Salon? Not bad at all!

The problem is artist pollution. You could do worse (mall, assembly plant, forum) but you can do much much better (ikhanda, sac altar, terrace) also.

I was surprised to see the forum in your list of bad UBs. Coupling that with mercantilism struck me as a strong move.
I was surprised to see the forum in your list of bad UBs. Coupling that with mercantilism struck me as a strong move.

Forums do give +25% birthrate, right?
Doesn't seem strong to me. Most good players - not me - build the NE in some city and go specialist spamming there. Unlikely you will get many GPs from other cities.
+25% is not that strong, too. It would be almost completely negated by philosophical.
Forums do give +25% birthrate, right?
Doesn't seem strong to me. Most good players - not me - build the NE in some city and go specialist spamming there. Unlikely you will get many GPs from other cities.
+25% is not that strong, too. It would be almost completely negated by philosophical.

+25% on your great person farm is better than nothing, though. And when coupled with mercantilism (especially if you are constantly whacking possible trading partners through war), it doesn't strike me as the worst option on the list.

I'm not arguing it's great. I'm saying I think it should be in a tier above the mall (which is just... disappointingly late).
Yep, Forum's bonus is pretty worthless and Merc's not going to help a whole lot except in the rare circumstance that you actually use Merc - very situational. Factored in is that around the time I'm making a GP push, I like don't have many markets up anyway, rather going with Caste. Honestly, I don't get excited about Rome as a civ - I think they are rather overrated.

Mall is pretty late and by that standard pretty worthless in a normal game. However, I think Firaxis tailored the game for starts in different eras. When you think about it, Americans and Toku are pretty damn strong with Ind/Modern starts and the Mall would rock. Granted, not many I know play many late starts, but it can be a nice change of pace.

IMO opinion, good UBs provide a tangible benefit regardless of the situation - Extra happies or health, economic boost or lowered maintenance. Salon doesn't really add any value unless going for a culture win and in normal games you should be well on your way to victory before ever getting Astro, if you ever do.
The problem is artist pollution. You could do worse (mall, assembly plant, forum) but you can do much much better (ikhanda, sac altar, terrace) also.

At the point where Salons come into play, the age of GScientist bulbs is over. After that, all I care about is getting as many GPPs as possible for Golden Ages.
At the point where Salons come into play, the age of GScientist bulbs is over. After that, all I care about is getting as many GPPs as possible for Golden Ages.

Not necessarily. One might still be pursuing corps or specific GP types for that next GA.

Also say you just bulbed astro and have it late BC/early AD...age of Gsci bulb is NOT over.
Sorry about some of my bumps mate - quite new to the forums and didn't use to check the dates before posting. I do now :)

I think it's fine to bump if you have something substantial to say on the topic, and don't necro for the sake of necroing old threads.
I like the salon for cultural victories. Louis is a very efficient culture rusher.
I like the salon for cultural victories. Louis is a very efficient culture rusher.

Salon does make Louis very good for culture wins. Since that's kind of Louis's specialty it's a good UB for him.

Salon is OK. Pretty good if you run representation. There are better (Courthouse UB's) and worse (American UB's). You do get pollution but you get more GP's. If you get an artist you'll probably bulb or go golden age and feel slightly cheated. Otherwise, you get the Scientist a couple of turns earlier. Depends on the RNG Goddess (I've been convinced elsewhere she's a woman). If I favored culture victories I'd probably consider it good.

Both the UU and UB are slightly below average but not hopeless.
...Depends on the RNG Goddess (I've been convinced elsewhere she's a woman). If I favored culture victories I'd probably consider it good.

True, it is a goddess...only females are so fickle :D...../bow down and repent before the altar of the RNG Goddess before I am struck down by fire or lightning!
No need for apology, IMO. If you started a new topic someone would say, "dude use search feature, this topic already happened" and if you use search and reply there somebody says "dude this thread is old" so it is a tough spot either way.

I actually like to look at how the general opinion has evolved in some threads. For example the one from pre-BTS when people were in panic mode over Boudica. It is funny to see how that topic evolved.
It just gives one more artist? What the hell? -_- Sounds pretty worthless for the time being; why do I want a tiny bit of culture and GP pollution from a research building. I guess it makes culture wins slightly faster?

The bottom line is that it's a flavor building, its later game arrival fills a certain niche and that's all. I think the arguments get distorted when people start mixing in their own personal play styles and what not.
The forum comes early enough that it's moderately useful. I'd rate it equal to the salon.
I like the salon for cultural victories. Louis is a very efficient culture rusher.

This may sound terrible, but I always play Louis and go for a conquest victory. I have never played a civ other than France or another leader :king:

With Louis I have great culture so I don't even have to think about it, great UB and UU and so I can concentrate on military matters.

Yes, the Musketeer is only 9 strength but so fast, great fire brigade on defense and can sweep through an enemy civ like a flood. Speed of maneuver is as important as fighting strength. Who was it who said, "The best weapon a tank has is it's engine?"
Yes, the Musketeer is only 9 strength but so fast, great fire brigade on defense and can sweep through an enemy civ like a flood. Speed of maneuver is as important as fighting strength. Who was it who said, "The best weapon a tank has is it's engine?"

Ever used Curassiers? If you like the Musketeer, you should love those guys :D
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