SLNES I: Masters of Ethereal

Mother calls. Mother calls me in my head. I see visions of blood and earth mixed together. Death rules the lands. All races dying out and living again, fighting wars with each other and against something else.

Mother, what is your command...?

I see mother. I say the ground breaking, is that a hint? I see water flowing inside tunnels, killing those who use them. What are you giving me mother, What are this sights? So many bodies, so much blood. If it war? Is it evil?
In Gwynedd, at the base of the tower that defies the skies, a meeting is held where Gwydion the fair has assembled the leaders of his armies.
And thus the wizard speaks:

The gnolls threaten Norclove and Gwynedd. I call upon you.
Clan chiefs, leaders, ladies and lords, the like of whom are few.
With you I will decide what must be done. Speak now my crew!
Mighty Dylan, wielder of two axes, what will you do?

Disregarding fear, I will let my rage sing
The song of sorrow that my axes will bring!

Noble Brian, lancer without equal, what will you do?

I shall ride to the front, into en'my land
And free slaves from gnolls so they cannot expand!

Dear Silvia, my princess, queen of my heart, what will you do?

I shall lead horse archers and send my patrols
To intercept all of the invading gnolls!

Brannock of Kendrick, orc with no master, what will you do?

I won't allow monsters to enslave my kin
No more. I will fight. I will not let them win.

Gilvaethwy, warrior bard of Kazaë, what will you do?

Sailing to their shores, taking away their slaves...

( in a slightly annoyed tone: )
It is not what you did that I ask, but what you will do.

Fighting to bring silence to the spells you can hear.
Singing to bring courage to the hearts of the meek.
Singing to bring power to the arms of the weak.
Fighting to bring mayhem to the bringers of fear
Bare birches stand asleep,
Blades clashing all around them
Blood on fair, white snow.

OOC: Just to prove LDi isn't the only poet amongst us. Its a haiku, which it turns out are not easy to write in English. I had never quite appreciated how different Eastern and Western languages were from one and other till I tried this. Yell at me if its all wrong but I think it fits the rough rules for an English language haiku. I'll probably write some more after my exam today. Now back to revision!
OOC: Nice Haiku, vert. Yet I believe it is 7-5-7, and not 6-4-6. Maybe they are both correct - just different types. Not sure.


To the Inhabitants of the Crata Grasslands

You wish for proof of my power? Very well. I will give you a choice! Do you wish to allow yourself to feel the greatest joys of your lives, or the sheerest horror? As I wizard I have faced both numberless times. Speak, mortals, and feel my power.

(Don't Get Wendell Angry or imply he's short! Or He'll get you!

A silence is felt from the Crata. Then a loud thumping. A messenger gives a note to Wendell. All it says is, 'The land is ours.' and nothing more.

Terrance888 said:
Telurgrae / Halflings (41,000 / 164))

To the Kindred City of Telurgrae
I speak and I hear. I am Wendell the Tall, Wizard of Pordos Valley, Lord of Halflings, Humans, Elves and Beastmen, and Pursuer of Peace. I have subdued bandits, liberated the fearful, empowered the weak and protected the poor. Being Kindreds we are separated by the Crata Grasslands. Would you wish a road to bring our peoples closer together in this dangerous world? My halflings will defend lands with their lives, and trade between such a great city as yours and my realm will be fruitful for all. Speak, and I will hear.

Message from Lord Eriadin of Telurgrae said:
To the Great Wizard Wendell of the Pordos Valley,

Well met, dear sir. I am happy to finally meet you. We may be separated by an inhospitable grassland (it's beauty is great, it's folk are unkind), yet knowledge of your name goes far, even beyond the Southland to realms we seldom visit and never know. I believe that were you to visit Telurgrae you find our lands beautiful and full of delicious foods and... powerful... wines. The women of Telurgrae are also scrumptious. If you visit, we will allow you to sample all of these things and more!

