• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

[SNEAK PEEK] GraveMod (a NEW ModPack for Warlords on the way!)

I don't think I'll switch Chemistry/Steel around. Chemistry played a significant part in the creation of industrial-era steel from iron (smelting, removing carbon from iron, etc).

But, I do think I'll change some of the techs around, specifically in the early industrial era. Something about the way they're arranged right now just isn't sitting right with me.

well can you do something about the musketmen problem please.
well can you do something about the musketmen problem please.

My mod will definately take care of the early gunpowder units, rest assured. ;)
there better be a religion disabler, cause I don't want a laggy ass game cause of 11 civs in the map.

Can you elaborate on that a little further? :confused:
basicly he wants a mod which doens't make the comp lag
You want to turn "religion" off? Do you realize how deeply woven it is in the structure of the game, not a single major cpp file is unaffected and the effort required to rip it out is beyond herculean. Religion could be removed by sufficiently altering all the XML files but why on earth would he make such a mod, religion is a fun and strategic portion of the game. If you want to modify his mod to suit you preferences go ahead. but, its not going to have any kind of noticable affect on performance, and frankly DD its not your place to demand changes to anyones mod because your CPU is horsehockey.
I agree with Impaler, except for helping someone if there's a possible bug or something and passing along that information, or if the mod maker asks for opinions on a unit stat or something along those lines, each mod is that persons vision of the game. I know mod makers put hard work and their free time into making these mods for us. If I don't care for the changes in a mod, it's simple for me, I just realize those changes are or aren't to my taste and download it or not accordingly. Having said all that, I'm following this mod development, think it will be fun and am looking forward to it.
Impaler[WrG];4896710 said:
You want to turn "religion" off? Do you realize how deeply woven it is in the structure of the game, not a single major cpp file is unaffected and the effort required to rip it out is beyond herculean. Religion could be removed by sufficiently altering all the XML files but why on earth would he make such a mod, religion is a fun and strategic portion of the game. If you want to modify his mod to suit you preferences go ahead. but, its not going to have any kind of noticable affect on performance, and frankly DD its not your place to demand changes to anyones mod because your CPU is horsehockey.



I didn't want to say it... because I didn't know quite exactly he was asking for. I never heard of "turning off" religion before. I wasn't even aware that it slowed down the game! :mischief:

Perhaps if you want religion turned off... maybe Civ3 is your game and not Civ4?

** UPDATE **

Still plodding along. I just can't leave the buildings alone for some reason. I keep tweaking things here and there. Units are next though, and I don't think they'll be that difficult.
how many units wll you add in and will there be any unique units added in (see sig)
Yeah, there will be more UU's. At LEAST two per Civ. Maybe more. We'll see. :)

I know I've already added about 10 or so new units, more will come as I start adding them. I don't have a definitive number yet. While I have a general idea of what I want to add, as well as some very specific units... most of them I think up on the fly, to accomidate certain buildings, techs, civics, etc.

Once I actually start working on the units themselves, I'll post a progress report on everything to give you a more clear picture. :)
just out of curisity what will the english 2uu (english longbowmen just give them 50% vs melle)
just out of curisity what will the english 2uu (english longbowmen just give them 50% vs melle)

Yeah, I think that will be one of the English UU's. I'm still researching it though. I might just make Longbowman unit the English UU alltogether, instead of making a seperate English Longbowman. Still doing my research on that.
** UPDATE **

Added a few more late-era units to the game. This is going to be bad ass when I'm done! I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel!

I'll be out of town for a few days for Christmas Vacation, so I'll pick up where I left off next week. :xmastree:

In the mean time, don't let this thread get lost in the sands of time... if you have any more suggestions/ideas for units, buildings, new Civs, etc... post them up! And I'm still looking for experienced python/C++ modders with a few ideas I need programmed!

Grave :xmascheers:
Yeah, I think that will be one of the English UU's. I'm still researching it though. I might just make Longbowman unit the English UU alltogether, instead of making a seperate English Longbowman. Still doing my research on that.

no keep it as it is please because the unit is a big step between archers and guns
Hi! Try to think about those lines

Israel: 2 leader icons
King Solomon
Alexander Yanai

Elit troop: Egoz fighter
Hi! Try to think about those lines

Israel: 2 leader icons
King Solomon
Alexander Yanai

Elit troop: Egoz fighter

Could you give me some more background info on the Egoz Fighter?
Could you give me some more background info on the Egoz Fighter?

1. Originnally named: Sayeret Egoz(Commando Egoz[Egoz= Nut in Hebrew])
I don't know much. But it's an elite commando troop destinated to very high military performance including paratrooping behind the enemy lines or knack operations in the midst of hostile population. A mix of modern paratrooper and Navy Seal if you want.
2. Judas Maccabaeus(168-163 B.C. ) is the leader of anti-syrian ( vs. Antiochus 4 king) religiously flavoured national revolt. Judas is revelled as a spiritual founder of the modern-era Israeli nation.
2.1Alexander Yanai (ruled 102-76 B.C.) Under that man, which tended to be more like a hellenazed potentate then a jewish king, Hasmonean Kindom extended its borders over the whole of Palestine. Many agressive wars some ended in near defeat. Alexander Y. revived a legend of Great Israel of King David.
Hmmm.... that's good stuff. Thank you for this!

Do you have any ideas for Israeli Unique Buildings?

I will think bout it. In Hebrew: Yes sir = Ken, Adoni!
Right away = Miyad, adoni!
Yes, sir(then adressing a military commander) = Ken, Hamefaked!

Israeli tank = Merkavah 5
The only bonus = + 1 speed
Tell me if you want a list of Great Persons/Great Generals.
Like: Muhammad B. Jarir Al-Tabari(a arabian historian.)
Ehudah Halevi(a jewish religious leader)
Najib Makhpuz(a egiptian modern writer)
If you interested i can look into the matter and supply the proper data.
If you interested i can look into the matter and supply the proper data.

I'm ALWAYS looking for some help! ;)

OK, here's where some of you guys who want this mod to become a reality can help me! I'm looking for UU's for each Civ in the game (including Israel). I want to add as many UU's to each Civ as possible, however the Civ that comes up with the fewest UU's will set the number of UU's for each Civ (to be fair... can't have 5 American UU's and 1 Zulu UU). I don't want to be redundant with this... meaning no "Roman Battleship". Looking for true, historical UU's.

Send me all of your ideas, with links to graphics files. You can post them here, or PM me.
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