Agressive. Zealot. Military. There is only one conclusion:

KILL THE NON-BELIEVERS! (and the believers too for that matter because... just because.)

Spoiler :
Yeah, I'm choosing to conveniently forget that the OR civic portion of the credo was already broken. Truth has no place in warmongering propaganda. :p
You've already destroyed him this far, you might as well finish the job, he won't really be useful to you anyway and its not like his cities will be hard to get to.

How much is war weariness hurting you? I'd imagine this far in it'd have to be pretty bad. Maybe your economy will look better as soon as the war is over.

After that, I'd definitely have to be in the boat that says beeline Communism, get State Property, and purge the infidels!!
I thought you turned Domination victory off? :(

If I understand correctly, MadScientist was asking whether to pursue a space victory or a conquest victory, not a domination.
I'd take revenge on the most annoying Sury by knocking him down to one city, surrounded by your borders while you tech to space.

Not the most fun to read, but it's what I'd do in an offline game.

Not to mention killing his economy by spamming corps to his lone city and forcing him into Enviromentalism somehow.
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