Should I take my Advisors' advice?


Jun 13, 2014
Monterey, CA
New to the game. Sometimes I get the feeling they are not always spot-on with their advice. For example, recommending that I build a Scout when I already have one who is sitting around with nowhere to go, as everything within reach has already been covered. Or recommending a Trireme when I already have two sitting in the water, again with nowhere to go.

No, never listen to the advisors, they are useless.
The military advisor is useful to some degree though, he tells you which empire is stronger or weaker than you, something you can't tell with demographics. but yeah all other advisors and their advise is useless
They might sometimes point out a few things that you may have missed (Like when a city has grown to be able to work fish and such, they'll tell you to get that improved), but otherwise, ignore their advice. If the Military advisor says "Make peace, we're too weak", you should just look at how the frontiers develop rather then the sheer numbers.
There are a few types of advisor advice:
- the pop-ups that give you gameplay information (you should think about those if you don't already know what they're talking about)
- the advisor panel you can choose from the menus (like said above, the military one can give you good info, and sometimes the others spot things like troops on your borders)
- the advice about what to build/research next (keep an eye on this because you might not realize that, say, aqueducts are important to build . . but the military unit choice is very situational, and you probably know better)
Don't forget the advice on where to settle new cities. I personally almost never take that advice.
Don't forget the advice on where to settle new cities. I personally almost never take that advice.

All you need to know about that one is that the AI is taking it's own advice on where to settle cities.
My first ever game of Civ was ruined by trying to follow my advisors. Specifically, the economic advisor. I was having severe gold problems, my economic advisor kept telling me i had too many buildings, so i sold some, that i had too many roads, too many units (kept disbanding until i got invaded).

What she never said was that my problem wasn't execessive expenditure at all, it was that my empire had very unbalanced output across the three primaries - food, hammers, gold. I had a tiny gold income and that was my problem, because i was in a forested/grassland area and had built nothing but farms and lumber mills. Eventually I found out how to show tile yields and figured out where i was going wrong.
Totally useless on where to settle cities. Like I'm really going to plant a city twenty tiles away right next to the Zulu's capital?

But to to be fair--there have been instances where they one of the possible sites recommended was indeed a site I had been seriously considering. But that's a rarity.

But as chum said, that's the advice the AI follows.
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