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Rubrum's GURPS - United Humanity Long Distance Exploration

"I'll come with you." Gregory said. Way he figured it, for now he was just an elaborate bodyguard, he wouldn't be much help in restoring the ship's systems.
"Count me in. Can't say I particularly feel like sitting here all on my own and twiddling my thumbs." Laszlo might not be of much use, but anything was better than doing nothing at all.
Nozomi then said "Count me in as well".
gm update post

Spoiler :
Alright I'm assuming everybody suddenly goes to the engine room

The four crew members decided to rush it to the engine room. They headed to the staircase behind the UHLDE logo that was in the front of the room. This staircase could also lead back into the control room upstairs. This was the main accesses between floors.

They went down the stairs and ended up in a narrow 2 yards wide corridor that wasn't very long. There was a door on their left with a small window. Through the window, Gregory could see the airlock that allowed passage into the hangar bay. This is the room that had access to the middle hull; the idea was to have the factory, hangar bay and middle hull all interconnected to allow easy freight from the main cargo to Gliese 581g. Gregory could confirm what Fraser had noted; the large hangar bay panel door was opened and wide open space was visible in front.... From that angle though, outside he could see... Something. Um... Something very big. But only a tiny fraction of it, because of the small window. He knew that he could probably see it way better from the control room if they bothered to open the blinds of the dome window. It looked like... maybe another spacecraft?!?!!! He couldn't say.

Facing that door, Dr. Martin was looking through the small door window giving onto the engine room. He looked a little livid

Spoiler :
Laszlo fright check (WILL check up to a max of 13)
Target number 13
Roll 3d = 5+3+2 = 10 SUCCESS

Inside he could see a half circular room with large cables (1 foot diameter) running along the floor and the walls up to the ceiling. They all came from a bulky fission engine visible on the far wall, dotted by a lot of tiny blinking displays and lights. The room was basked in an orange hue made by the engine and some lights on the cables... On these cables were many... brown masses about 2 feet wide. However, a much larger brown mass was stuck on the engine itself. It seemed to... move... ever so slightly... It as an unpleasant sight.

Spoiler :
Add a few secret rolls here...
Note that I'll be updating more slowly until July 5th or so, but I should still be able to visit this every day or so. Don't hesitate to post until then.
Spoiler :
DAMMIT I totally should have gone with my idea of opening up the blinds when Gregory came into the control room!

Alex follows Martin into the engine room and is surprised by the appearance of brown blobby growths growing on the engine. "Well it seems Nozomi did see something, although I'm worried that they moved."
"Told ya I wasn't crazy"

Spoiler :
(tiniest) GM UPDATE POST

Dr. Martin moved away from the window to let Alex look inside (it's too small a window to have a crowd around it). Alex saw the brown masses and had to admit Nozomi wasn't dreaming these. So, there were some in the corridor upstairs just half an hour prior? ...
"Alright, I'm getting the sense something odd has happened. But I've had that feeling since I woke up today. Let's just go in there and see if we can't get this engine up and running."
"We don't know what that stuff in there is, so Dr. Martin should take a sample, or Nozomi or I can acquire one while you cover us from the door in case it attacks." Alex readies his beam rifle and prepares to open the door while the others talk.
"Right, okay, I'll try," Laszlo said uncertainly, preparing one of the unused sample kits he'd taken with him to check on Dr. Dankevych a little shakily. "Just keep your damn eye on them, yeah?"
"Well, I can cover someone while they gather samples. Just incase there's an ambush" Nozomi said as she observes her surroundings.
"Cover the doc then and I'll take a look at the engine and control panels to see what I need to do to get them running, and clear these things out." Alex opens the door to the engine room.

Fraser approached the engine carefully, with Sergeant Gregory following a few paces behind. Gregory saw that the 2-feet brown and round masses attached to the cords were seemingly pulsating, or shifting ever so slightly. At the same moment, Valentine followed Martin closely to the right side. Martin, still wearing a hazmat suit, although he had taken the mask part off at this point, took out a small scrapy tong of some sort and a glass sample vial and approached one of the more isolated and close masses… Valentine was watching closely as the tong approached the target. Martin’s tool poked at the mass while Fraser was noticing some of the important commands of the engine were hidden under the large brown mass… and this is when things turned… interesting.

