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Shaitan & eyrei, the new Demo game mods!


Oct 25, 2000
Surprise!!! Shaitan has just become the co-moderator of the democracy game forums! He was recommended by Duke.

Welcome to the moderator club Shaitan and happy moderating! :) :king:
eyrei also joins the rank of moderators, at Duke's recommendatoion. :)

Almightyjosh: of course, they can still play. Shaitan and eyrei are the main mods of Civ3 demo games now. Duke said he wishes to focus more on Civ2 demo games, although he'll continue to help with the moderation in this forum. :)

Good luck Shaitan and eyrei! If you have questions about moderating (such as how to make a thread sticky), just ask Duke.
Due to my continuing time constraints, I am using this period of transition in the game to introduce two new Mods to the game. Shaitan and eyrei will be taking over as Mods for the Civ 3 Democracy Game. They will be full Mods.

I’m sure everyone has noticed the minimal amount of time I have been able to spend in the game. When I originally signed up for the job, I was only suppose to be a support role. When DOF disappeared, I was catapulted into the primary role. Rather than abandon the game I stuck with it as best I could. Issues at work have now demanded even more of my time then before, so I don’t feel I can do the game justice by trying to continue alone.

I will always be available if an issue arises, but they will now be your primary contacts for the game.

Congratulations Shaitan and eyrei. :D :goodjob:
Also congrats! You earned it!
I requested judical review on this issue, as IMHO this means they are not available for any further leading position as well as having to resign from their existing positions because they will not be as impartial as they should be ;-)
Thank you everybody! :)

Yes, the laws are very specific. Section F, Point 4: (Moderators) May not hold Leader positions. Which means I will be resigning my position as Chief Justice.

But I'm keeping my gavel! ;)
we will sue you for stealing phoenatican property!

i invite you for a stay in sunshine beach to relax from your stressing position.

maybe you even want to buy a house here!
I don't really see why being a moderator would hamper Shaitan's impartiality. In fact, the role of moderator and chief justice seem to me to go hand in hand. It will just make his rulings more final.;)
That was also my thought, eyrei, and I broached the subject of allowing mods to hold judicial office back when we were building the Judiciary. The idea wasn't well received though.
I think that can be decided during the elections.:) . Since I have no intention of holding any government position, I will attempt to lead the discussion on this topic this time. Historically, the citizens of Phoenatica have always been suspicious of anyone that tries to increase the authority of any one office. Because the moderators have the final word on any 'judicial' decision anyway, this change in the rules would make little difference. I think it would be a great loss to Phoenatica if you were unable to contribute to the judicial branch as you have in the past. We shall let the citizens decide. I will open a thread in the citizens forum.
Thank you, DoM, for your excellent work. I don't think enough credit went your way this term. Because of your dedication and effort, the game went quite smoothly and enjoyable for us.

WTG, Eyrei too. Another excellent choice! Good luck.
Originally posted by chiefpaco
Thank you, DoM, for your excellent work. I don't think enough credit went your way this term. Because of your dedication and effort, the game went quite smoothly and enjoyable for us.

WTG, Eyrei too. Another excellent choice! Good luck.

Thanks. :D

Everyone playing the game deserves congratulations also. Because all of you played with such commitment I was able to handle the game with little time wasted on enforcing rules and stopping fights. You all handled yourselves with a great level of 'professionalism'. :)
Originally posted by Duke of Marlbrough

Thanks. :D

Everyone playing the game deserves congratulations also. Because all of you played with such commitment I was able to handle the game with little time wasted on enforcing rules and stopping fights. You all handled yourselves with a great level of 'professionalism'. :)

Yup... we've managed to keep the majority of are posts in the "Civil War" threads. Were Pro's at keeping the peace :)
Originally posted by Thunderfall
Almightyjosh: of course, they can still play. Shaitan and eyrei are the main mods of Civ3 demo games now. Duke said he wishes to focus more on Civ2 demo games, although he'll continue to help with the moderation in this forum. :)

Frankly, I am a bit wary of Shaitan even being a citizen if he is to be a mod. He was a major force behind the passage of our current rules and now moves into a position to enforce these rules with more power than any citizen could hope for. Part of the reason the first Civ 3 demo game worked so well is that the mods only stepped in on rare occations and generally let the game run it's course. Having active mods will have a bad effect on the game as ultimately they will have more power than anyone else in the game.
Congrats to both! :)

Donsig does have a point...will being a citizen affect moderators' impartiality?
Maybe we could bind their moddism only to being requested in the needed thread.
This would mean:
They are only allowed to use their powers when a request to do so is posted in the appropriate thread.

a good example would be my pi-thread, which was closed rather quick and i think without any explicit request to do so?
well it at least looked like it.

quick action is good, but for active members of the game this could trigger impartiality calls.
Originally posted by disorganizer
Maybe we could bind their moddism only to being requested in the needed thread.
This would mean:
They are only allowed to use their powers when a request to do so is posted in the appropriate thread.

a good example would be my pi-thread, which was closed rather quick and i think without any explicit request to do so?
well it at least looked like it.

quick action is good, but for active members of the game this could trigger impartiality calls.

I closed the PI thread because the official investigation was over, and Bill had asked me to do so. Continuing that discussion in that thread was innappropriate because none of the members of the judicial branch desired to participate. If you wish to continue being investigated, I am sure you can convince someone to charge you with something else.:p
damn! i will really have to do some more trouble at this endgame. i earned myself a pi! really!

sorry, i just didnt see the request from bill... i appologize but it seemed to me a fit example. maybe you should state by whom's request you did a mod-action on doing one?
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