So, you think mankind is special? A slideshow to humble the proud.

MobBoss said:
Someones been channeling Carl Sagan again.

Anyway, I happen to think the Human Race is special. We are beautifully and wonderfully made.

I recall in one of my threads you saying that humans are essentially sinful creatures.
MobBoss said:
Someones been channeling Carl Sagan again.

Anyway, I happen to think the Human Race is special. We are beautifully and wonderfully made.

No, we're flawed product of evolution.
How are we flawed? If there is not standard for perfection how exactly can we be imperfect?
Winner said:
No, we're flawed product of evolution.

This doesnt make any sense. Nature has no agenda, there are no flaws.
PrincepsAmerica said:
How are we flawed? If there is not standard for perfection how exactly can we be imperfect?

We're flawed in many ways. Basically, we're just animals who learned how to think, but refuse to do so most of the time :)

Perhaps in few centuries, we will transform ourselves to an appropriate form.
Winner said:
We're flawed in many ways. Basically, we're just animals who learned how to think, but refuse to do so most of the time :)

Perhaps in few centuries, we will transform ourselves to an appropriate form.

Wait your saying we dont think?

How do you support that. Humans are one of the few animals that dont rely on instincts alone.
Xanikk999 said:
This doesnt make any sense. Nature has no agenda, there are no flaws.

Of course there are. Relicts, imperfections, glitches, flaws. Our bodies are weak and fragile, our mind is often even more fragile.

Nature of course doesn't have agenda, but we do and from our perspective, we're not well made. Changes in the design are necessary and now we have the means to make them :)
Xanikk999 said:
Wait your saying we dont think?

How do you support that. Humans are one of the few animals that dont rely on instincts alone.

And this is supposed to be an achievement? We have brains that have enormous potential, but we still act like programmed apes, we're driven by our instincts. If we want to explore universe, we must become more rational.
PrincepsAmerica said:
How are we flawed? If there is not standard for perfection how exactly can we be imperfect?

If there's no standard for perfection then we can't be perfect can we?
Sahkuhnder said:
The human race suddenly doesn't seem so impressive or special anymore. :(
Meet a nice woman, and the infinity of 12 billion light-years of space will vanish from your mind instantly. :D

And at that point, the human race (more specifically, the female member of same who you just bumped into!) will appear special, and will definitely be impressive.
BasketCase said:
Meet a nice woman, and the infinity of 12 billion light-years of space will vanish from your mind instantly. :D

And at that point, the human race (more specifically, the female member of same who you just bumped into!) will appear special, and will definitely be impressive.

You, my friend, speak the truth. :)

Happily married after all these years, with two wonderful kids. Love is what makes it all worthwhile.
warpus said:
There are no flaws in human anatomy? Reaaaaaallly.
My friend, who has strep throat, would disagree ;)

Luckily, we're now at a stage where science can alter biology. If we're very lucky, we can continue to learn in these areas.
Biology is the least of our problems. Humanity needs to learn how to alter how it thinks.
Eran of Arcadia said:
No, the way we think is fine.
Most individuals dont know how to think. They confuse feelings, emotions, hormonal turbulence with thought. Collectively, the human race 'thinks' much the same way.
Well, it was anyways, till we up and invented farming, and it was downhill from there.
It was a boon for dentists though;)
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