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What game is this? Looks kind of like Sid Meier's Antietam.

It's Sid Meier's Gettysburg, which was released shortly before. I have both (and "South Mountain Campaigns" as part of the "Sid Meier Civil War Collection".
Oh, the original Gettysburg! Nice!

I've played the second Gettysburg, I even bought it but it bugged out really bad so I got a refund. A bunch of white squares covered all my interfaces so I was unable to do anything.
The second Gettysburg? I've never heard of such a thing...I know another company used the engine to do Waterloo and Austerlitz. Who was your game by?
I'm not really sure... but the graphics looked much better. At least 2 megapixels, and the interface was much different.

EDIT: All right, found it. Titled American Civil War: Gettysburg. It looks like it would play very similarly to Sid Meier's original, and I also last played it like 3 years ago, which is why I thought it was from him.

Link to video.
SmellinCoffee: Are you still on Windows 98 or did you manage to get it working on XP or 7, and if so how?

I'm playing it on Vista, actually. I assume I have compatibility mode on, but the only performance problem I have is that I can't save the game without it crashing to the desktop (hence why I've only been playing small-scale skirmishes and not larger battles which take a few real-life hours.)

I can't remember if I played this on an XP or not: I know I used to play it in 2004/2005, and I moved to an XP computer in late 2005...
This post is brought to you by 1755, the Invisible Man movie of Mount and Blade: Warband.

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The beginning of the Headless Horseman, or a scalping gone wrong? You decide!

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The Bodiless Horseman!

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All I need are some invisible boots, and I'll be in stealth mode. But in the mean time, what shall we start the bidding price on? :groucho:

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This is in addition to the invisible armor.

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"Hey, bro, what's shakin', besides you while you're quaking in your boots?"

How much GB does 1755 actually use?

Size: 304.61MB

Started to download it, and I'm getting 1/10th of the speed I should be. Dunno why this mod is particularity slow, but checking its subforum there seems to be a common issue with that.


Apparently we have all broken the "PAx- something or other" (that none of us have any idea about what it is little alone agreed to it) and this giant saucer UFO dude shows up to enforce it. Well then, we'll see how he likes my main fleet (which was admittedly, at that point, small, but still more advanced than anyone else),
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Run away! Run away!
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Okay, that is just cheap.
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Okay, now I'm angry.
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Well at least this time he is saving my ammunition and the enemy fleet gave me plenty of time to pull mine back.
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Mwha wha h-
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And then a trap laid by the bird's ancestors took its revenge upon my mining fleet with a gravity well which crashed them along with dozens upon dozens of asteroids.
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Salt mine, looks nice.
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Three TORNADES! It put me back at min three years.
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While returning from a merchant trip to Scotland selling salt I came upon a port city (I suspect they just rolled the port into the major urban center that was inland for ease of modding) under siege, with several merchant ships sitting off the coast like ripe fruit for the picking.

Too bad I was an honest merchant :(

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Some mass cavalry action while waiting for last Friday's line battle to start in Mount&Musket:
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Saturday's Civil War event with the new MP civil war mod Secession which just had its first alpha release. We are still deciding what to call our regiment for it which is why our M&M tags are still on.

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Holding a garden wall in Fredrickburg or whatever it was.
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What started as what seemed like a needlessly suicidal charge across open ground to the middle garden ended in victory as we routed the confederate dogs with minimal casualties!
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Well except for the one guy who killed like 5 people (circle of corpses outside the wall), but we still won!
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A very good mod set in 638ish AD British isles, its a little bit harder than Native Warband but a lot of fun. Although its really easy to get rich because the Welsh towns are full of cheap silver, minerals and stone that can be sold for a profit of 300-350 almost anywhere else. I also don't recommend playing it with less than 4 gigs of RAM (or on XP).
The thing is he doesn't actually run over the ice. He's stuck in this position (and in this pose) and can't move, I didn't even know the water at that place could freeze.
That looks beautiful. Can't wait for this game.
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