So, haters whine lovers play?


Jul 10, 2010
Laval, Québec
Every single post I've seen so far are negative whining about the game, that it's not good, mostly not as good as Civ IV.

So, I'm guessing that every player that do loves the game don't post here because they're busy playing?

While I do understand the reasons why some dislike the game and respect that, personnaly, I really like the game. Yeah, there's flaws and I hope they get fixed in patches, but so far, I'm really enjoying the game !

So, am I the minority who likes the game and overall CIV fans dislike it or it's just because those who do like the game just don't post in here?
Every single post I've seen so far are negative whining about the game, that it's not good, mostly not as good as Civ IV.

So, I'm guessing that every player that do loves the game don't post here because they're busy playing?

Personnaly, I really like the game. Yeah, there's flaws and I hope they get fixed in patches, but so far, I'm really enjoying the game !

So, am I the minority who likes the game and overall CIV fans dislike it or it's just because those you do like the game just don't post in here?

It is natural people tend to express their unhappiness/hatred/dislike more than the other way around. Why would a happy customer post on a forum and say "i love this" unless its in an attempt to boost their ego by expecting people to agree.

While on the other hands complainers complain because they feel certain things are broken/bad/wrong and by expressing that hope it gets the attention of others and maybe even the Devs . And this with the ultimate goal to try to convince the devs to fix things the way the complainer wants it .

The only true way to see if people overall like or dislike the game is by asking them via steam . (after at least playing X hours, we dont want blind fanboys to vote "yes" just because its Civ V before even playing it)
Im complaining some because game isnt perfect and im trying to find ways to fix most annoying issues. So game could be better.
i like the game and i post in here ;)

yah civ5 has flaws but its still a fun game to play
First of all, haters and lovers whine. Some haters give nice feedback, and some whine. Some lovers give nice feedback, and some whine (about the feedback from the haters).

Second, it's not everything back or white. I like the game and I am having fun playing it, and I still hate some aspects of it.
It is natural people tend to express their unhappiness/hatred/dislike more than the other way around. Why would a happy customer post on a forum and say "i love this" unless its in an attempt to boost their ego by expecting people to agree.

While on the other hands complainers complain because they feel certain things are broken/bad/wrong and by expressing that hope it gets the attention of others and maybe even the Devs . And this with the ultimate goal to try to convince the devs to fix things the way the complainer wants it .

The only true way to see if people overall like or dislike the game is by asking them via steam . (after at least playing X hours, we dont want blind fanboys to vote "yes" just because its Civ V before even playing it)

Makes sense. Still, a lot of those posts seems to me more like plain hating rather than "I want the game to be fixed". Well, I don't mind if people cry out loud they hate the game but what strikes me is the number of those posts around.

Oh, and for those yelling that Civ IV is way better... yeah, ok, we got that. It's being said around like thousands of times.

What I dislike about those whining (so you know, I don't use the word whining in a negative way. You have all the rights to whine about anything you dislike.) is most of them aren't constructive.
Makes sense. Still, a lot of those posts seems to me more like plain hating rather than "I want the game to be fixed". Well, I don't mind if people cry out loud they hate the game but what strikes me is the number of those posts around.

Oh, and for those yelling that Civ IV is way better... yeah, ok, we got that. It's being said around like thousands of times.

What I dislike about those whining (so you know, I don't use the word whining in a negative way. You have all the rights to whine about anything you dislike.) is most of them aren't constructive.

That is not entirely true. And i would add i have seen a lot more constructivism coming from the whiners than the lovers who plainly say things like "go play Civ IV than" or "don't be afraid of change" . And at the end i'm even wondering why whiners even bother to be constructive as the most constructive criticism gets ignored by the "lovers" who simply try to pick on the lesser constructive posters. But that's my impression
I like the game and I am having fun playing it, and I still hate some aspects of it.

Same for me. But if there's something I dislike about the game, I don't make a thread to say : "OMG! CIV V is dumb, I hate it, devs made a bad game on purpose". Who does a game with a mind set of "let's make it bad".

