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So, how was 2013 for you?

How was 2013 for you?

  • Good

    Votes: 19 38.8%
  • Average

    Votes: 10 20.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 16 32.7%
  • It's 1913, son. Next one will be 1914.

    Votes: 4 8.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Got divorced.
Got my windows and doors damaged by an explosion.
Frequent bowel problems.
Saw some dead people.
I want to go home.
Stealing downtown's format:

Fancy new job.
Ankle mostly recovered from years of issues.
Bought a car.
Made some new friends.
Investments performed well.
Got better at my athletic pursuits.
Got an xbox and am now catching up on the past decade of missed console games.
Won a free laptop.
Had one of my best highschool friends move to my city.
Got the amp in my decade-old computer speakers fixed by a random dude in the US, hopefully I get another decade out of them.
Built a new home server.
Finally found a computer mouse I like after trying probably dozens.
Started drinking tea.
Started drinking more non-beer alcohol.
Expanded my food variety.
Got enough blood donations on record to be issued a special donation card.
Got a ton of reading done. Been on Discworld for quite some time now, but should be done that soon.
Took a trip to America for the first time since I've been 21. Nice country.

I got a cold that lasted for several days. Didn't stop me from climbing a mountain, but it broke my streak of illness-free years.

So pretty great overall. I expect 2014 to be more of the same.
I'm really happy now because I got to go home and see my family after nearly 2 years away. It almost didn't happen, the ticket prices were so expensive. I had to take a 14 hour plane ride.

I've been in 6 different countries this year. Romantically it hasn't been good, just some hook ups.
2013 was the least productive, most useless year I've had since...possibly ever. When I was unemployed and not yet in college back in '05, I at least managed to break free of the sect I was raised in; when I was unemployed after college in 2010, at least I lost 100+ lbs. My weight has stayed the same, I haven't put on any muscle, haven't learned any skills, haven't met anyone, haven't done a thing other than attend to the ordinary routine of life. I can't even say my bank account prospered, because a lot of my savings went toward purchasing a new used car, which quickly demanded new parts. Slight increase in savings, but nothing to write home about.

I must make 2014 a better year. I'll turn 29 in a few weeks, and in 2015 I'll be 30 and decrepit.
Was a very successful year, I grew a lot as a person. December 28th was actually one of the best days of my life.

December 31st turned out to be one of the worst.

So hopefully I can stay out of my head for a little while and enjoy the new year!
Yes there most certainly is and I'll share it soon if it goes the way I expect it too. Mostly I'll just need to vent!
This was supposed to be the year I learned to crochet. I got as far as buying the hooks.

At least I did well (for me) in NaNoWriMo this year.
Welcome to the new year, since 2013 is about over for most every one.
Average. Just continued university studies for the most part

-Maintained my college/uni studies. Will finish undergrad 2014 if I can pass 2 courses.
-Brief summer internship (nontechnical). But hey, better than nothing, was enjoyable
-Family and I are healthy.

-did some brief exercising, not as much as I hoped, but enough to have a decent baseline (for 5k/10k running)
-no relationships. But, I have not shown an interest in a relationship for a few years, nor had any success towards having one
-decently satisfied with my hobbies (primarily games I play with friends). I had a daily hobby from 2008-Mid/late 2012 that now no longer exists, but my routine has adjusted for that loss now. More the mentality, as it was something I looked forward to everyday during those 5 years.

-Got scared about jobs and went through a long prescreening process for a particular job, only to ultimately fail.
-Disillusioned about my abilities and knowledge and what I can successfully do.
-Probably deteriorated a little bit in interpersonal skills, coupled with specific instances of strong social anxiety or being generally aloof. Though I don't know if the other parties involved noticed my social anxiety when they happened.
-A couple more recent instances of feeling just out of touch with surroundings (inability to concentrate)

I define myself through my professional development, so the "endgame" is about 3-4 years out for me.
Mixed, as usual.
Worst moment: When I almost ceased to exist. In the beginning of June, a severe health crisis culminated in being brought in all haste to the hospital, where I was drained of a lot of fluid and got a couple of litres of blood infused. Turned out that my damaged liver had reacted on an earlier throat infection and that I had a serious case of anemia and iron deficiency. Was told that I should seriously consider a liver transplant in a not too distant future. :cry:
Best moment: The annual wo weeks in Vienna in the company of that beautiful lady who is my wife. As usual great cultural experiences, great food and coffee, just enjoying something of the best life can offer. It is these things that makes life worth living.:D
In short: Health very bad, love life and social relations very good, any hope of returning to productive work shattered. I don't hold any especially high hopes for the year to come, but who knows...
Pretty terrible, although I think I have good prospects for 2014. This is the time to turn around my life before I look back on it and wonder why I wasted it. Too late for me to respond in more detail.
Best thing: gf stuck with me the whole year.

Worst thing: apathy.

Result: good, but overall average.
Well, at least 2014 starts on a funny note. Since today the rotating presidency of the EU is handed over to Germany. Although it chose to delegate it to a more regional dictator. :)

Elections will happen here in May (at the latest), for Municipalities + EU parliament. Some say they may even be triple elections. Doesn't look good and i wonder just what else will go on until then, cause if elections happen it is certain that more than half of the parties will no longer really exist the day after.
Worst year of my life.
But 2014 can´t be worse so just smile. hhahahahahah
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