A road would be magnificent. However, as I have told you, the grassland that separates our lands is filled with unkind folk. I do not simply refer to Wylias and Kess-fal - no. I refer also to the tribes that dot the Crata. They are a proud folk, but they do not care for the things we care for, such as women, food, wine, and trade. It is quite a shame, really, for there are some delicious foods to be found in the Crata. The way they raise cattle there is quite novel, and so the meat of those cows sell for massive amounts in our lands (because they are so hard to get - one must risk their neck for that meat against hordes of minotaurs and other creatures that roam the grasslands).

You of course have permission to build a road to our realm, yet we are simply warning you to beware of the dangers in doing so. The whole Crata is connected somehow. What Wylias knows, so does the whole of the land. They are all remnants of some long lost history. Much information about the Crata is in our archives, for in our history we have had many dealings with them - all quite strange, none positive, none negative.

Are you aware another Wizard graces our lands? I speak of Merogia Soter, who we have also heard of (and fear at this point, to be quite frank). The minotaurs of the Sul are a strange bunch. A group of my watchers met a few at the foothills one winter evening. They did not kill them, so as far as we are concerned - we rather like them! Yet there are those in my realm who would fear them, for their kingdom continues to grow season by season.

I am honored to have received a letter from the only Halfling Wizard we have heard of in our lands. I look forward to your dear response.
To Castle Arbitarily Named 17
From Envoy Lucius

Hello there! This is your most magnanimous and clean-shaven of all neighbours speaking. How are you doing? I am, in some sense of the word, somebody who can be taken as a Wizard. But before I am a wizard, I am a fun-loving man who likes nothing better than hanging out with his neighbours. Unlike my old neighbour. He was no fun. And dead.

So what can you tell me about yourself, man?
To: The Wendell self-styled youngling who dares presume himself lord of the elves and Telurgrae, a city of his folk
From: Elatair, Chair of the Elatanlor of the Elves of Aurelia Forest and Wizard

Know this the people of Kess-fal and Crata have agreed to aid me in my war to bring the corrupted wizard, Arya, who I once counted as a friend, to justice. If you attempt to impose your civilisation upon them without their blessing, I will lend them my support. It would be perfectly possible for you to route a road through Sephira and up along the forest river to link your two kingdoms. This would also open trade to the entire forest teeming with elvish goods. I am merely offering an alternative path than the wilds of Crata and I would be willing to assist in building, maintaining and policing this road. On a different note, Wendell I would advise you do not claim lordship over the elves. The elves were once ruled by lords, before I or even my father walked the Earth and I am old even by the standards of my kin, and they met rather brutal ends. No-one rules or lords over an elf. It would be like trying to rule the forest or the sea or Crata. One cannot rule a force of nature. One cannot command wolves to fight for you or deer to lie on your table. There is also the more practical point that you do not actually, as far as I have heard from the winds and the birds and my fellow elves, rule over an substantial population of elves so how can you lord over a whole race when not one substantial population of them exists in your lands?

OOC: No, its just I can't count syllables correctly. They never actually taught us how to write poetry at school. I can analyse it but not write it properly. I learnt how to write haiku today rather than revise for exams. I'll modify it to keep the meaning but have the correct syllable count. Its actually the introduction to a story which will appear at some point after I finish the one I've been working on for about a month, maybe more. Sorry for the rather disjointed post, I'm worn out from exams and packing. Modifications done.

On a different note what happened to the observers from Crata?
Govannon put down his pick axe and shouted "Time off!"
The sound of picks digging rocks ceased abruptly as the dwarf's six brothers stopped hacking at the ore veins and started towards the exit.
Govannon pushed the cart to the entry of the mine, collecting his brothers' findings along the way. When he got out, he emptied the cart and went to see the barbarian woman as his brothers prepared for the trip back home.

The woman was really ugly. From a dwarf point of view, at least. She was tall to begin with. Far too much to be pretty. When you were near her you could barely see her pale face because her chest was malformed (from a dwarf point of view) and took all the space between you and her eyes. That chest was really ugly even for humans, or so Govannon thought, because the other barbarians, the males particularly, often stared at it. The poor girl wasn't helped with her white-ish complexion and raven-black hair. A nice forest dwarf would have earth-brown skin and rock-grey hair. And mud-brown eyes of course, not the azure-like blue things that hid under her barely visible brows. His brother Grumpaethwy had even nicknamed her 'Snow white' for she looked pale as wintery flakes. Govannon was sure she had exiled herself so far from Stryddinas because no suitor would woo such an ugly lass.

