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Completely the opposite - I have to complete the missions, or I feel there's a burden hanging over me. Similar to at the end of the game you can take over all the gang territories, I had to do it before leaving San Fierro again.

Other than that, I did grab the jetpack the other day and flew too near to their Area 51 - there's something nasty about being shot at with anti-air missiles when you just have a rocket-backpack on :lol:
Yeah, luckily I shot those anti-air missile launchers down some time ago, so they don't bother me. :D

However, I did find an EXTREMELY interesting bug while flying near the Golden Gate, as you opened my interest for that area. However, I'm afraid it only works when you didn't complete all the missions so that the bridge is still blocked.

Spoiler :

As you can see, I could actually drop my jetpack and walk on air!! :eek: (and this is not a cheat, believe me)

This happens on the northern barrier that blocks access to the bridge, but I think it only happens if the bridge is still blocked.
^ I don't need to do that, it's only a limited surface. If I walk past a certain (invisible) limit, I fall. I had a parachute though. :)
you have $52,000,000 and that's you're outfit?
Hah! Yeah, I love getting a good nade kill, I try to switch to a ndae if I know I have no chance or start cooking the grenade and run into a room with ememies. It works best on the chateux or other close quarters maps. Or especialy if after you get killed right after you pull the pin from the nade but before it get's thrown (so it is dropped) the enemy (or your team) are caught off guard when it goes!
Tomb raider anniversary, Lara's a right stunner!

Shes quite the acrobat too

...It reacts to movement
You can cut peoples heads off and carry them on Manhunt? That's so cool! :lol:
eww hes got a head in his butt
You can cut peoples heads off and carry them on Manhunt? That's so cool! :lol:
how is that sticking?
If you execute someone with a Wire at highest charge (red) you also decapitate them. You can then take the head and use it as a lure-object (just like a Brick, Bottle ...)
How does it stick there ? I dunno - how does a brick stick there ? It's supposedly on his belt.
Ya know what looks really weird? It looks as if the sword on his back is attached to his arm o_o
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