RTOR NES 8- Realism

Originally posted by RoddyVR
(is it me or do people sign up without reading the rules?)
Nah, probably everyone just wants to reserve a nation so EQ can start our nations when our turn comes :)
THe people who have said nations are in reserve. For example, Jason (if he posts orders and new nation stats) is thius turn, erez next, finmaster after.

Some other things i forget i'm adding so make sure to read the changes.
Nation Name: Byzantium
Government: monarchy
Religion: Roman Polythism
Army: tiny stone age
Navy: NA
Economy: NA
Population: 1
Confidence in Leader: Average
Living Standards: NA
Education: NA
Capital (and starting location): modern day Istanbul
also, if you want to be added on the next turn, you need your nation stats. So jason, post those stats or it will move to erez, if he doesnt have stats, Finmaster will have his nation this turn.
The Roman empire was expanding. Several nearby villiges had joined the Romans. The population of Rome now grew as the tribes and villeges were incoporated into Rome. Now a group of tribal elders and a cheif ruled over the various tribes. With these tribes the population of Rome would increase.


Grow Population

Pharaoh Puglover I was leader of the Clan of the Wild Pug. The Clan lived in caves along the Nile. Puglover's cousin Nefru discovered that the Nile was fertile and good for farming. The Clan built a city near the Fertile Nile and called it "Pugopolis". As the city grew, so the Clan also grew. Other clans joined them and they became known as Egypt.

- Increase Population

Government: Pharaoh Despotisim
Religion: Baal Worship
Army: tiny Stone Age
Navy: N/A
Economy: N/A
Population: 1
Confidence in Leader: Average
Living Standards: N/A
Education: N/A

baal worship???

do you play Diablo2? is that where you got Baal, or is he a real mythological figure? if so what did he do?

EQ, sorry for posting an off topic post, but it might ad a real story to the game (who/what baal is), so in a sense i'm trying to add to the game. ;)

if you want me to though i'll stop posting non game related posts.
Originally posted by RoddyVR
do you play Diablo2? is that where you got Baal, or is he a real mythological figure? if so what did he do?

EQ said the religion has to be polytheistic so I chose Baal Worship. Baal was the god of the Caananites when the Israelites were wandering in the desert. The people of Caanan tried to convert the Israelites to Baal and nearly succeeded. But God punished the Israelites for worshiping Baal and made them wander the desert for 40 years.
Caanan? You mean Cna'an?
They controled Israel (that was called can'an), and they were several tribes.
We conquered the lands from them and the Baal was theirs? that somthing I didn't knew...
Originally posted by erez87
Caanan? You mean Cna'an?
They controled Israel (that was called can'an), and they were several tribes.
We conquered the lands from them and the Baal was theirs? that somthing I didn't knew...

Caanan is the English spelling. Baal was a Phonecian god, if I remember correctly. And yes, the Cannanites worshiped Baal.


Monte Carlo, Monaco

Messenger: Your highness, we have reports of a nation on a strip of land to our South East.
Prince Ranier di Grimaldi: Very good, send an emmissary. We must establish relations with this new nation.

Grow Population
Viracocha Inca looked at his Camp. The tents were dirty and there was nothing like streets. only trails connected the tents. however he was proud about his village. he had a big tent. bigger then all other tents together. he was very proud. but the people didnt obey him completly. there was still work to be done.... Perhaps he should slay Huayna? he was a trouble maker. he claimed the big tent! yeah he is evil! viracocha took a stone and walked to huaynas tent......

Government: Despotisim
Army: tiny Stone Age
Navy: N/A
Economy: N/A
Population: 1
Confidence in Leader: Average
Living Standards: N/A
Education: N/A
Capital: Cuzco (somewhere in Peru)

place me in the queue :)
-global events-

Nation of Fennia formed.


-NPC messages-


If you dont, provide your natiosn stats, i will just skip right over you o nthe waiting list. So, Jason and erez, if you want to join provide nation stats.
World Map
why is my population one? one of my orders were to increase population, so it should be in two? or did i missed something?
expanding costs a population.
oh so u mean that we cant expand and grow population at the same time? u should place it at the rules. it said that grwoing population costed nothing.
it costs nothing, but you cant expand it when expanding something else.
Religion Polytheism
Army: tiyn Stone Age
Navy: NA (changes once tech develops)
Economy: NA (changes once tech develops)
Population: 1
Confidence in Leader: Average
Living Standards: NA (not available until Classical age)
Education: NA (not availiable until Classical Age)

The elder group have finaly desided to grow the small settelment of Kiev into a bigger village.
All the people gathered in the middle of the Village to hear the words of the chief:
"Great peopple of Kiev! in the last month the Hunting ground have brought us only little amounts of food. The Elders and me desided to to have enough food for all of us we must grow our little settlement. Let's hope we will survive the Future and become a great City! maybe even more!"
Right after the speech the people went to hunt and forage for more food.
Huge amounts of food were found and the popolution have grown further.

Grow Popolution
Expand to the east and south from Kiev.
The Fennian dream had come true! Shaman Petro had indeed managed to unite the Fennian tribes around the Neva-river area - and even earlier than anyone thought! People of Fennia considered themselves to be the first nation ever formed (not knowing of the existance of Rome, China, Babylon and Monaco). The Fennian political system was simple: each tribe choce a leader the way they wanted (usually the strongest man killed all other candidates). And then all leaders met in an intertribal council in the capital city of Petrolinna where they decided on big issues of the nation together. Years passed by quickly and Petro, the original founder of the empire, was already an old shaman, when someone came up with an incredible idea:

"There are Finno-ugrian people in north and south from us, who would be more than willing to join our great empire! Let's send settlers to form new cities in those areas and also to convert local people to join Fennia!" shouted the leader of the Karvala tribe in one of these meetings. And Petro, who was not only the high Shaman of the nation but also the chairman of the council, got very exited: "could it be that during my lifetime I will see Fennian people all around the world being united together as one great empire of Fennia?"


Expand to south & southwest, towards Estonian areas.
whenever you do something that costs population you cannot grow it.
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