"Madam. We are over for the day. You can lock the mine if you so wish. There should be enough silver ore now for your ship to take it northwards. It should be full to the brim. Your wizard king should be happy with it I believe.
-Gwydion's also your king now, Govannon. Remember?
-Errr... Yes, sure. It's just that it's so recent, you know. Like, last autumn we didn't even know there was a wizard north of Quentora. And even then Quentora is far away.
-Not so much by sea.
-Yes. Sea. Too watery for me, madam. We prefer to live in the bowels of the earth rather than those salty fields of yours. If you excuse me saying so."
The (gorgeous (from a human point of view)) woman smiled.
"We don't live in the water, Govannon. We just sail across it. It's faster than to drag carts on lands, particularly in hilly forests like this one.
-Yes, I know. But at least here the lakes and rivers aren't salted."

The woman sighed. She thanked the dwarf, paid him for his ore, and bade him farewell.
She had to tell Dyfri and Tywyn now. They could go downriver tomorrow morning and reach the sea in three days. They'd then unload the river boat and she would come back to the village while her clansmen would load the ore in the ship and sail back to Stryddinas, for the smelters to turn rocks into silver. Once they made enough money, they could set up a foundry in the dwarven town here, and send pure silver by ship instead of stone. At that point, the clan would start making real benefits. It would take some time however, as it was unlikely Gwydion could keep sponsoring them with the war looming on the horizon.
To prince Anoan of Palinan
From Ng'graa Akh'rrr

The decisions you made in the last seasons very (as i believe) no easy once. But let me tell you that those where wise decisions. And yes we guarantee, that we will not harm your people if you declare independence.
But if you do not manage to win Palinan for your cause then it will be doomed this spring.
To Gwydion
From Ng'graa Akh'rrr

Don't you see the bloodshed your doing is bringing to the norclove? You seem like a person which hold life and peace in high regard. It is in your hands to stop this madness.

We traded peacefully. You threatened us. You made demands.
You enslaved orcs and men. You sent against freemen warbands.
You pit son against father. You know hatred and fear, but
Naught else. Come against us and we'll make sure your heads are cut.
You brought bloodshed first. To Senda and the towns of the steppes.
You pretend you want Palinan independant? The steps
For this would be first to free Senda from your dark grasp.
Palinan joined us freely. Anoan was by some asp
Misled but only a few thugs follow him. You're not worth
Many words. Stay away, lest your corpses rot on the earth.
to: The wendell self-styled youngling who dares presume himself lord of the elves and telurgrae, a city of his folk What is this? Immature bantering of one Wizard to Another, Wise Elf? I am old enough to be sustained mostly by mana, but I cannot presume your physical state. Know this, for I have meet at least a hundred thousand worlds before arriving at this one, for eighty thousand worlds as a gardener, for twelve thousand worlds as a mage and guardian, for seven thousand worlds as a wizard and for a few thousand as a ruler. I know not your experience, but thus is of mine, the youngling.
from: Elatair, chair of the elatanlor of the elves of aurelia forest and wizard

