Save question


Evil Norse Wolf
Nov 17, 2001
Naperville, IL
The manual when talking about saving says you can either accept the suggested name or choose your own name. But mine doesn't suggest a name; it's blank. I'd rather save like in Civ IV where it just gives you the civ and year or something. Does anyone know how to get the game to provide a saved game name or is this a feature that made it into the manual but not the game?
I'm pretty sure the year and turn are listed in the save file regardless of the name you choose for it. Just do save 1, save 2, etc if you want
I've been using the same few names and saving over and over on the files, but then it asks me if I want to overwrite and I have to say yes. I should be able to just already have a suggested name according to the manual and that's what I'm looking for.
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