

Nov 4, 2006
Hi There...

I'm having some serious issues getting Sargon to pop up in any of my games, and he's the last GP for me to unlock.

I've tried various games, all hammering out as much culture as possible. I've tried the Blitzkreig scenario on various difficulty levels, and I've tried starting a normal game afresh on Chieftain and aggressively spreading around the map, winding up with over 3000 culture per turn by the end of the game, but despite getting up to 38 of the GPs in one game, Sargon still eludes me.

I've even headed straight for his associated tech in the hope that he's more likely to pop, but this doesn't seem to make any difference.

I daren't imagine how many games I've gone through now.

Anyone have any suggestions for how I can coax him out into the open?

Thanks in advance...
Its all down to luck, i got homer in the year 2000 and something, when apparently he appears with the tech alphabet lol
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