know this the people of kess-fal and crata have agreed to aid me in my war to bring the corrupted wizard, arya, who i once counted as a friend, to justice. If you attempt to impose your civilisation upon them without their blessing, i will lend them my support.
i also wished to help, but my overtures are ignored and forgotten. My wishes of aid of arms, weapons, mana or spells are also ignored and forgotten.
it would be perfectly possible for you to route a road through sephira and up along the forest river to link your two kingdoms. This would also open trade to the entire forest teeming with elvish goods. I am merely offering an alternative path than the wilds of crata and i would be willing to assist in building, maintaining and policing this road.
please elaborate. I have often wanted to see more of the world and this itself is an oppertunity.
on a different note, wendell i would advise you to do claim lordship over the elves. The elves were once ruled by lords, before i or even my father walked the earth and i am old even by the standards of my kin, and they met rather brutal ends. No-one rules or lords over an elf.
so you want me to claim lordship over the elves so i can get killed? I see where you are going, wise one. Remember, my friend, that my kingdom is but a confederacy of peace. The only taxes are voluntary offerings of satisfaction of my rule. The peoples are ruled by their own, and their advisors grace my halls to respectfully but forcefully suggest budget changes to their advantage. I do not lord over anyone. My rule is based completely on trust.
it would be like trying to rule the forest or the sea or crata. One cannot rule a force of nature. One cannot command wolves to fight for you or deer to lie on your table. There is also the more practical point that you do not actually, as far as i have heard from the winds and the birds and my fellow elves, rule over an substantial population of elves so how can you lord over a whole race when not one substantial population of them exists in your lands?
for you see, my land is of trade. I do not force. I do not push. All my 'subjects' walked themselves to me. The only way i rule is through protection and peace. I give you thus, and you give me the means for thus. That is my way, oh wise elf.
Do you wise to suppose that the fallen serpent elves are not within my lands? Do you wish to excommunicate them from elvenkind because they joined me of their freewill? Remember, wise one, i contacted them, and they, and the humans of solace offered me thus: Protect them and connect them, and they will join me. Thus i have, and thus they did, and thus they are within my realm.

as i have rebutted you statement, i shall tender my own. We are both wise rulers, elf, and both have built lands of peace and prosperity. Ignorance by accident is a folly, one that you, not I, might have committed. But ignorance by choice seems to be your action upon my lands, for you and your seeing eye would have seen mine, and seen the elves and seen the happiness of my realm. If that is how you, wise elf, deal with other honest wizards, I cannot work with you. I have sent messages of condolence to your kind of the central forest, who refused to trust me. I cannot force them into my realm based on trust of my peoples.

I accept your offer of trade, and will seek out the lady of sephira. However, the lands of crata are not yours or mine. If you seek them out to join you, then i call you a hypocrite for imposing your will upon them, or for rebuffing my advances to replace them with your won. If they wish to stay alone, let them be and watch as prosperity and peace pass them by.

-wendell the tall.

To the Lady of Sephira
I speak and I hear, I am Wendell the Tall, and I have spoke to you before. Last time I wished to help you against Arya the Liar. I tender the same sentiment as well as another. Your friend, the Wise Elf, Elatair, has told me that it is possible to build a road of trade to your great city and north along the river to or near cities such as Elagor, Telurgrae and such into Wizard Soter's realm. I wish to ask of your gracious thoughts of your wizard friend, the Wise Elf, and of his plan.

To Lord Eriadin of Telurgrae
I hear and I speak. That is good news, Kindred. I have good news as well. I am working with the elves to build a road north through the forests of Sephira. Although the plan would take further planning, it has hope for trade and adventure.

(OOC: Because you tried to Wisecrack me, I will always call you Wise Elf from now on, even if in jest. :p)

To Sister Wizard, Merogia Soter
Greetings, we have meet, only if through the crystal eyes. I am Wendell the Tall of the Southlands and I wish simply to give you greetings, for our realms are soon to be closer than ever with the possibility of a road. I ask for your help, sister Wizard, in plotting the path, paying for and patroling this path of prosperity, to your cities and of those around you. I have already spoken to Lord Eriadin of Telurgrae, and a fruitful relationship between the three of us can form and pull our lands tighter. I think you might have heard the Crata Grasslands and of your kin therin. In exchange for accepting this offer, and if you wish to contact them with more mundane means, I would gladly aid any procession to the minotaurs of that land.
The Watermages and Adventurers stood stoically, facing each other. They were outside of Horace's Point, and are about to go off on their first adventure.

"It'll be fun" said Wendell to his most trusted adventurer, Kelter Ryeleaf, "You get to face unimaginable hardship, weird magics and warped rules of reality."

"What?" sputtered the Adventurer. He tossed one of his many throwing knives and caught it between his arched eyebrows, "What?"

