Screenshots II: 4K Remastered Edition


Mar 10, 2008
Due to the previous Screenshots thread getting corrupted and the issue not being fixable there's going to be a new Screenshots thread. I'll get it started with the Thronebreaker scenario I posted in the old thread. >1000 power is pretty fun lol.


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Did anyone ever discover why the previous screenshot thread got corrupted? Was it due to posting screenshots hosted on a user account in STEAM?
I think it's more likely that it was simply too long, but I have no idea.
My HD is dead but my EUIV game was installed on my SSD! So not only is it always faster, but I can also now play it while I wait to get things rebuilt

It's 1710 and I'm playing as Poland. Formed the Commonwealth. I've ran into a whole bunch of new game dynamics that makes the Poland/Commonwealth game a lot more interesting! I'm lovin it. It's made it harder to expand and everything feels more realistic. In my older games I remember just mindlessly expanding in varying directions. These new game dynamics have forced me to be a lot more strategic.

Things are going well, but they could have gone better.

An alliance of Ottomans, Russia, and Bohemia (the emperor of the HRE) is keeping my expansion in check and has been for the past 50 years (since Russia formed). However, I have in that time subjugated Crimea and Abkhazia, exploiting an invasion of Russia by Nogai (supported by the Timurids). I was also able to successfully fund rebels in Finland and get that part of Russia to leave and join Sweden (my new ally). Russia is not very powerful, because in 1550 I lead a successful war against them and now my borders are right up against Muscovy. But they still have to be dealt with, so as you can see I'm pre-emptively expanding to the south of them. Russia is basically at the core of my foreign policy decisions and has been for 150 years (when they were still Muscovy). My main goal still is to not let them get too powerful

My allies are Saxony, France, Spain, Sweden, and occasionally the UK. These 2 sets of alliances have basically split Europe in 2. At one point I also had Austria as a powerful ally, but Styria, Ottomans, and Tuscany worked together to pretty much eliminate them. I did not even get involved in that war, I just let them die. Right now I'm hoping to become friends with Styria, because I suspect they will get annoyed with the Ottomans sooner rather than later. I want to keep Ottoman expansion in check. They recently conquered Egypt and parts of Africa. For most of the game they have been very quiet. I have fought 0 wars against them, the set of alliances I have basically mean nobody ever attacks me.

My technology levels are still a tiny bit behind the top players in the west, but I'm catching up. The Commonwealth has been through a lot of turmoil and many conflicts, and government changes.. This timeline is not 100% accurate, but I'm trying to remember the best I can:

1480 - The Commonwealth forms
1499 - The last of the Jagiellons sits on the Commonwealth throne
1500 - 1560 - The Sapieha dynasty rules the Commonwealth, lots of stability in this period, expansion
1560 - 1599 - Habsburgs sit on the throne of the Commonwealth, very close ties with Austria and the HRE during this time, expansion continues, good but deteriorating stability.
1606 - 1636 - The Commonwealth becomes a Republic. The experiment lasts 30 years and coincides with religious and ethnic instability.
1636 - The Commonwealth becomes a dictatorship and shortly thereafter a Kingdom again with the Laszczynski family in power
1700 - The Commonwealth finally begins to catch up with the rest of the powers in terms of technology and finds itself checked on most sides by the HRE - Ottomans - Russia alliance. Investment in infrastructure over the years is finally paying dividents, the realm is prosperous and pulling in good profits. The future looks bright, but what's next?
I got some new CKII DLC so I have been playing through a game. I've basically been alternating between Greater Poland, the Byzantines, and the Picts. Whenever the situation gets dire I nope out and take over one of the other kingdoms.. Never reload and just keep going with whatever happens, am not using the console either. I started at the earliest possible date

It's 966 now and two Frankish kingdoms were somehow devoured by Muslim hordes (a while ago) and eventually that turned into a Muslim Hispania that also covers most of France.

They also control parts of the Italian peninsula and managed to conquer Rome. The papal states took over some land that was just luckily won in a crusade - Saxony. So they are there now (and it's weird)

I managed to form the Greater Poland kingdom out of 5 chiefdoms my ruler was controlling at the time. Eventually the "Greater Poland" chiefdom broke free from all that, so there's now two "Greater Poland"s. This is odd because "Greater Poland" is actually just a part of actual Poland. So we don't have Poland yet, but we have two Greater Polands..

