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SC03 - Oscillating War for Dummies


Oct 24, 2003
Cape Cod
Just for some fun!

Now for the fun part:

There are six rival nations in the game. And there are six "Eras" in the game determined by technology. Before proceeding from one era to the next, i.e. Ancient to Classical, one rival nation must be conquered. Only then can we unlock the the next era.

Thanks to DaveMcW for the list of eras and associated techs

Spoiler The List :

Technology Era
Fishing Ancient
Hunting Ancient
Mining Ancient
Mysticism Ancient
Agriculture Ancient
Archery Ancient
Priesthood Ancient
The Wheel Ancient
Masonry Ancient
Meditation Ancient
Pottery Ancient
Animal Husbandry Ancient
Polytheism Ancient
Sailing Ancient
Bronze Working Ancient
Monotheism Ancient
Writing Ancient
Horseback Riding Ancient


Iron Working Classical
Literature Classical
Mathematics Classical
Alphabet Classical
Drama Classical
Monarchy Classical
Calendar Classical
Code Of Laws Classical
Construction Classical
Compass Classical
Currency Classical
Metal Casting Classical


Theology Medieval
Music Medieval
Optics Medieval
Paper Medieval
Banking Medieval
Feudalism Medieval
Machinery Medieval
Civil Service Medieval
Philosophy Medieval
Engineering Medieval
Guilds Medieval
Divine Right Medieval


Economics Renaissance
Gunpowder Renaissance
Liberalism Renaissance
Printing Press Renaissance
Corporation Renaissance
Education Renaissance
Rifling Renaissance
Astronomy Renaissance
Nationalism Renaissance
Replaceable Parts Renaissance
Military Tradition Renaissance
Chemistry Renaissance
Constitution Renaissance
Democracy Renaissance


Fascism Industrial
Scientific Method Industrial
Steam Power Industrial
Artillery Industrial
Communism Industrial
Biology Industrial
Railroad Industrial
Combustion Industrial
Physics Industrial
Steel Industrial
Assembly Line Industrial
Medicine Industrial
Electricity Industrial
Industrialism Industrial
Fission Industrial


Mass Media Modern
Refrigeration Modern
Flight Modern
Radio Modern
Ecology Modern
Satellites Modern
Plastics Modern
Computers Modern
Rocketry Modern
Composites Modern
Robotics Modern
Fiber Optics Modern
Genetics Modern
Fusion Modern
Future Tech Future

The list does not determine research path, nor are we required to research all technology in an era before moving into the next. We must eliminate an opposing nation, though.

Roster (not order of play)

Hmm, sounds like fun. I'm a little nervous about the Aggressive AI and raging barbs turned on... But I'd be willing to give this a try.

I just hope that we get to see all the ages... I hope it's not just a rush to conquest by 300 AD :)
OK, sign me up for this. Should be fun.

We might have some trouble with fighting a war in the very first era. Not sure how common horses are on Highlands, but War Chariots should come in useful here, if we can get them.
jiving bunny?
would like to do this, but will probably have to get skipped a few.
schooling is a killer these days.

if thats ok, im game.

just a reminder, my [civ4] time is VERY limited so i cant even rate my skills yet.
If I get to play then this would be my first SG.

This shouldn't be too bad unless of course I forget the rules over go over the limit of turns. :lol:

Also as proof I have beaten prince bede...

View attachment 122172
I would love to try this and I can beat prince fairly easily, though I am better at building than warmongering. If the roster isn't already full, I would like to join.
@Maquis, Maksim, JerichoHill, soul_warrior

:salute: and welcome aboard.

@Lawman and jeejeep,
Keep your eyes on the Civ4 Registration thread for the next one. Thanks for the interest.

Standard 24 to get the game and 48 hours after that to play and post. Skips are automatic so just pick up and go if a player has missed the deadline.

My thoughts on the opening moves: we start with Agriculture and Wheels so the first research project should be Animal Husbandry to pick up the location of horses for the chariots. It also looks like Stone in the lower left so an alternative would be an Early Religion, then Masonry and build the Henge.

This is Raging Barbarians but there will be a short breathing space in any case, so I don't think archery is a priority or even needed if we have near by horses. But an early warrior is going to be important, even more than an early worker.

After Animal Husbandry, what? Mining and Bronze Working, Masonry and a Religious tech?

We don't need religion for culture, but it may be important for happiness.

The Oracle->CoL->Civil Service slingshot is out of bounds for this variant, remember, unless we can wipe out two civs right out of the blocks. And we won't be getting to Writing for libaries until somebody dies.