"Don't worry. You have your Netheyl armour and some of the best local Mages I've known yet for healing and physical manipulation! Pst, you are more than half water too!"

Kelter can only shrug mentally as he observed the kindred opposite him. He was thinking similar thoughts, but yet much different.

His name was Lethran Broadleaf. He was called an Archmage and a Cleric upon his ascension as the Elder Watermage of Fingor's Bay. Yet Lethran has also watched as the power of King Landi is slowly constricted by the Bandits of the North, losing custody of a town to the east. And he has watched approvingly of the new comer that is spirited yet surprisingly old. When Wendell shook his hands, it felt as it is held together by magic itself. He ruminated on his last adventure before retiring to his studies. The Mana Stream outside of Horace's Point has been nodded as the source of its power, its construction by the Ancient Empire, or even as the gateway for the Water Goddess herself. Now he will find out. His crystal staff glowed in his hands, partly from the ancient willow from which it was carved, partly from the mana crystals infused into it by Wendell himself, and partly from his own adjustments to suit his personality.

The two halflings looked at Wendell together, who spoke thus.
Spring has once again returned, and while last spring it has only seen the first blossoms of the Confederacy, this spring will see the blooming sprouts of last year's seeds. You will travel together, and depend on each other, to explore the Mana Stream of Fingor's Firth. It will be dangerous, and wild mana will create its own spells for no reason other than to be used. This danger will bring us closer together in understanding. I ask you to take as long as you wish to discover its secret as closely as possible so we can unravel it together.

He spread his palms. The two leaders nodded and shook their hands. They talked a little, and turned towards the direction Wendell pointed.

Then, they walked into the woods, carrying their packs of food and potions, distractions and instruments, and the most treasured treasure of all.

Hope and Friendship.
Well, you have to start somewhere.


Oh, Blessed Senda, how I miss my home!
Banished to the wilderness, no future but to roam.
Banish all the gnolls, power to the Knights!
Bless the land of Senda, City of the Lights.
But we are even exiles when we live in our hometown,
Invasions by the dogs simply bring us down.
For all of the patriots and all the insurrection
None of them offer us a chance at resurrection
Grave errors have been made, in need of their correction,
We require leadership to grant us one direction
The High Men, they have fallen, fallen from such height,
Forgotten how to live and forgotten how to fight,
Bless the ancient oceans, bless their dancing foam,
Oh, Blessed Senda, how I miss my home.

Hadrid looked over his poem, trying to compare it in his head to the various songs of Gwydion that he had heard, but he knew the pacing, the tempo was all wrong, the rhyme scheme too simple, this was no song of Gwydion.

“Listen to this,” he tells the first man he sees, offering up his heartfelt ode to his homeland.

“What is this word, ‘Bless?’” the man asks him.

“Well,” Hadrid tells him, “It’s a word from the High Man’s tongue, it appeals to the Gods to give their protection and benefit…”

The man’s face draws back in a snarl all of the sudden, it is an expression that Hadrid has grown familiar with over his time here among the ‘Barbarians.’

But he has grown quick as well, and so he manages to dodge the blow, he turns to flee.

Blessed, what a stupid mistake, Hadrid knows better, he had learned better in his time here.

Barbarian is not a word that anyone would self apply in Senda, but these strange violent men wallow in it. His feet rise and slam down into the dirt as he runs, quickly, but it does not matter. People who flee are not highly regarded here, better to face the fight.

If one happens to be a barbarian.

But as a High Man and a foreigner Hadrid has little concern for his honor among these people, it bothers him not the slightest if they should all hear the tale of him running from a fight, look at him for the sake of the Gods, a small, slight boy who had not been able to hold his own in fights among other pampered merchants children in Senda.

Soon he comes to the docks, and he stands for a moment, looking out at the ships and the beach, tastes the air, the smell of salt and feels the soft caress of the breeze.

“Bless the ancient Oceans,” he says, smiling, the fight long behind him, the other man had not pursued this obvious coward for long at all, “Bless their dancing foam.”

And one of the sailors asks, “What is this word, ‘Bless?’”