The brown mass that just got touched by Martin vibrated violently and suddenly as it emitted a low vibrating sound. A sickening low buzz that seemed to penetrate the skull of whoever was nearby. Martin and Valentine seemed unaffected by the sound. At this moment, three brown masses started moving quickly. Very suddenly, Gregory saw the mass closest to him grow 4 spidery double-jointed limbs and move towards Martin and Valentine at a very quick and creepy speed. Two more masses grew some spidery legs, those closest to Martin, and started the same move, one of them actually reaching him from his right flank and attempting to poke at him with its rather pointy and sickening leg. It stuck its talon-ish limb straight into Martin’s right leg and he let out a muffled cry of pain.

Mechanics and Rolls
Spoiler :

Danger Sense roll for Valentine TN (Target Number) 11
Roll = 3+6+4 = 13 FAILURE
Ruled that Gregory was paying more attention to Fraser’s actions which were not IMMEDIATELY dangerous. So didn’t go for Danger Sense.

Surprise roll (contest of 1d):
Brown Masses: 1d = 6
Crew: 1d + 1 (Gregory’s Tactics skill) + 2 (Combat Reflexes in party) + 1 (higher IQ than other team) = 10
Crew wins and isn’t surprised… But the masses are faster.

Whirring attack from the brown mass on Martin
Attacks HT, failed
Whirring attack from the brown mass on Valentine
Attacks HT, almost succeeded, but saved by the vacc suit helmet still on…

Spiky foot attack on Martin
Secret attack roll with a –4 because “move and attack” maneuver was selected: SUCCESS even with the –4 penalty…
Martin defends with a dodge TN 9
Roll 3d = 5+3+2 = 10 FAILURE
Damage (secret roll) = 3 – 1 (hazmat suit DR) = 2 damage… This impaling attack would have multiplied the damage by 2 had it not been on a limb)
(-2 to DX based skills during next action because of shock penalty = dmg when ANY damage is taken, except whoever has High Pain Treshold, i.e. nobody)

Spoiler :

I think the map is self explanatory. The power cords on the floor can be jumped over but they are thick enough that one could hide behind one by going prone. The cords go up the ceiling almost like columns.

Check your options here…

Remember that your choice of maneuver decides what defenses are allowed for you that turn, how far you can move, and all that. So while a +4 to hit is great with an all-out attack, you won’t have any defense rolls for that turn. An enemy can still MISS you. Remember that an enemy rolls to HIT, and if that’s a success, the receiver rolls to DEFEND, if he has a defense left or if he is allowed to defend. In all likelihood you're going to be choosing an attack or a maneuver in the RED section which will then leave me with several options to pick for you in the blue section if you get attacked. Also, every turn is only one second or so, and it is quite normal that sometimes a couple of seconds are used to take aim, or concentrate, or stuff like that. It’s not like in D&D where every turn is a huge deal.

ABOUT MOVEMENT: Most maneuvers allow NO movement or LIMITED movement (a STEP)...

I guess just check the file if you're patient enough, or wing it and I'll decide for you based on what you said.
Fraser opens the door and cautiously enters the engine room with his beam rifle at the ready. He kept a wary eye on the strange brown blobby thingymabobbers as he approached the engine control panel. He surveyed the huge brown mass that covered most of the controls with some despair, as it would have to be removed in order to get the engine working again.

The low buzzing sound took him by surprise and he reeled slightly from the pain. Turning around he saw something moving next to him and Gregory. Alex aims at the closest brown mass that is attacking EDIT: And then of course fire at it.
Anyway, assuming I've got this right. I want to ready the pistol I have, aim at the enemy (the one attacking Martin) and, well, attack. Does that sound sensible enough?
Laszlo yelped in pain and moved back, swearing. Without a weapon there wasn't much he could do except get out of the way to give the others as clear a shot as possible.
Nozomi covers and defends Laszlo while keeping aim at the enemy with the laser pistol in one hand and a police baton with another to knock out any approaching enemies.
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