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Shogun 2 questions

Celtic Warrior

Aug 29, 2004
I bought Shogun 2 this week and have played the tutorial campaign.

So far it is really good.

Previously I have played RTW with Alexander Expansion.

A few Shogun 2 questions:

When I start Shogun 2 it gives a list of start optionsa including benchmark. What is that?

Before a battle RTW used to gives the victory odds. Has that been removed?

In RTW you could get the camera to track a unit. This also alllowed the camara to ride on top of missiles when fired. Is that gone?

My PC meets all the required specs except for processor. I have an i7. What affect does this have on the game. The map and battle segemnets aren't slow.

The benchmark option runs a typical quite CPU intensive part of the game and gives you the frame-rate and, possibly, other information as well. This allows you to set your graphics settings to achieve the desired frame-rate throughout the game. Otherwise not a clue. Though if you don't have the specific spec processor and the game runs fine on your current settings, it probably means that your processor is a close enough equivalent to the spec one to run the game smoothly. Test out some battles and see if the game lags or crashes. If it does lower the graphics settings until it doesn't.
I have trouble keeping my money supply sufficient to support my armies.
I just won my second Long Campaign on Legendary difficulty as Oda (first attempt was with Shimazu). :king:
I guess I'll try Uesugi next and see how staying Buddhist works out.
I have trouble keeping my money supply sufficient to support my armies.

The importance of sea trade in this games has exploded. Try to see if you can snatch away any of the valuable trading post. At the same time, upgrade your port facilities.
The importance of sea trade in this games has exploded. Try to see if you can snatch away any of the valuable trading post. At the same time, upgrade your port facilities.
Yes I recently noticed the off shore trading ports that really add to one's cash. Playing Date and Hojo, though put them a long way away. Ports adn ships have become important. Next up Morii.
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