The German tribes and chiefdoms are not very strong or united. A Polish dynasty is in power in Bohemia. The Byzantines converted to catholic a while back There are muslims in the west, in the east, and the south. They have a crapload of armies, even the Abbasids in the east who have basically lost most of their cohesiveness and power

Pommerania controlled about 30% of the main British isle for a while.. Pommerania and Saxony were big powers in the early game, and now they basically don't exist..

Moravia is my biggest enemy right now, and the crazy huge Magyar blob.. I'm playing as a Polish Queen who is the ruler of Greater Poland (the best Greater Poland in the world) , she is an amazing leader and leads my battles even when pregnant

I don't think people know about this thread, with only 4 posts in 6 months...

Let's see if we can change that



An update to my save. It is now 1340, and the situation in Europe is a bit strange.

The giant Umayyad blob fell apart into 4 pieces about 150 years ago, each kingdom ruled by an Umayyad family member. The remnants of those remaining kingdoms are now Andalusia, which has kept its name and the Umayyad family in charge the whole time.. There used to be a German Umayyad kingdom, you can see a tiny grey part of it remain. It was eaten up by the Andalusian Umayyads mostly, but also Breizh, which is a Muslim Breton kingdom. They managed to conquer almost all of Ireland and are making inroads on the larger British isle. Right now there's a large Breton revolt, so we'll see what happens with that. Thre is also Qawurdid or whatever. At one point a giant Burgundy just popped up that stretched from Barcelona into Croatia, but then 10 years later it was gone. Most of these euromuslim kingdoms are Bedouin, except for the Breizh, who are Breton.

The Byzantine Emperors started secretly following Islam. For a while it was some liberal form of Islam. Eventually I noticed that half the Byzantine Empire was muslim.. Small parts of it started falling off, mainly some parts that converted to Islam.. then about 3 years ago the whole empire fell apart. It used to stretch all the way to the Ural mountains and had Hindu provinces... apparently. Or at least Hindu rebels.

Great Poland is still pagan. It finally managed to eat up Poland, which was a small kingdom right beside it.. Lesser Poland was eaten up 400 years ago maybe, and the other greater Poland disappeared on its own at some point too. So now finally there is only one Poland again. But it's Greater Poland and not just Poland, which is too bad. But fine.

Most of Iberia and half of Gaul are Bedouin, and a lot of Germany is Bedouin too. There is also a large Christian kingdom in Egypt and area. It was a lot larger but has now fallen apart. They are monophysite, whatever kind of Christianity that is.

Scandinavia is mainly pagan, Germanic, etc. All of Europe is basically jsut a mish mash of random religions really. There is no order to it, except large chunks of Islam in the west.

The Papal states finally regained Rome somehow maybe 200 years ago, one day I just noticed they were back. If you remember they disappeared during the initial Um. expansion, then ended up in Germany for a while. Then disappeared again. Then popped up back in Rome. Right on the border of the Byzantines and the Muslim kingdoms, so it's interesting..

I am going to export this to EUIV when I'm done, but I'm not sure what to expect really
The conversion is superbly underwhelming, unfortunately. A gimmick.
Wow, I guess it's basically an apocalyptic scenario for the Pope and whoever else still follows Christianity.
Yeah, basically. Byzantine and ex-Byzantine (basically Greek) provinces have been slowly converting back to Christianity.. and the funny thing is.. There is a muslim state in Spain named Qawurdid. In Egypt for about 30 years there was a Christian state by that exact name. They have since renamed to something else.

I wanted to make things more interesting, so while playing as the Greater Polish King, I created the Kingdom of Poland title, I subjugated Lithuania and put my daughter on the throne (i.e. she married the new king - also of the same dynasty), and I had the Pommeranian title as well. Then I died and the 3 of my kingdoms went to different people, all from the same Polish family though.. Lithuania has for now stayed under the same dynasty as well. I went to play as the King of Poland, a smaller state than Greater Poland. I tried to build it up by slowly taking over muslim lands.. which is now possible due to the chaos in the muslim world.. but then somehow somebody just gifted me the Pommeranian title. Screw that I thought, and I gave the title to some dude with the same last name as me. Great, doing that made me lose my best provinces, so now modern Poland is a mess of the same dynasty trying to rule the region via 4 different governments.