If something bothers me about the game, I go to the bug section and report it, either as a suggestion of improvement, or as a bug if it's one. Then resume playing and hope some of those get fixed someday.
Every single post I've seen so far are negative whining about the game, that it's not good, mostly not as good as Civ IV.

So, I'm guessing that every player that do loves the game don't post here because they're busy playing?

While I do understand the reasons why some dislike the game and respect that, personnaly, I really like the game. Yeah, there's flaws and I hope they get fixed in patches, but so far, I'm really enjoying the game !

So, am I the minority who likes the game and overall CIV fans dislike it or it's just because those you do like the game just don't post in here?
No , the lovers are posting in the whiners threads whining about the whiners making whiner threads :p
And at the end i'm even wondering why whiners even bother to be constructive as the most constructive criticism gets ignored by the "lovers" who simply try to pick on the lesser constructive posters. But that's my impression

Well, the ones you want to read your constructive posts are :

1. the devs
2. the serious modders

Honestly, what do you mind of other players comments on your crictisms? :)
Working in business for many years I can tell you that happy customers generally don't provide feedback. The unhappy customers, however, provide tons of feedback.

People who dislike the game are much more likely to come on the boards and ruin them with their constant complaining.

I have played Civilization for many years and I like Civ V. So yes, there are many people playing Civ V right now who are oblivious to the complaints because they are busy enjoying the game.
Well, the ones you want to read your constructive posts are :

1. the devs
2. the serious mooders

Honestly, what do you mind of other players comments on your crictisms? :)

Because they give a false impression of "everything is fine" . I wouldn't mind if lovers actually provided good counters to constructive whiners but picking on the lesser constructive people while ignoring the constructive posters is counter productive
I know what you mean .. otherwise I would had been far more harsher with you. But there are some people that seems to have as only forum ocupation to pick critics of civ V , calling them civ IV lovers and say to them to go play their beloved game ... or worse, equaling this opinion matter as a war on hearts and minds and devising militaristic speeches and aproaches ;)

Sorry, had to vent this out ... :p
Because they give a false impression of "everything is fine" . I wouldn't mind if lovers actually provided good counters to constructive whiners but picking on the lesser constructive people while ignoring the constructive posters is counter productive

Well I guess that's because for those constructive crictisms, even lovers agree. I do, for most of them. But, yeah, what Vonorian mentioned is true. I'd rather go play than browse around every whining thread about the game (there's a lot!) trying to find those constructive ones.

On the other hand, I do post bugs/improvement suggestions regularly in hope they get to devs' attention and possibly get fixed in some patch.

But I still feel a bit lonely (lol, so to speak) in the small pool (is it?) of Civ V lovers :p
I love the game, and yes, my posting on this forum since the release has dwindled considerably. ;)
Too busy playing.
I've been playing non-stop since they fixed it for Spanish XP, but I still think it's an unfinished mess to be beta tested by paying costumers and patched by modders who work for free. Not liking Hexes or 1UPT, that's having a hard time with change. Not liking the art or the graphics, that's taste. But pretty much every other criticism is spot on.
I love the game myself, only reason i check the forums every now and then is cause i cant play at the moment and am being oh so productive at work :p

I started posting on these forums to use my freedom of speech as there is a very loud group of people here claiming "everyone" is unhappy with the game, which clearly is not the case. :)
Every single post I've seen so far are negative whining about the game, that it's not good, mostly not as good as Civ IV.

So, I'm guessing that every player that do loves the game don't post here because they're busy playing?

While I do understand the reasons why some dislike the game and respect that, personnaly, I really like the game. Yeah, there's flaws and I hope they get fixed in patches, but so far, I'm really enjoying the game !

So, am I the minority who likes the game and overall CIV fans dislike it or it's just because those who do like the game just don't post in here?

An honest answer is that no one knows. Civ 5 has gotten a more mixed critical reception than Civ 4 did, for example, but that doesn't preclude a majority of people liking both. Fans here tend to assume that there is some silent majority agreeing with them in love of the current game.

The (common) assertion that any criticism is "whining" is simple name-calling. I guess the defenders of the game are getting frustrated at the volume of criticism, and classifying it as baseless griping is one way not to have to listen to it.
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