OOC: LDI, I hope that this is conforms to your expectations of your society. I guess the manner in which cowards are regarded and dealt with might be a little bit my own but I don’t think it altogether inconsistent with what you’ve described.
OOC: LDI, I hope that this is conforms to your expectations of your society. I guess the manner in which cowards are regarded and dealt with might be a little bit my own but I don’t think it altogether inconsistent with what you’ve described.

Yes that's great. Hadrid was a bit unlucky with finding a barbarian who didn't even like the mention of gods. This particular barbarian probably took the 'Bless' part a kind of proselytism or spell and therefore reactly badly before Hadrid would try explain him how gods really work. And yes, most of them certainly scorn cowards.

We traded peacefully. You threatened us. You made demands.
You enslaved orcs and men. You sent against freemen warbands.
You pit son against father. You know hatred and fear, but
Naught else. Come against us and we'll make sure your heads are cut.
You brought bloodshed first. To Senda and the towns of the steppes.
You pretend you want Palinan independant? The steps
For this would be first to free Senda from your dark grasp.
Palinan joined us freely. Anoan was by some asp
Misled but only a few thugs follow him. You're not worth
Many words. Stay away, lest your corpses rot on the earth.

Since my lyrical skills are so bad in English, once again i will quote JMT:

"Power blast wacking my path devour fast
I leave you with a grain of sand in life's hourglass
Devise your spell
Make demons rise out of hell
Grab you by your lapels and rob you of your outer shell
You feel the ill dire who sire in hellfire
I launch writers
Put your drawn on gong's wire
Jedi swordsman give rappers a foul fortune
Science to contortion your body into a coffin
Insane damage is done, you :mad::mad:in' with the army
We beat skulls in the shape of a wet bag of laundry"

I find serenity in torture
it is a lovely evening in the village of Reeger, a small community of centaurs and lately a few dwarf and halfling families. They were drawn to the village by the construction of the great temple, attracted to it by faith. Ever since the construction of the mana poles the village have not known many dark nights and quickly became a place where many arrive to pray and honor the great mother of all things. While some farming and animal husbandry still takes place in the village it is slowly turning into a religious community, where most of the population are annotated priests of mother. Camrol is personally managing the structure of the new growing society.

The Priests of mother are a new guild in Camrol's realm. Many join it's ranks every week, and many more are attracted to the feeling of faith in mother. The guild has two major parts in it. The Guardians of Mother and Those who Speak. The guardians too are split in two. One half, and the major half it is, are the priests that work day and night at The Major temple in Reeger. Another half is dedicated to what is called Rage of Mother and are mostly barbarian humans from Lakestone.

Those Who Speak are really the major point of the growing religion. They travel the plains and outside over and over, and go as far as their legs can take them to speak of the wonders of mother. They speak of the warm feeling one received once he accepts mother into his heart. They speak of the great temple and the light of mother that shines upon all. But most of all they speak of the importance of appeasing mother. They detest everything too unnatural and most of all anything that hurts the environment. Tunnels, ugly bridges, industry, all are opposed to the teachings of mother. Research and discovery, and acceptance of anything that came to the world as it is on the other hand is vastly agreed upon by the priests.

The teachings of mother goes far from Stabila and with Camrol being honored as the prophet (against his wishes) they are also financially supported by a powerful empire.

ooc-orders soon
From Wendell the 'Tall' said:
to sister wizard, merogia soter
greetings, we have meet, only if through the crystal eyes. I am wendell the tall of the southlands and i wish simply to give you greetings, for our realms are soon to be closer than ever with the possibility of a road. I ask for your help, sister wizard, in plotting the path, paying for and patroling this path of prosperity, to your cities and of those around you. I have already spoken to lord eriadin of telurgrae, and a fruitful relationship between the three of us can form and pull our lands tighter. I think you might have heard the crata grasslands and of your kin therin. In exchange for accepting this offer, and if you wish to contact them with more mundane means, i would gladly aid any procession to the minotaurs of that land.

