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Sirian's Tweaks


Designer, Mohawk Games
Dec 20, 2001
Pennsylvania, USA
I recently had cause to review the Civ3 game rules and consider various tweaks. Here is the list of refinements I came up with:

* Double the value of Wealth.
* Double the value of Tax Collectors.
* Triple the value of Scientists.

* Reduce Harbors to 60 shield requirement.
* Change Amphibious Warfare to a required technology.

* Move SS Stasis Chamber from Synthetic Fibers to Robotics.
* Require uranium as well as aluminum to build the SS Stasis Chamber.

* Change the Great Wall, adding a free wall improvement in all cities on the same landmass.
* Change Shakespeare's Theater, adding the effect of allowing unlimited city size.

* Increase Longbow offense from 4 to 5 and shield cost from 40 to 50, and...
* Increase Musketman/Musketeer defense from 4 to 5, and...
* Increase Rifleman offense from 4 to 5 and defense from 6 to 7, and...
* Increase Guerilla offense and defense from 6 to 7 in both cases, and...
* Increase Infantry offense from 6 to 7, and...
* Increase Marines offense from 8 to 10 and defense from 6 to 7, and...
* Increase Paratroops offense from 6 to 7 and defense from 8 to 9.

Change the Maximum Turns to Research to scale with map size:
* Tiny Map: 25 turn maximum.
* Small Map: 32 turn maximum.
* Standard Map: 40 turn maximum.
* Large Map: 48 turn maximum.
* Huge Map: 60 turn maximum.

I would like to give this mod a test drive in an SG. Thus, this will be an SG thread.

Civilization: Korea
Difficulty: Deity
Map Size: Huge
Opponents: Fifteen
Land: Archipelago 40%
Climate: Hot, Arid, Rugged
Barbarians: Restless
Victory: Cultural and Diplomatic disabled.

Turns per Player: Ten
Turnaround Times: 24/72
Protocol: RBCiv exploits are off limits.

There will be only four roster spots for this game, but I will sponsor games on any difficulty level or map size for those who want to give this a try. Perhaps a Deity game on a standard or small map, and an Emperor game on a standard or large map, with victory conditions, civs and terrain to be decided by the participants.



You may Download the Mod to try for yourself, or you can sign up here for the SG's to try it with others. Thank you for your interest. :)

- Sirian
I have to say it looks interesting. I can't play huge maps but would be interested in seeing this game on a large or standard map.
I don't think I'm cut out for this game, but I would possibly be interested in one of the others
I would like to try a Diety, Huge map with these rule changes. If you'll have me, that is! I have a caveat that I have a vacation coming up from August 3-10'th. Hopefully that won't be a major problem with only one or two skips.
I'd be interested to play the game with the settings you describe. I have no huge map games anymore and this sounds like fun!

I'd also like to see a Korean UU capable of triggering a GA and furthermore I'd say that the Great Wall would be more valuable now (more expensive?)
Definitely interested...if you got room ;)
No vacation until September :(
Add me in as a potential if needed, but I'll tell you now I've not beat Diety yet, mianly because when I got off my butt to try a few times I got bored with the game and the fast tech pace (way back when) and stopped.

But if you need another desperately, or don't mind having an odd wheel I'll gladly fill in. :)
If there is still a free spot and you accept me, I can give it a try with you.

Not a big fan of 'huge map', but 10turns every now and again will be fine (as opposed to playing the whole game with long night sessions and being a zombie at work during a few week :) ).


PS Probably won't be there for 10 days in August at some point (around the 15th).
It looks like there's already more than four signed up, but FWIW I'd be interested in participating.

Deity may be a bit of a stretch for me, but there's only one way to learn, right? :whipped: :lol:

I'd be interested in participating on another team if this one is full. Like the others, I may be going away for a week in August.

