Seperate MODs please!


Nov 5, 2001
Everyone is cranking out some GREAT mods! Problem is, many try to pack too much into one. There are some great mods, but they include certain things we may not want.

For instance, I may already have the cool graphics update, and don't want to change it. But I may want the new governments and units.

Just a quick thought. Split then up for us picky players :)

Keep them coming!
Well, the Fascist Patch doesn't do too much at once... adds Fascism, corrects naval unit balance, adds Hitler's mug. Nothing else.
But then again, with the huge number of great mods, there still are those which are seperated. It needs a lot of tinkering to get ,for example, Portugese civ, Long Winded Changes and Fascist pack to the same game...
Civ3CopyTool supports exporting and importing of Units and Civilizations. I may increase the import/export functionality, if demanded. but I'll wait 'till the patch before I make any major changes, as we most likely will see some changes in the format. And if the Patch is very good I maybe don't need to continue with C3CT development.
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