So why did NESing die?

A failed attempt to make an exodus to a less active website, combined with the stalwarts of the community feeling highly alienated by the moderation staff, and a small but productive faction fragmenting to the IOT forum.

#nes is still roughly as active as it was. (~16 users in peak hours, compared to ~20/21 during peak community productivity in around 2010)
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Incidentally, I was looking at my more open schedule in the coming months, and considering whether or not I could resume MigratioNES or NESLife VI. So I wouldn't ever call NESing dead, just in a state of currently reduced activity.

I'd add on the fact that a lot of the more prolific NESers are in University or fully employed adults now, so spare time might be a little limited. There's also a trend towards more and more elabourate games, that made NESes steadily more difficult to run.
Yeah, what the above people have said. During the summer we actually had quite the bit of activity, but college/university/jerbs make things go a bit dormant. I don't see NESing as being dead, but rather in hibernation ;P
NESing didn't die. It's more alive than it's ever been. I see about 80 to 120 thousand NESes played and finished every week, and the number is constantly climbing (from a record low in 2007 when the Great Apostate, Symphony D., first started rousing the rabble). Such individuals have been purged thoroughly, and NES is now continuing on a perennial uptick that should continue for the next one-thousand years.
Crezth, your penchant for sarcasm has grown even more stupendous since we last spoke. ;)
I feel like failure to expand and attract new blood was one of the important factors. NESing died when their respective mods closed the last generation of great NESes within roughly the same year of each other (End of Empires is the big one, then SysNES2, NESLife, DaftPanzer's latest amazingly fun pixel-art adventure, EQ's NES, and a couple more). That was the final death, sure. But there was a slow death leading up to it, and it was the steady shrinking of the playerbase.

That's my opinion at least. Of course, the events Thlayli detailed put the final nail in the coffin, but the body was already being interred.
I came back since I have a little time this summer for the first time in years and I see that NESing is abandoned and on life support. I saw this thread was the most recent with posts so I came here.

I am here to help with any revival if there is one in the works. My time is still limited until the beginning of May, but after that I should have a lot of free time.
Hi Farow, good to see you!

Right now there's a lot of activity in the #nes IRC chat room, and Daftpanzer is running a Sci-Fi NES/IOT in the Imperium Offtopicum subforum.
It's not really ended, it's more in a BT. ;) There are projects ongoing, and a portion of the community still hangs out on IRC all the time.
This is a little late, but I believe that by looking at this now old thread by EQ, one can see that the sub-forum was trending towards this state of emptiness for a long while.
Heyo Plexus. Man, we're getting some real old-timers around now. How goes?

Thing are good! Just celebrated 8 years married, bought my first house last year - you know, adulting and whatnot.

How about yourself?
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