[GS] Self-Sabotage for Grievances towards others

Jeff C

Apr 3, 2020
While watching the controversial scene in the 'No Russian' mission of MW2, I thought that it could be possible for any civilization to commit a similar atrocity to generate Grievances and casus belli (an artificial one at that) for a 'justified' war against an otherwise innocent civilization. This mechanism works with Spies, who must reach a certain promotion level first (3rd one preferably, as it triggers a Golden age point), by assigning them a self-sabotage mission that takes 8 turns (on standard) to destroy one of: population count by 1, a district, or a stationed military unit in a city. Killing civilians causes the greatest grievances, and it increases proportionally with more people in the city (i.e. killing 1 in a city with 20 pop > 1 in a city with 10 pop) and it gets a 50% boost with Printing tech, Cold War policy and Social Networking policy (or with other relevant ones).

This operation should reduce war time grievances by 25% ~ 75% based on the sabotage type and scale. Any comments/tweaks are welcome.
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