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Saber Strategy Forum

Thinking longer term: Are we planning to occupy Council land? Are we planning on also attacking FREE or will we try to build the space ship before they do?
I don't think we should try to occupy Council land. I think we should found a city on the luxury they have that we lack, but leave the rest of the land alone. I think it would just be too much to defend. I'm not sure we should even bother trying to eliminate Council (although if we don't then we can't claim the luxury :hmm:). They are only producing 200-300 spt (and shrinking) - if we can raze The Chamber to destroy the parts they've already built, then we might just be able to ignore them.

I would definitely plan on attacking FREE. We may eventually win by building a spaceship, but I don't think we should try to win a space "race". We have the stronger military, we have no war weariness, and we have no vulnerable core that we are relying on for most of our production. I think we should carpet bomb FREE as soon as we can afford to divert troops from Council. I would still follow the rule of "win the game first, then worry about reaching a victory condition."
How many % do we need for domination? Would Council land bring us there (near there?), or would we need old GONG/some small islands as well?
We would need 66%. I think we determined at one point that 3 continents and 5 mid-sized islands would not be enough. We would have to take some land from one of the continents controlled by FREE in addition to settling all of Councilland.
Looking at the save again, I see all of our Armies are pretty wounded. This limits our options. If you are not going to make a full offensive at The Chamber and raze it, then I see another path.

We can split our convoys. Take the ACs to the NW to bomb the RR and Roads to the West and Northwest of The Silo. That's probably where they have all their and units. Take our Transports and land 3 tiles SE of The Igloo an then take that city. Rush a Barracks in it and try to heal our Armies. Otherwise, our Armies are not going to be a match for The Council. We need to keep those roads cratered. We need to heal those Armies. If we are successful at this at all, then I would investigate taking The Silo next. Kill and disband as many Workers as possibe, within reason.

I think we should continue with our Wonder plans. We shouldn't have a problem with the UN or the MP. If we're not going to raze The Chamber, I suggest taking the Igloo to start eliminating their options and heal our Armies.
Here is the current situation – we just played turn 287. The following events are coming up:

Turn 294 – We complete Manhattan Project and Apollo Program. I assume we will mobilize at this point, but we can get into that later.

Turn 295 – We complete the United Nations and about 18 tactical nukes which are immediately loaded on subs and moved toward our rivals.

Turn 297 – Nukes are launched.

Council only has 1 spaceship part left to build but no cities anywhere close to building it. At the beginning of our turn, their best city could have completed the final part by turn 299, but we pounded its terrain improvements pretty well on our turn. I don’t think Council needs to be considered a threat to launch before we have nukes, and I think we can stop them pretty easily once we have nukes. I think we can probably mostly ignore Council for a little while.

FREE is the much bigger threat at this point since Council was kind enough to give them lots of techs. F10 shows FREE not even starting a spaceship yet, but based on their cities’ production and the fact that they have an SGL, they could conceivably have all 10 parts built by turn 291. How do we stop them?

The obvious answer is to start bombing them like we have done to Council to delay their spaceship. The main problem with that is that then they would start bombing us. We can delay their spaceship parts, but they will be equally effective at delaying our Manhattan Project so that we are not actually gaining any time. We could try sabotaging their cities, but there are 2 that we must delay, and even that might not buy us enough time. Also, we wouldn’t have enough cash to do anything other than immediate sabotage attempts.

Any thoughts?
Here's one thought - if it is possible to ship-chain nukes (anyone know?), AND we can control the relevant sea zone, then we could launch the first 5-6 nukes on turn 295.
Don't spend anymore gold. Let me look at the save. I don't think Tactical Nukes is the way to go for our main assault.

This is the way I would do our top 4 shield producers (or whatever you thought was best here, I know you want the UN quickly.) The cities below those woud be set to something more than 6 turns away as prebuilds for ICBMs. Use your judgement here, as we would need ICBMs before anyone could launch. Below that could be those silly tactical nukes. I think we need 2 ICBMs for the Council (1 definitely to get in an destroy their Spaceship) and at least 2 for FREE.

I don't know what you changed these cities to this turn.