Add my name to the interested list for either difficulty or size. I don't have any vacation looming over the horizon either. :)

Huge plays a bit different than the smaller maps but 10 turns late in the game might be a bit of a stretch, in 72 hours. :(

All in all nice changes for what should be an interesting game. Always fun to play a mod that has been carefully thought out. I like that the cav unit has had it's strength diminished by adding a little more defense to the units of the period.

I'll be trying this mod for sure.

OK - here's what I'd like to see in a non-huge game under this mod.

Civ - Germany. I'd like to try out a militaristic civ with the unit changes, but not one with a dominating ancient UU, and to have another good trait without leaning on the crutches of industrious or religious.

Map - Small, Pangaea, 40% land. The tech pace will go quickly (getting us to the changed units) but also with ample opportunity for warring.

Terrain - Arid to reduce huge jungles as we're not industrious, other settings standard.

Difficulty - Deity, natch.

Victory - disable diplomatic, all others available.

So who'd be interested in this version of it? JMB and Griselda have slots if you want them.


A note on the rules -

I believe the Great Wall not having the wall-in-every-city effect was a design decision, because if you built the GW then you couldn't build regular walls and you were stuck without city defenses when it expired. Just something that has to be dealt with, I guess. I presume it still has the expiration date as well as the double-wall-defenses effect.
Well, I wanted to play, but I don't have the required Deity victory. Anyone want to play an Emperor game?

I really need to try Deity again.
Regarding walls, the original design called for their effect to expire when cities expanded beyond size 6. We now know that doesn't happen, so T-hawk is right in that free walls will prevent the building of walls, then the wonder will expire and most cities will not be eligible to replace the free walls. Two solutions: 1) Do without! 2) Build your own walls before you build the wonder.

The main purpose of the free walls is to benefit the AI. The AI rarely builds walls. A few civs, like Rome, will do so with some regularity, but most do not. The Great Wall is not needed by the AI for barbarian boosts, so generally it is useless to them. This will change that. Of course, whether this is for the better or not remains to be seen, but that's why we are testing it. :) Now the AI who builds the Great Wall will actually see some defensive benefit from it!

Regarding cavs, yes they will be weakened slightly. The unit tweaks begin with rescuing the poor longbow unit, which was rendered obsolete by the arrival of midievals. To balance that, the muskets need a boost -- but that's overdue anyway. With the new gap between muskets and pikes, and the new power of longbows, the urgency of saltpeter is increased. Cavs still get the edge over muskets, but will be weakened against rifles. The other changes ripple the balance forward, slightly boosting defense in the late middle and early industrial age when the heavy warring usually begins.

About the rosters... This will be my first huge map SG, so I hope everyone will understand if I prefer to go with players with whom I have previous experience. We should have enough games to accomodate everyone who wants to play. If more show up, we can run extra games. :)

T-hawk's settings sound good. T-hawk, would you prefer me to generate a map for you? Or create your own?

ROSTER ST1 - Sirian's Game - Deity, Huge, Korea


ROSTER ST2 - T-hawk's Game - Deity, Small, Germany


ROSTER ST3 - Second Huge Map Deity Game


ROSTER ST4 - Emperor Game

Dark Savant

Unassigned Signups

Cartouche Bee - (Was that a signup? :) Edit: OK, not a signup. 14 games??? Good grief! :lol: )

ST1 is full, but we appear to have three other games in the works. Also searching for captains to run ST3, ST4. Helpful to the organizational phase if players post preferences for or against the specifics.

Edit: ST2 is now full. We have six players signed up (combined) for 3,4 and need between two and four more players.

- Sirian

Edit: Oh, and there is no "required Deity victory". RBE is dead, may she rest in peace.
... have ... limited ... free ... time ...

Ah, what the hey, I'll only be insanely busy for the next two weeks. :) I'm officially interested, but not in a huge map game (which is too much for the computer I play on, and I, uh, don't have free time :crazyeye: ). Either Emperor or Deity would be fine, though.
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