Chieftain Tooth-Ripper glared down at the tiny manling bearing the message for his Queen. It had been a long time since he had seen a human--let alone one of their spawn--and he could not help himself but to read the manling's message before presenting it to the First Mother. What he read left him feeling warm inside--the world was openning right before him and his people! The only downside was, if the maps were correct, the poor outsides would first have to cross through the Sykites-lands. Tooth-Ripper shook the ill thoughts out of his head, perhaps the manlings would be fine on their own and the laws he had helped the First Mother create should provide a small amount of security for these tiny creatures. He would not wait any longer. Climbing Pragaom's spindling steeps did not seem as hard as it normally did.

Missive from Merogia said:
Usurper Wendell,

My peoples are a cautious one and we are not given to accepting strange peoples into our midsts so readily. However, times are rapidly changing and our ways must follow least we be pushed aside. I will personally see to it that we set up trade-quarters in Dokieos for foreign merchants to make their way into Sul. As for roads and transports, we will also see to it that the western fringes of Sul are flattened for your soft feet and unruly cartwheels.

------Stories Around Sul------

Dwarves were curious creatures. They seemed like mighty minotaurs trapped in short and fat bodies; their fur all on their face when it should be all over their bodies; and their love of gold far overshadowing their love of combat. It was the last trait that Shadow-Taster hoped would be their undoing. However, she chafed at the thought of intrigue and bribery. As she watched the gold change hands between her underling and the fat, red dwarf, Shadow-Taster could not help but remember the simpler times before Merogian Peace.

It was not all that hard to do so either. The weirdling, or First Mother as she presumptuously called herself, had been in power for only a year. Not much about the Sul could be changed in a year's time. Shadow-Taster may not have been born among them, but she had lived among them long enough to hear the snarls underneath the praises most lordlings uttered to the Dread-Queen. Shadow-Taster herself was forced to listen to the complaints of these same lordlings as their Chieftain and judge under the new Merogian Law. Things were moving too fast for the Sul, too fast for Shadow-Taster, who had once thought herself better than the ignorant hordes in Sul's valleys.


Another farmer. Shield-Chaser, Bearer of his own Image, lord of all the glorious Sykites, Hoof of the First Mother--her mate too--had to restrain himself from gouging another farmer who approached him with petty disputes. Oh, Shield-Chaser had been honored when the First Mother had presented him with the mission. Go into the valleys of Sul and spread her word, spread her power, spread her law. Haplessly he had agreed without questioning just what the laws would do--or in the reality of things, prevent him from doing.

He wanted to tell this lowly farmer to put down his tools and take up his ax to cleave the skull of any who wronged him, but the First Mother had said it was a time for peace within the Sul so it must manifest without. Whatever that meant. Shield-Chaser was not one for philosophasizing, his head was best used when smashing into someone else's, but the First Mother's words always seemed so beautiful, so right. He could not help but follow them.

Now that he was away he thought twice. What good could come from clans at peace and not at war? The prowess of the Sul would dull alongside their blades, they would only harvest destruction from their slothful peace! Shield-Chaser shifted in his iron throne and leaned in towards the babbling farmer to seem more interested in the silly matter at hand. His ass was sore from all this sitting.
Terrance888 said:
To the Lady of Sephira
I speak and I hear, I am Wendell the Tall, and I have spoke to you before. Last time I wished to help you against Arya the Liar. I tender the same sentiment as well as another. Your friend, the Wise Elf, Elatair, has told me that it is possible to build a road of trade to your great city and north along the river to or near cities such as Elagor, Telurgrae and such into Wizard Soter's realm. I wish to ask of your gracious thoughts of your wizard friend, the Wise Elf, and of his plan.

I, Lady Sephira, do believe that such a road would benefit all parties involved. Do not find Elatair as a competitor to your realm, but rather a Wizard who can balance the peace, just as you do. Were it not for Elatair, Arya would still be operating at full-strength, his Bloodknights massacring the forest both day and night. Elatair has listened to these woods, and if he believes a road would be wise, then indeed a road would be wise. To connect the Valley with the Central Forests and then further to the Sul is a bold plan, and you will need much support from smaller realms and lords. I, Lady Sephira, offer my support as such.

The messenger seems nervous and irritated...
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