Meanwhile western europe and the british isles are more chaotic than on my screenshot. All these muslim kingdoms keep splitting, burgundy, saxony, etc. other such kingdoms pop up and disappear. It's a madhouse. On the British isles the Muslim breton invasion has stalled a bit, although they now control all of Ireland.

When I look at the culture view of Europe, most of German culture is now replaced with Bendouin. There isn't a lot of French around either, but there's bits here and there. Spain has been completely changed from what's historically accurate. I wonder how EUIV will handle this wrt the HRE and all that jazz

So we'll see how the EUIV converter handles this.
I've imported my save into EUIV and it's actually somewhat interesting

The Iconoclast faith has been fairly successful, it now stretches from Poland and the Byzantines all the way to the Ural mountains. Danish Poland is still pagan, as is Pomerania, and everything north of there. Saxony is pagan too I believe. Most of UK is pagan, and Scandinavia is all Norse/pagan. Ireland might be Muslim.

Unfortunately the Polish family that used to rule Poland, Pomerania, Lithuania, and Bohemia had a fall from grace.. and now only rule Poland. I've been able to reconquer many lands from Danish Poland, which sort of seems lost. They have no allies and you can attack them and take their territories. The Byzantines didn't like me becoming so big, so they struck back once, but since have fallen into many pieces.. So I think the future is bright? Maybe. It's hard to predict what the future of the continent will be.

The Papal states were able to call a crusade against France and they were successful somehow.. They ruled northern France and Holland and that kingdom has since rebranded as France proper and is a catholic state.. surrounded by Muslim states.

The Byzantine empire has since fallen apart and countries like Bulgaria and Bosnia have emerged. All those kingdoms are Greek and Iconoclast.

There is also an Egyptian kingdom with a curious name... ..

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Who's the puke yellow newcomer in Anatolia?
Lol that's Anatolian Anatolia I think. Sorry, somehow I did not see this question at all until now

So basically.. When most of the Byzantine Empire fell apart Anatolia became one of the kingdoms that formed, but it had land in Anatolia and in Ukraine and maybe elsewhere. So.. Anatolian Anatolia.

I also now have Kentish France and Kentish Canada, but I haven't been had that save loaded the last week or so

edit: that might actually not be Anatolian Anatolia, I'm not sure. There WAS some sort of a weird newcomer that was pukish, but I can't remember when. It was not Iconoclast or catholic or anything else common, but it was Christian IIRC. Then again I've been drinking and I haven't played in a bit. I'll have to load up the save sometime and take a closer look
I've also played ck2 lately for some reason

Something I've never seen before, after some turbulence period in china the protector general goes of to make his own country and claim to be the emperor, here taking Tibet. Interestingly too the colour is like really strong while when a player adopts chinese imperialism they get an empire that looks very "washed out"

but it didn't take long for the proper china to go to war against him and shattering his empire
Is this the most current thread? It seems to be, but maybe I'm blind or something

Here's the (science/career save) fleet I sent to Duna today. It's the second fleet I sent to this planet in this save: A bunch of Billy rovers and a backup relay. The first fleet was a bunch of relays and probes, plus a planet scanner.

The planet is now ready for a 3rd visit, this time with actual flesh & blood astronauts! But for now we can relish the success of Project BILLY.


The first fleet contained 4 relays, 4 probes, and a planet scanning thingy. One of the relays became inoperable during the entry into the system,it ran out of electricity.. zoomed out of the system and that mission continued with one less relay. The other 3 relays were inserted in Duna orbit successfuly.

This fleet contains 6 rovers and 1 backup relay. Duna rendezvous burns were fairly successful. Here's the intercepts:

Billy Williams - 191 days 2hr
Billy Chen - 191 days 4hr
Billy Johnson - 192 days 5hr
Billy Picard - 199 days
Duna Relay - 208 days
Billy Markowski - 244 days
Billy Peters - 257 days

The Duna system after the second fleet's arrival and deployment of the backup relay:

The relays in the system were able to cover every one of the rover missions without any planning. i.e. coverage seems to be pretty good. I have 2 polar relays and 2 equatorial ones that orbit retrograde to each other.
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The relay on the crazy orbit is the lost one from the first fleet that i was able to get in the Duna system about 3 months after the 2nd fleet arrived. It was stuck around the sun for a while, out of range of relays.. It did not have much fuel, so I was only able to put it on that stupid orbit. Don't know if it's really useful like that, so I'm going to try to devise a mission to move it (later)

Billy Peters was the first to drop down:

He arrived last but ended up in the closest orbit to Duna. This made it appealing for a first rover landing attempt on Duna. The probes from the first fleet did not have a fun time landing
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Atmospheric entry first involves the protection of a large heat shield. This is not really required for this planet, but it looks cool when you drop down from a higher orbit. This exact design is also meant for Eve, which has a much thicker atmosphere.
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In the distance you can see one of the landed probes from the first fleet

After the shield is no longer needed it is discarded and the engines kick in.
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The engines are also allow you to hover around for a bit, to look for a good landing spot or try to fly to a nearby biome

Four heavy duty parachutes ensure that the rover drops down the rest of the way at a reasonable speed. A reaction wheel allows the parachutes to be atttached under the rover.
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After landing it is easy to detach the rover. Alternatively you can crash down at the exact speed the parachutes dictate, which tends to destroy the landing stage and leaves an intact rover.. There's an explosion though so I don't like doing it that way.

Anyhow, after landing.. science can be had! The objective in this case was to land at the edge of the polar ice cap with the rover, but I did not end up getting close enough to reasonably drive over and do some more science.

Each rover was able to drive about 5 km on average away from its landing site, scanning various things along the way, and sending back valuable science. One rover that had a canyon adventure traversed over 10km
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When one of my rovers was coming down, and I was trying to land in one of the two large canyons.. Ike ended up ruining it for me by blocking my view...
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This rover ended up disappearing somehow actually, it must have gotten detached at some point.. That left 5 rovers that made it to both poles and both canyons.. as well as the midlands.. A 2,111 haul of science overall!

Billy Chen had the most epic adventure out of everyone in the fleet. He landed maybe 100m from the edge of the western canyon, at about 6,200m. He did a bunch of science at the top, then dropped down and drove all the way to the bottom at speeds approaching 220 km/h (136 mi/h)

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^ That's the nicest picture I got Billy Chen descending into the canyon, but it got a lot crazier than that. There was a whole buncy of flying through the air, a decent amount of out of control spinning, and somehow in the end the only thing that was lost were the extendable solar panels. The rover is otherwise fine and can easily recharge using the other solar panels.

All 5 rovers are standing by on the planet's surface in case they are needed when the non-robitic explorers arrive, or if i ever figure out that there's artefacts nearby that I can visit
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Here are some screenshots from Mass Effect: Andromeda.

My Ryder:

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My Ryder's twin:

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Uncomfortably close:

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I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077. Got 140 hours in it.

It's a beautiful game, if it feels a little barren....
This is my current wallpaper

It helps that I've been to LA for a summer, and live in NYC, so a lot of places feel 'homely'. Helps in the immersion.

Though I think the core buildings of Night City are too....small? Oh sure from Corpo Plaza they look alright but from afar they are totally hidden from the skyline. Pacifica has a better skyline. Also, I love pacifica and northside, reminds me of the Bronx and Brooklyn.....
I've been playing Cyberpunk 2077. Got 140 hours in it.

It's a beautiful game, if it feels a little barren....
This is my current wallpaper

It helps that I've been to LA for a summer, and live in NYC, so a lot of places feel 'homely'. Helps in the immersion.

Though I think the core buildings of Night City are too....small? Oh sure from Corpo Plaza they look alright but from afar they are totally hidden from the skyline. Pacifica has a better skyline. Also, I love pacifica and northside, reminds me of the Bronx and Brooklyn.....

Im just about to dive into Cyberpunk myself. Ive had it since launch but decided to wait a while for them to fix bugs. I also wanted to wait for my new GPU, which has been slow torture trying to get a hold of. But last week it finally came - an AMD 6800 XT. So i should be able to bang all the settings up to ultra and view Night City in all its glory.

What rig are you running it on? It looks pretty damn fine from the screenshots.
Im just about to dive into Cyberpunk myself. Ive had it since launch but decided to wait a while for them to fix bugs. I also wanted to wait for my new GPU, which has been slow torture trying to get a hold of. But last week it finally came - an AMD 6800 XT. So i should be able to bang all the settings up to ultra and view Night City in all its glory.

What rig are you running it on? It looks pretty damn fine from the screenshots.

I just got a baseline aurora r10 with a AMD Radeon RX5600

Runs at 50 FPS which is fine by me.

"Marginal" I've only had 2 crashes and most of the graphics look great. Coming from New Vegas, this is heaven.
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