When i was getting out of the save, my pointer was full of static electricity. The cusor flew onto continue turn instead of end turn. I was able to see that CB was looking directly at our Capital City when he ended his turn. I also saw his Navy to the East and Southeast of Claymore. It was all accidental, but I thought you should know what popped up on the screen.


  • 287 Dom.gif
    287 Dom.gif
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Good. Can we have enough subs to make a chain?
In total, by turn 295, we can have 12 tactical nukes in Babeland (and Babeland should stick to all tactical nukes instead of ICBMs because none of those cities is that productive) and up to 14 nuclear subs to carry them. Our mainland could have up to 7 tactical nukes and up to 16 nuclear subs to carry them, but our total number of nuclear subs to be divided between the 2 continents is 18. Maybe 12 subs to Babe continent aiming for FREE and 6 on the homeland pointing at Council?

I think we need 3 stacks of subs to reach FREE, so we should be able to hit them with 4 nukes on turn 295.
Two things -

I don't think we should even consider attacking the Council's capital. It would probably shift the capital to the Silo, increasing their shield production there. Let's leave their capital where it is.

Also, can we change Taiaha's build to anything different that will take 4 turns or more? This could be a prebuild for an Icey BM. ;)
The reason to capture Council's capital is to destroy the nine spaceship parts they have already built. If we successfully do that, then it won't matter how productive The Silo is. They will never be able to complete ten parts with what we've done to their terrain.

I'll change Taiaha's build to a solar plant next turn :salute:.
:blush: What was I thinking....
I'd like to talk about our future strategy in general here.

The Council: They might get one ICBM. But that's about it. They do not have the shield output to build any further. And they don't have the subs to transport tactical nukes anywhere.

Regarding the space race, they have throwm themselves back significantly.

Thus, by nuking their still improved tiles very now and then should be enough for now. They don't have the worker force to re-improve their territory quickly.


They might be going to sink some of our boats, but as long as our carriers/transports are safe, it's fine I think.

We should continue with nuking their improved tiles. Thus, they won't be able to complete spaceship parts and they are unable to reinforce their navy. And tehy will run out of nukes soon enough (Although we do not even know, how many they are going to have next turn).

BTW: How many SS part did they complete/start so far?

And finally I had a thought about a possible strategy. How exactly do paratroopers work? Can they be dropped directly on city tiles, or do they still have one move after being dropped? If so, we could use them to capture a previously nuked (all units destroyed) city! Of course that would require us to get advanced flight first, right? Just a thought!
I agree about the Council. I am very glad they changed The Gulag to an ICBM. The Silo cannot be reached with a tactical nuke, but it will take long enough to complete the last part that we shouldn't have trouble stopping it.

FREE's next turn will be critical. They can potentially do an enormous amount of damage to our navy. They still have something like 40 bombers/stealth bombers and an unknown number of nukes. Instead of my post in the CiC thread, maybe we should just pull our ships back as far as possible in general so they are out of range of tactical nukes and bombers, and only in range for (hopefully) some stealth bombers. I'll feel much better if our navy survives mostly intact after this turn. And I'll also feel much better when we get a spy in Freeland and know how many nukes they have and are building.

IIRC, last time we had a spy, FREE had completed 0 parts and started 6, but they had many cities with enough shields to switch to a spaceship part and complete it immediately.

What is the range of a modern paratrooper? Nukes make it so effortless to destroy a road system that even landing next to a city and having to wait a turn to attack may not be useless. The main problem is that we have to survive bombers. But can we even get a modern paratrooper next to a city?
The problem with dropping a single paratrooper is that he'd be very vulnerable to bombers.
Do we have enough time and units to split our forces? Sending the one group to SWF along with a backup Nuke as 1 fork. Then sending a little bit larger force to land on Council's main island. I think we may want to consider landing on Council's beaches before we send in any Nukes. Once we land, their units will leave the cities and be more vunerable. Depending on the amount of damage we can do on our turn and still fortify, and the amount of units The Council loses beating us up in retaliation, our selection of where to send any Nukes on the following turn may be easier. Is using our units as bait too drastic an idea?
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