SJW Kills 400 year tradition by insisting on gender neutral language


Slippin' Jimmy
Oct 14, 2001
Chicago Sunroofing
Yes Virginia, there is a safe place clause:

The Republican leader of the Virginia House of Delegates wants to do away with the chamber’s longstanding tradition of addressing lawmakers with gendered titles.

House Leader Kirk Cox told The Washington Post through a spokesman Tuesday that if Republicans maintain control of the House, lawmakers will be referred to as “delegate” instead of “gentleman” or “gentlewoman.”

The statement came in response to questions about how Delegate-elect Danica Roem, who is a transgender woman, would be addressed.
Progress by bigotry!
This is political correctness stripping men of their gentlemanhood.
You're such a typical Lefty Bigot! The world is changing, accept it. Republicans = A force for social progress.
It's a term that is used in some places.

Here, we did away with gender-specific titles long ago for politicians (for the most part). Municipal politicians are "councilors" as opposed to "aldermen" (when more women started winning municipal elections they wanted a change in the terminology). Federal politicians are "honorable members" (whether they really are honorable is a totally different issue).

It was a bit interesting, though, to find out that tucked away somewhere in a Parliamentary storage closet is a set of stationery from the office of "La Première Ministre" - back when we had a female Prime Minister for a few months. She was given a choice between using the default masculine form of the stationery, or making a change to reflect that we now had a female PM. Since Kim Campbell hoped (and continues to hope) that she won't be the only female PM we ever have, she opted for the feminine form, expecting that some day, another female PM will get to use it.
the really important question is: which bathroom will she use?

it'd be amusing if the guys insisted on her using the women's facilities.
"Gentlewoman" is a word there for 400 years?

If so, i can see why it fell to disuse in the last few centuries :D

(i suppose that the 400 year usage refers to 'gentleman' (for delegates), though; it is not like there would be any female delegates there prior to the 20th century, at which time i assume this female counterpart for the term came about)
Without joking though, that's the most petty and idiotic thing I've seen government officials do in a long time.
Without joking though, that's the most petty and idiotic thing I've seen government officials do in a long time.
On the contrary: the definition of the government official is "a corrupted petty idiot".
Wait, wait, wait... I thought it was PC to address everyone with the proper terminology, and now it's not anymore PC?

The whole point is that we are getting to a place where gendered terms are no longer considered "proper terminology."
The whole point is that we are getting to a place where gendered terms are no longer considered "proper terminology."
I thought the point was that the Republicans don't want to call her a woman because she used to have a penis?
I thought the point was that the Republicans don't want to call her a woman because she used to have a penis?
Oh. Irony?
Right, conservative narrow-mindedness accidentally produces a droplet of progress. Gender pronouns have never been a hill I thought was worth fighting for, but this story did give me a chuckle. Republicans like to bluster about strength and individualism and integrity, but they don't even have the spine to call a woman a woman.
400 years? Do you have stuff that old in USA?
but they don't even have the spine to call a woman a woman.
Well, they probably don't think of her as a woman, and of course they have a right to their opinion. It's when they lack the spine to get over their personal feelings and show a bit of professionalism that they make themselves look like idiots.
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