Rules for Barbarian Spawns?

Nov 13, 2018
I'm curious if there are actual rules for when and where barbarian camps can spawn. Obviously they can only spawn under the fog, but other than that it seems like there isn't much. I think it's kind of silly that a barb camp can spawn 2 tiles away from my border with a scout immediately right next to me at the very least. It's kind of weird about how quickly they can spawn after being eliminated too - sometimes you clear one camp and another spawns right outside that units sightline the very next turn.

Also, are there any particular rules about how many/what type of units spawn after a scout makes it back. Last night I saw one camp spawn 4-5 swords and 3 crossbows (which I didn't even have yet!), one unit each turn. Seemed a little excessive, though I was playing on deity so maybe difficulty level has something to do with it?

Do barbarian ships ever actually return to camp and spawn others once they have the exclamation point over their heads? I don't think I've ever seen it happen. When do camps actually spawn ships to begin with?
I'm pretty sure that eliminating a camp off the map will result in a new one spawning somewhere in the fog on the following turn. I guess there's a "max barb camps allowed per number of tiles in the fog" setting somewhere but not 100% on how it works.
And I think the barb's tech level might follow the tech leader in any game, but again... not sure.

I like that barbs can be a problem in Civ VI, it can make for a fun "annoyance" so to speak. But yeah, I really wish they didn't spawn right outside the border of your empire so that the scout can "trigger" right away without you being able to do much about it. That's really annoying to me.
I like that barbs can be a problem in Civ VI, it can make for a fun "annoyance" so to speak. But yeah, I really wish they didn't spawn right outside the border of your empire so that the scout can "trigger" right away without you being able to do much about it. That's really annoying to me.

This is my biggest complaint as well. It's not fair if I don't have any time to actually respond to something that just spawned.
Well, it's not just the camps spawning, but the rate at which units spawn to. They spawn two melee and a ranged, and then when on is killed, it can be replaced instantly. And they will spawn units at the edge of the tech curve, out-teching most actual civ's, with warriors and slingers suffering the likes of quadremes, horsemen, and swordsmen, and archers, swords, and horses facing knights and xbows.

They're not barbarians. They're the Borg.
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