Saving Random Seed


Nov 1, 2001
I've searched for this topic only to find one thread that really wasn't what I was looking for.

In Civ5, one could choose, among other options, whether to "save random seed." In practical terms, if I turned that feature off, and I didn't get what I wanted from a goody hut -- or for whatever reason -- then if I hadn't yet saved, I could reload the game and instead of getting $25.00, I got my scout promoted to an archer (that still ignored terrain costs).

I'm really not interested in an ethics debate about whether this is cheating. Even if I concede that it is, I'm just looking for an answer to my question. Thanks to anyone who avoids trolling, and gets to the point.

Greatly appreciated.
No way to do it that I can see. It seems to be gone for good. Although Civ5 first shipped without that feature, so it is possible they add it in at a later time.

I admit to being a reloader in Civ4, but not as much in Civ5 due to long load times. It's a crutch. I won't say it's wrong. I'll just say the game is easier in many aspects, so winning doesn't depend on luck as much as the old days. Just be thankful we aren't in the days 8 barbarians pop out from a hut. Civ6 load times are even longer, so I really try to avoid reloading unless I made a serious mistake that I normally wouldn't make.

My early experimentation at first release seems to indicate there is no way to change goody hut outcomes. But perhaps if you could reset the seed somehow, you could get a different result.
Write down the game and map seed number then when you want to reload you'll need to type in the seed numbers again. There's also a mod putting the restart button back in the menu but it only works on turn 1 so not quite what you're looking for.
I think the goody hut outcome doesn't change much between games, except if you take a wildly different path from some 10 turns before (like completing a tech or civic for which the goody hut would give the eureka).
Thank you all for the thoughtfulness of your responses.
There is a mod to extract the the seed number from any Civ VI game you have a save of. Search the mod forum for it.
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