SGOTM 12 - One Short Straw

Thanks Mitchum, my assumption was wrong about the coal plants. So yes building them in top hammer cities makes sense if the unhealthiness goes away.
We don't want to overdo it though. Even if the coal plant pays back in 6 turns that doesn't mean we should build them with the 3 gorges dam 5 turns away.
That's because there might are other builds that might help us more in those cities. Building mining executives also pay offs big time and if the city is close to non-mining inc cities the executives might be better than the coal plant.
Played to the end of the current turn.

T216 - 1530 AD
  • Spread Mining Inc. to Paris and Bahamas; start MIExecs in Bahamas and Fish
  • Take Vijayanagara with a loss of one musket @ 88%. Courthouse survives. Decide to take this turn, and delay moving spare cannons to Delhi (as per bcool), because there are two units and two cats in position to reinforce IBT.
  • Bombard Agra down to 0% with two Accuracy cannons. Taking this turn: he has a Guerilla-2 musket that's a bit of a pain. I have a CR3 cannon and a CR2. I'm worried that the CR3 gets a bad roll and we have to halt. There are possible reinforcements, but I'll still wait.
  • Load units onto the galleys in Newcastle.
  • Switch EP to: 9 Roosevelt (should be see research again in about 8t after steal), 1 Gandhi (keep city visible), 2 Stalin (get city visibility in about 8t)
  • Research slider to 40% for 1716bpt w +20gpt w 644g (end of turn - after spreading corps and taking Vijayanagara.

Haven't rolled the turn yet. I'm taking a quick break to run down to Starbucks. :D
You can spread mining inc to rheims too and what did you do with the executive in Hammers? I assume you just didn't mention this? You can then start 2 more executives...
Roosevelt is researching Democracy - how very American of him. :D 5 turns left.

He bombed the GA in Troy, and Troy promptly went back into revolt. :lol: However, the cost to steal Rifling is 350e less in Vlad.

Gandhi's got 4 units in Agra, plus 3 LB, 3 Maces, 1 XB and 2 Trebs within striking distance of it. Not sure what to do there? We only have 6 conventional units and 4 cannons. One option would be to reinforce from Newcastle for next turn? I was planning to go after Madras with that stack.

He also has a Galleon on the oil platform N of Yaroslavl' (N of Bermuda, for those of you not familiar with new city names).

His fleet from Madras retreated to Varanasi.
You can spread mining inc to rheims too and what did you do with the executive in Hammers? I assume you just didn't mention this? You can then start 2 more executives...
Hammer one went to Paris. I said yesterday that I'm sending the other to Hastings, to make another hub for England - that's spread now, as well as Bermuda and Pigs. Rheims gets one next turn.
conservative warring is probably best. So reinforce Agra, then if they are not needed immediately you can send them on to Gandhi's main continent and come back for Madras later.
Ok, I'll do that. Not sure what to do about that Galleon in the Caribbean, though... Don't wanna have all our seafood pillaged. A Frigate in Bermuda would take 2t and we're meant to do MinExec there. The new Galleon from Bananas could get there in 2t and double-team with the caravel.

T217 - 1535 AD
  • Spread Mining Inc. to Pigs, Hastings and Bermuda; start MIExecs in Hastings, Bahamas and Bermuda
  • Spread Sid's Sushi to Chengdu, Guangzhou and Nanjing; start SSExec in GP Farm (we're actually running out of cities with CHs now - only Oxford and Cuba at a glance).
  • Steal Rifling in Vladivostok.
He also has a Galleon on the oil platform N of Yaroslavl' (N of Bermuda, for those of you not familiar with new city names).

Let's hope he doesn't have any units on that galleon (or some other galleon floating around). Our island cities are all quite vulnerable at the moment but could quickly be shored up via drafting if we had at least a turn's notice.

EDIT: xpost with bbp.
Is the galleon pillaging? AI seem to rarely systematically pillage. But a frigate instead of a mining exec isn't the end of the world.
you're setting up more spies for democracy steal? We might want to think about maxing OF in siberia for the SoL build.

I'd also put almost all epp on Roosevelt. Stealing Democracy and building the SoL is more important that seeing Stalin's cities, for example.
Not sure I need to draft. There are still units in Newcastle.

Actually, not sure what to do with the galley fleet in the north?

Another option in the Caribbean is to upgrade the caravel to a frigate right now. It would cost 110g, which could cost us two more corp spreads next turn or the one after.
Is the galleon pillaging? blockading?

If pillaging then yes I would upgrade the caravel, but build wealth so we can keep the corporation spreading.
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