Saved unhappiness...


Aug 23, 2012
Virginia U.S.A
Greetings, I play civ with a few add ons, But even when I don't i have noticed a new issue I have been having with the new ideology system. When I am saving a game I notice that I can have around 100 happiness but when I come back to the game a day or so later I note that all the sudden I have huge unsermountable amounts of unhappiness. I don't know how to counter it. Something in the game is causing the happiness to not be counted properly. This happens BOTH WITH MODS AND WITHOUT. I am not sure what to do about it does any one else get this happening with there saved games?
If you have an unmodded game where this problem is present, could you please post a relevant save?
I will start one forth with. I have noticed that it is happening in games where i play for multiple days. before saving. Often it doesn't creep up until the industrial or modern erra's. I believe it may have something to do with the Ideology system but I am not sure. But if I run a game from the first loading screen alll the way into the modern erra without saving and then save it and then restart civ this is when the happiness flips. Almost as if it wasn't being calculated right.
When you hover over your happiness number, what does that say? If there's a big shift, it should be reflected there; if it isn't, then it could just be displaying incorrectly.
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