Commerce at the capitol could be an issue but the two cornfields might make up for it, though the only available specialists are going to be priests

Looks like we will have lots of trees to chop for settlers or an early wonder.

I'll put up the roster tomorrow or after everybody has chipped in their thinking. The first post has been edited with the Tech-Era list.
Here are my thoughts.

I like settling in place. We've got stone, and two corn., and plains hills. Production city it seems...

I think the first order of business should be to hook up the resources we have. Hence, I would like to research mining while we build a worker.

Then BW (then if we do not have copper, animal husbandry)

Fortified warriors on hills should fogbust enough for us to survive until axemen show up. By then we should have axemen of our own.

That's what I think at least
I agree, I like settling in place. With the 2 corn, we can set up some nice production with all the hills, plus I like the fresh water bonus...

we could build a worker first, or build a second warrior while the city grows to size 2....
lurker's comment: Great idea for the oscillating war. I think it's a bit wacky to throw in raging barbs and/or no tech trading but still a fun idea. This will be a good one to lurk.
Bede said:
the first research project should be Animal Husbandry to pick up the location of horses for the chariots.
JerichoHill said:
Hence, I would like to research mining while we build a worker.

Then BW (then if we do not have copper, animal husbandry)
lurker's comment: Since you cannot move into the next era without eradicating someone, wouldn't it be better to use your early UU advantage to quickly dispense with a neighbor before they get too big? That UU would also be quite nice against all of those raging barbs, as well.
I'd go with Worker first (easily pays off since we have two corns and Agri straight away).

Two food resources mean a lot of spare angry people, which means slavery would be a good next step. Bronze Working will also give us axemen.

OTOH, War Chariots are just as strong as axemen, and better at attacking cities defended with archers (due to ignoring their first strike ability). So let's make Animal Husbandry a higher priority.

What worries me is the very first war - it needs to be short and victorious (which is exactly what the Russian Czar wanted in 1905, and look where that led him). If we spend too much time dilly-dallying, or waste our troops needlessly, we'll fall back behind in tech. Once we fall behind in tech, every next war will be progressively harder.

We could, if we have bronze/horses within our capital's borders, forego settlers entirely and rely on just taking over enemy cities. It will depend on the situation.
I agree about foregoing settlers if we have the necessary resources. I would say the first victim should be whoever gets us closer to other civs

Forward Base, so to speak.

I now agree about AH. I didn't realize how quickly we'd need to get our UU up and running

I think a worker would help us more than a 2nd warrior IMHO
Mahatmajon said:
lurker's comment: Great idea for the oscillating war. I think it's a bit wacky to throw in raging barbs and/or no tech trading but still a fun idea. This will be a good one to lurk.

scoutsout of the "I have an idea" used to refer to the games I put up as "Bede's twisted variants". He had especially in mind an early C3C endeavor involving the Defiant Japanese, Feudalism and Fascism and Raging Barbarians. We went down fighting, though.....fending off airpower supported tanks with cannons and samurai armies....China launched a spaceship in 1972 just to get shut of us. It is in the forum archives as Bede02. After that one things got easier with Sid Vicious vs the Magnificent 7+1.

Enough reminiscing from the old warhorse....

Here's the roster:

Maksim - first set 20
JerichoHill - second set 15
Bede - third set 15
Maquis fourth set 10
soul_warrior - fifth set 10

And ten per set to the end....

Success will require greater co-ordination and understanding of each other's moves than a C3C game. There are many more choices to make and all have very different consequences and I don't know your play styles as well as I know the styles of the C3C veteran warhorses. And I haven't played C-iv long enough to develop a coherent style. So we need to know, understand and concur with each other's moves. Not in detail, but how each of us thinks the sets we will play will contribute to the objectives.

So here goes: I concur that the Home Base will make a good production town, it also has the potential to be a good Great Person producer with the local corn. I also concur that it has has excellent potential for application of the whip. We should be in a position to chop/whip enough settlers to get us a good core depending on what the local terrain looks like.

So here is how I see the opening moves:

Settle in place, start training a worker, and research Animal Husbandry while Bubba the warrior wanders about in a spiral trying to locate resources for us. Then once Animal Husbandry is in and the worker is setting up the corn fields train some few troops (warriors or chariots depending, while the town grows out then start whipping out the settlers and workers for at least three towns.

Unless we want to go for an early religion or an early wonder, once Animal Husbandry, Mining and Bronze Working, Pottery, and Masonry then Fishing (probably in that order) are in hand we could even shut down the research labs and start building a war chest for bribes, upgrades or a spending spree toward some really crucial technology.

