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[NFP] September Update Video Discussion

Because raiding was part of life. It's just what you did. It isn't going to make you friends, but it shouldn't make you enemies.

Maybe stop looking at it from a historical perspective and more from a gameplay perspective.

Suppose you're in MP and you spent time to built lots of amenagements and have a nice city. Now, let's suppose another human player came by and pillage everything. Would you not have hard feeling towards him? I don't know for you, but when someone pillage my tiles I hate them.
If the AI pillage my lands I sure come and give them a piece of my mind :lol: so it is not strictly related to MP (which I also don't play). This goes for both civ and Endless games.
Unfortunately, Civ6 doesn't really make a distinction between a raid and a war. Raiding was central to Gaulish society, but war and conquest weren't really. I think it's sufficient that they (presumably) have an early aggressive UU and an IZ that can attack (which is appropriate since their forts were also craft halls). With Civ6's model, I think an industry/culture focus plus what I just mentioned is perfect for them.

I've often wished that raids could be made by single units near a border without causing a DOW. It would certainly be applicable to many Native American Civs.

Maybe raids could work like this: you could only have one unit cross a border with another civ at any given time, and only to perform one action (kill another unit, steal a settler or worker, etc.).

Yes, grievances would be caused, but no formal war.
If the AI pillage my lands I sure come and give them a piece of my mind :lol: so it is not strictly related to MP (which I also don't play). This goes for both civ and Endless games.
Sure. After being raided you make a counter raid. This can eventually escalate to war (which coincidentally is why the Germanic concept of were-gild exists: better to pay money for the dead than to be caught in an endless cycle of blood feuds, which as Robert reminds us, "payeth men at great expense" :p ).
People today might be surprised at how effective a hardened leather jacket, or even a Thick garment resembling a “padded shirt,” are.

Definitely not as good as metal but a far cry from your bare skin. Everyone preferred Metal when they could get it. Ancient people were just as smart as us, and definitely knew a naked army was a dead army. (There is also not really light armor as we might think of in a modern RPG setting, only lightly armored. People wanted metal because it’s stronger and thinner and less restrictive than alternative equivalent protection. Even full plate was plenty mobile!)

Boiled leather and a gambeson. I've worn both... They are indeed pretty effective. The Japanese showed that wood worked good as well.
Suppose you're in MP and you spent time to built lots of amenagements and have a nice city. Now, let's suppose another human player came by and pillage everything. Would you not have hard feeling towards him? I don't know for you, but when someone pillage my tiles I hate them.

Loyalty already exists in the game and could be used to represnt the enmity generated by pillaging. the more pillaging you do the less loyalty pressure your exert on a civ.
I kinda wish for more details on Statue of Zeus. Will it spawn free units the same way Civ 5's Terracotta Army does? How much production bonus will it give for anti-cav? Would it be something generous like +50% production? How soon is it available?
I kinda wish for more details on Statue of Zeus. Will it spawn free units the same way Civ 5's Terracotta Army does? How much production bonus will it give for anti-cav? Would it be something generous like +50% production? How soon is it available?
From Byzantium first look it gives +3 gpt.
About the Statue of Zeus one thing we can make sure is that Qin now has one more wonder for him to pick and rush.

On a side not, I know it is probably impossible at this stage, but I hope that the devs can re-revisit the nearly inconsequential Gov. Plaza change they made in the last update. The weaker buildings are still fairly weak.
About the Statue of Zeus one thing we can make sure is that Qin now has one more wonder for him to pick and rush
While Genghis will observe Qin's progress on that with great interest. Going as far as sending some merchants in to facilitate the travel of the news.
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