SKNES: Architecture of Aggression

The Empire will not be conducting any diplomacy under any circumstance, either in public or in private, until SK has finished his modifications
As well as not alone, Catholics are to discuss together before anything is decided.

I do wonder thou, did the Orthodox people forget what happened about 50 years ago? Now they ally and even fight side to side with Byzantine forces? That's the strangest...
To: The Holy Roman Empire
From: King Faraz of Armenia

This is a formal apology by the Kingdom of Armenia for our actions. The previous dynasty was full of cowardly, naive fools, who's will was bent by foreign powers. As proof that my family will be much less lenient, we are willing to send 2 EP in reparations.
OOC: This was the greatest update to date, even if it is being revised. And my invasion of Rome failed :p
and I would've gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling Franks!
OOC: Also, I had a written confirmation of being allowed into Rome, so unless Erez specifically said not to let me in, then that should be changed. Also its funny he calls the Muslim army the Black Scythes even though that group was my idea.
Can't we all just be civil about this war?
OOC: Agreed.


Jutland would like to remind all that the Might of the Allfather will always melt through the lies of Lokki, and his avatar the White Christ and The Mahomet. However, the realities of the World force us to work with them until such time as they no longer exist. As such, they Are afforded the Status of Kammerat. This awards them a special Status, not afforded to other religions. Under this system, (which is similar to the OTL Dhimmi System of Islam.) Kammerat people are guaranteed their personal safety and security of property, in return for paying tribute and acknowledging Forn Sidr rule. Although Kammerat are allowed to perform their religious rituals, they were obliged to do so in a manner not conspicuous to Forn Sidr. Display of Non Forn-Sidr religious symbols, such as crosses or icons, is prohibited on clothing (unless mandated as part of religious ceremony). Additionally, Kammerat people are forbidden from proselytizing to Forn Sidr people (But other religions are free game.) Finally, A Forn Sidr member of a Family will inherit the property of the deceased over those of other faiths.
OOC: Was that little bit of Corsica I had really worth 2 Economy, or did I lose some somewhere else? It doesn't really make sense that the tiny foothold on Corsica that I had contributed over a fifth to the Vandal economy.
To: Uighurs

Take that! :p
lmao at spending on missionaries.

lmao at whining over cassus bellis

lmao at armenia paying reparations

lmao at the frenchies starting a thousand years of lost wars right now.
A Description of King Faraz
King Faraz was much stouter than the previous Kings of Armenia, who hailed from the Tagrabunti dynasty. He was strong and muscly, and had a close cropped head of black hair with a well trimmed goatee. He was a solid and honorable Christian, who felt the infighting between Catholics and Orthodoxes was unnecessary and foolish. He believed in the power of military, and was much less tolerant than the other kings. He also dreamed much less of culture, and more of recreating the empire of the Great King Tigranes, and would lead reforms and military expeditions that would change Armenia forever...
Spoiler :
OOC: I was roleplaying the reparations thing, cause I don't believe Christian infighting would be that popular at home, leading to Herkules' overthrow, and the eventual founding of a new and different dynasty.
Reparations weren't around these days. That's called "Tribute".
And..sorry guys. My friend insisted on dragging me to go see The Avengers(which is an excellent movie by the way, so no regrets there) so I wasn't able to get the repairs done. (To be honest, I really didn't feel like doing them today anyway)
I'll do them tomorrow, for sure (unless something really unexecpected comes up)
And..sorry guys. My friend insisted on dragging me to go see The Avengers(which is an excellent movie by the way, so no regrets there) so I wasn't able to get the repairs done. (To be honest, I really didn't feel like doing them today anyway)
I'll do them tomorrow, for sure (unless something really unexecpected comes up)

I saw it two nights ago. What were the Russians saying? The subtitles were in Chinese :(
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