• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


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Thanks TIll.

@HC: Yeah, I played the demo twice, quite enjoyed it. Is it worth paying $50 CAD (full price) or should I wait for the price to drop? Especialy since it takes up 4.5 gigs O_O
@HC: Yeah, I played the demo twice, quite enjoyed it. Is it worth paying $50 CAD (full price) or should I wait for the price to drop? Especialy since it takes up 4.5 gigs O_O
I think you should wait a bit.
At least untill i finish it, or get further into the game. :)

It is good, but it's not divinely good (like Heroes5 for example).

What really annoys me is that THERE IS NO MAP. :mad:
Group photo:
Delta formation. Chef is the commander.
Spoiler :

And here's goblins taking a leak.
Spoiler :
Cool. But is it me, or is the armour that cata's wearing really remind anyone else of Daedric armour from oblivion?
This picture cannot describe the sheer awesomeness of what is happening. Lots of people, including myself, are dancing around this Goldwin guy. Why? Because he is a player-character playing Always Look On the Bright Side of Life on his harp. Love it :D

haha.... I take it theres a large following of Monty Python in Lord of the rings?
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