Should infanticide be legal?

Should parents be allowed to humanely kill their newborn babies if they both agree on

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • No

    Votes: 68 82.9%

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Mar 5, 2003
Why do most people get so upset about parents who kill their newborn baby? Isn’t it their baby? Shouldn’t people be allowed to do whatever they want with what is rightfully theirs? Of course one have to consider the baby as well, but a newborn baby has no idea about what laws govern the society. It will make no difference at all for the baby if infanticide is legal or not. Unless the parents choose to execute it, obviously. But if they do it quickly and humanely, the baby will be dead before it even knows what happened. And then it cannot possibly experience any harm? So apparently this must be a victimless crime? There is no need to keep victimless crimes illegal, is it?
Of course it shouldnt be legal.

Who the hell advocates killing a baby thats already born?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

But are you trying to make a side argument on abortion ? ;)
Well I'm pretty sure you smash it with a hammer, but no it shouldnt be legal.
If it's legal to kill it five minutes before birth, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be legal to kill it five minutes after birth; there is nothing that happens in those 10 minutes that changes what it inherently is. That schizophrenia amazes me.

That said, I think infanticide is evil and should be punished even more harshly than the killing of an adult.
The ease of adoption generally makes infanticide uneccesary. I view the minimal gain in parental freedom does not outweigh the infant's loss of life.
It is insane that when a child is born,that child have a right to live under most laws(i can't think of anyplace in the world that allows infanticide)under the guidance of the State.When a child is in a woman's womb,it is up to the mother to make a law(God Complex is more like it)if that child have the right to live.
Elrohir said:
If it's legal to kill it five minutes before birth, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be legal to kill it five minutes after birth; there is nothing that happens in those 10 minutes that changes what it inherently is. That schizophrenia amazes me.

That said, I think infanticide is evil and should be punished even more harshly than the killing of an adult.

I dont think its legal to kill it five minutes before birth anyway. But if it is... :eek:
Xanikk999 said:
I dont think its legal to kill it five minutes before birth anyway. But if it is... :eek:
It's legal to kill it before it's head exits the mother's body. It's very rare, but perfectly legal. Look up "partial birth abortion", Wiki has an article on it.
Elrohir said:
It's legal to kill it before it's head exits the mother's body. It's very rare, but perfectly legal. Look up "partial birth abortion", Wiki has an article on it.

Yeah thats just plain sickening... Why would anyone want to do that?
I don't think it should be legal, mainly because I am applying the Golden Rule.

I could be injured in such a way that I suffer massive brain damage and amnesia. I believe that this brain damage could render me to a state similar to a newborn "weak, but expected to improve". Now, at that stage of brain damage, I would still be 'me'.

For this reason, I don't want it to be legal to kill someone at this stage of mental development.

That said, there are stages of mental damage where I could still be alive, but not 'me'. Even if the brain could be repaired (stem cells or something like that), the *me* would be destroyed. As an outrageous example, if my head was chopped off, eventually we'd have the technology to grow a new head. Since I am pretty sure *I* would be dead upon losing my head, it would be okay to kill my body at that stage. The potential to develop a brain is vastly different from having one.

For this reason, I have no ethical problem with killing a human organism that does not have a brain; even if it will develop one eventually. Mainly due to the Golden Rule.
No it is only legal in the first part of the pregnancy (in Sweden). The baby isn't realy a baby when it is in the mother, it is kind of an extension. When abortions are made the baby can't survive without the mothers body. BTW for you guys that are saying OMG you are killing something that can become a human. You are committing murder. You must be very evil. Think of all the sperm you have produced that didn't become a baby. Is that murder?
Elrohir said:
Reasons for abortions. The most common reason, at 25% is "Want to postpone childbearing".

Irresponsible murderers...

This is not a fetus its a fully developed human baby about to be born.. Why isnt this illegal?
Not for partial birth abortion. Those are done to prevent pregnancy complications/danger to mothers.

It's not illegal's a feasible medical procedure, that saves lives. States that outlaw it are putting their populace in danger.
No it is only legal in the first part of the pregnancy (in Sweden). The baby isn't realy a baby when it is in the mother, it is kind of an extension.
It is an rediculous argument.It is something analogous to say that if the State have the right to abort me because i am an extension of a political idea.:hmm:
But it isnt done just to save the mother all the time is it?
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