Roster check
Maksim - up
JH - on deck
Bede - waiting patiently
This is raging barbs. Might I suggest a different exploit and save our whip for other projects?

We're going to need fogbusters and we're going to need them decently fast. Why not exploit chopping to build our settlers/workers and in the turns that do not have a forest chop in them, build fogbusters. It very simple, just switch production in the city to settler IMMEDIATELY on the turn the chop is due. Then do your normal moves...chop comes in, and then set it back to fogbuster next turn.

We save valuable time producing an army, allow our city to grow, and save whipping for buildings/wonders

JerichoHill said:
This is raging barbs. Might I suggest a different exploit and save our whip for other projects?

We're going to need fogbusters and we're going to need them decently fast. Why not exploit chopping to build our settlers/workers and in the turns that do not have a forest chop in them, build fogbusters. It very simple, just switch production in the city to settler IMMEDIATELY on the turn the chop is due. Then do your normal moves...chop comes in, and then set it back to fogbuster next turn.

We save valuable time producing an army, allow our city to grow, and save whipping for buildings/wonders

looks like a good plan.

agree on settling in place, and all the rest of bede's tech path.

im for not getting too settler happy, lets take em for the AI.
Ah, what a glorious day it was in the life of our tribe, when the chief shaman came out of his hut and told us all that he has spoken with the spirits, and they have chosen the next leader of the tribe after the previous leader went out for a piss in the middle of night and was eaten by something!

The chosen one, a former shaman’s apprentice, and by all regards quite a bright boy, followed the chief shaman out of the hut and told the tribe that they should stop wandering the land filled with evil and dangerous creatures, and should settle down instead. To make sure that the people would understand him, he sat on the ground and declared he would move not from this place for as long as he lived (a decision he often regretted later in life).

His people began settling their huts around him.

The next item on their primitive agenda (so primitive they haven’t even invented color-coding and market research!) was to name their city. Being literal-minded and watchful of the future but never dense, they called their city “The Capital”.

Their first order of business was to find some people actually willing to work, instead of sitting around and picking their noses. They reckoned they weren’t doing so badly – it only took just six hundred years to find such people!

Meanwhile, their efforts in feeding stray wolf pups and getting to know some pigs paid off handsomely. An unpromising grassland to the northeast of the city turned out to be populated by the totally excellent “wyld stallions”, which they would eventually strive to cultivate and ride into battle (the opposing school of thought, suggesting that the people ride beavers in battle, ran into some technical difficulties, as no beavers could be located anywhere).

The shamans who made this discovery patted each other on the back, elected a chief shaman who got a fanciful pointy hat, and proceeded to do nothing for a few more hundred years, until they proposed the concept of “mining” - digging into the ground, much like their wolf pups did, and coming up with… well, bones so far, but they are pretty sure they are onto something, and need just another half a millennium, give or take, to figure out the fine details of Bronze Working.

Alternatively, there are rumors of giant grey beasts roaming the plains to the north-east. Radical shamans propose that instead of worshipping them as some people in far away lands (Hinduism was founded), we should learn to hunt them. However, their early experiments ended with the experimenters being squashed into the ground – a horrible setback for the scientific method!

All throughout these eight hundred years, the brave warriors of the tribe wandered the lands. On several occasions, they encountered tribal villages, where friendly inhabitants gave them shiny things of their own volition. Anyone who questions the last statement, or critically considers why the appearance of armed men suddenly prompted villagers to part with all they had and disappear forever, is no patriot but a revisionist historian!

No other civilized people have been encountered so far. The workers have finished farming some corn, and are prepared to go to cultivate horses. With our food abundance we can quickly build workers/settlers if needed, or afford several mines.

Over to the next great leader!

Oh, and by the way...

Bede said:
scoutsout of the "I have an idea" used to refer to the games I put up as "Bede's twisted variants". He had especially in mind an early C3C endeavor involving the Defiant Japanese, Feudalism and Fascism and Raging Barbarians. We went down fighting, though.....fending off airpower supported tanks with cannons and samurai armies....China launched a spaceship in 1972 just to get shut of us. It is in the forum archives as Bede02. After that one things got easier with Sid Vicious vs the Magnificent 7+1.

Enough reminiscing from the old warhorse....

No, no, please continue. The Sid Vicious thread has given much pleasure to this lurker in the days of Civ3, and now I feel a powerful urge to hunt down a link to this Japan game you speak of.


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