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save game files never work ? Please help


Aug 22, 2010
My pc specs quadcore 3ghz, 2gb corsair overclocked / video card 8800gts /windows xp prof sp2 updated daily /also today I defragmented my HDD.
Before I play Civ I close almost all services and programs that I dont need and usually task manager shows average of 160 MB ram used out of 2gb physical and the page file wich is 3gb.
The civilisation4.exe grows to about 700MB rams when im in the game menu with the ROM+AND loaded and only 30-50mb ram without the mod loaded ( lol)

ok I have installed Civ 4 +latest patch+ROM 2.92+AND 174+patch
I played several games with this setup:
giant map 25-30 civ's everything on high details /1280x1024 res

Every time the game started fine after 5-10 minutes of loading and runs at bout 15-30 fps wich is ok for me( :eek::eek:)
I played with no errors no CTD no memory allocation errors, to as much as 300-400 turns but on giant map it takes a while to win so i have to save and load later...

The problem whenever I try to load any of the save file, it ends with a memory allocation error or an unknown error report.
The only save files to work are those that I save from the first turn in the game.
Any help would be appreciated!!
( also I don't think this is a memory problem ,if it were i wouldn't be able to play to 300 turns on giant map/25 computer playes without an error)
I'm using the same versions of the mod as you are, and I also can't load my saved game file. It gets to the "initializing" phase of loading the saved game and then CTD.

EDIT: So i loaded the 6000 B.C. Save and it didn't CTD. Then I went and tried to load the saved game that didn't work, except now it decided to work. Maybe you can try this?
Just wanted to confirm K7's solution - it works. Load an earlier save, preferrably 6000BC and then reload your not working game. It's back. Thanks for posting, K7, saved me a lot of time and hope it saves others some pain.

ROM/AND addiction in full swing. God bless you all.
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