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SKNES II: The Bonaparte Legacy

OOC: what the hell does that mean? Dance? Belgium i happy?
OOC: I believe he's saying that Belgium will represent France on the Brazil conference....
Oh, right. I read it wrong
Oh, oh! I see now.
To: World
From: Swiss National Bank
Subject: Loans

Loans are being offered out by the Swiss National Bank to all nations of the world who will be able to repay. The next loans available to the world are starting in Early 1938, but bidding early will ensure that these loans are granted. Please send message to the International Affairs Branch of the Swiss National Bank if you wish to seek a loan. Privacy will be granted if such is requested.
Belgium i happy to see her interests, which are closely intertwined with those of dance, represented by France at the conference so we can focus on our own country at the moment.

This is good to know, as it was not our intention to have European secondary powers attend the conference. Shouldn't you be murdering Congolese villagers?
I'm joining as Colombia. PMed SK and he said it was fine, so there you go.
OOC: My apologies, was in a rush and didn't even notice them. Grandkhan is correct in his interpretation. Sorry 'bout that. *Checks for typos in this sentence. Finds none :) *

IC: It is out understanding that Brazil is interested in providing a united front against communism, and so we see no reason why you would not want 'secondary' powers to be within that front. (I haven't thoroughly read the diplomacy regarding it, so this may be slightly wrong.) We are curious about your comment about the Congo though. You seem to be misinformed about the nature of our colonial presence there.
OOC: My apologies, was in a rush and didn't even notice them. Grandkhan is correct in his interpretation. Sorry 'bout that. *Checks for typos in this sentence. Finds none :) *

IC: It is out understanding that Brazil is interested in providing a united front against communism, and so we see no reason why you would not want 'secondary' powers to be within that front. (I haven't thoroughly read the diplomacy regarding it, so this may be slightly wrong.) We are curious about your comment about the Congo though. You seem to be misinformed about the nature of our colonial presence there.

...to all democratic and non-communist states in South America, as well as to the nations of Great Britain, France, Portugal, Haiti and Spain...

OOC: Just putting it out there, that Brazil was addressing only the states above.
From: Empire of Brazil
To: Belgium

It appears you have fundamentally misunderstood our intentions. However, if you have any further concerns, you may address them to the Department of Nosy and Loud Tinpot States, located nearby Rio de Janeiro's red light district. We invite you to send a Belgian delegation, comprised of however many Walloony plumbers diplomats as you may feel is necessary, in order to ascertain the facilities. We will be sure to direct any further telegraphs from Brussels to the Foreign Office's "incendiary box".

Regards, the incredibly frustrated people of Brazil
Can I join this? If so, can I claim Persia?
Persia has been claimed by J.K. Stockholme.
From the USSA
To Canada, New England, The United Kingdom

We have recently...obtained...numerous confessions by the assailants upon leaders of the Socialist party and American citizens, implicating your trio in funding, supplying, and organizing the terrorists who assaulted us. In a democracy, people are free to choose whatever political ideology they wish, not simply the preapproved parties of the elite. Clearly you do not respect the USSA, or democracy. This is noted, and we will react appropriately.

From The USSA
To The CSA

At one time, we were both Americans, living for and protecting Democracy. As such we are disappointed in your role of the murder of Portugese in your foolhardy intervention in European matters. Furthermore your alliance with the United Kingdom, who is currently confirmed to have murdered American civilians, has us incredibly concerned. Let it be known that we are not weak, and will ensure the people of the Americas have self determination and freedom, without worry of foreign intervention designed to enslave the people.

From The USSA
To Ecuador

Joyous news comrade! We are most excited by the developments in your country, and if you need assistance, you need only to ask! Let it be known that we fully gurantee your independence during this transitional period. The Ecuadorian people have no greater friend than the American Eagle
From the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
To the People's Republic of Greece
CC: Italy, Ottoman Empire

We have decided to extend to Greece an offer to join the Communist International, in light of threats against its independence.
From PRG

We thank you for your invitation. We will join the Communist International.

From PRG
To Ottoman Empire:

We are sad that you have not responded to our offer. You could at least have said that you did not agree so we could begin negotiations.
From the USSA
To Canada, New England, The United Kingdom

We have recently...obtained...numerous confessions by the assailants upon leaders of the Socialist party and American citizens, implicating your trio in funding, supplying, and organizing the terrorists who assaulted us. In a democracy, people are free to choose whatever political ideology they wish, not simply the preapproved parties of the elite. Clearly you do not respect the USSA, or democracy. This is noted, and we will react appropriately.

From President Hoover,
To the Communist Usurpers of the United States of America

You are no democracy. If you were, you would have never overturned the elected mandate of the Republican government. You are tyrants who came to power by the power of bullets, not votes.

OOC: Also what murder of Americans?
OOC: I'm not sure what you're asking about for the Hoover part,

Murder of Americans is the numerous assassinations of Americans during our elections, see the USSA part of the update
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