Some questions


Oct 4, 2006
Hi all, I'm a new member.
I'm french, sorry for my bad english and please try to use simple words if you reply.
I thought I was a good player (1183 % in deity), but I look at some of your best score and I see big towns with 60 or 90 populations...
How it is posssible?
Food caravans?
Or something important in the game I have don't understand?

And what is ICS and HOF?

Another questions : What is the last official versions of Civ 2 (patch) and how to get it and how to install it (My Civ 2 version is 2.7.8o and can't read lot of your save game).

Thanks and good game!
Welcome Fingered. Most of us thought we were great players before we discovered this site; then we realized that we were merely good players and that there is a lot to learn.

I only have 2 pieces of advice for you. Try to read as much of the forums as possible and join the Game of the Month competition. GOTM69 was just posted and it is at prince level.
ICS means "Infiinite City Strategy". You build mainly settlers at first, which make new cities as quickly as possible. Your civ grows very fast.
HOF means "Hall of Fame". I think there are several HOFs at this website; for high score, for our GOTMs, for the best scenarios.

The version you need to open most games here is the Multiplayer Gold Edition. Another version ("Test of Time") came out later, but I don't think it is compatible with the other versions.

I don't build super-big cities, but I guess you are right - that they are made using food vans.
Well, thanks a lot.
But I am not sure to understand...
Ace say in a post "Its the old story of ICS vs HOF style of play"
ICS is for win quickly and HOF is play when you want big score? (maximise all the 5334 squares (21 squares for the 254 city))
Infinite city sprawl is a highly formalized style of play that calls for building lots of cities very close together in a checkerboard pattern. By keeping the city size down to 2 or 3 citizens, happiness is not a problem and by having lots of cities, you can generate enough coins to rushbuy the units you want. The apparent sole purpose of this type of play is to win an early conquest game as fast as possible. A Hall of Fame style of play calls for building lots of big cities with a minimum amount of overlapping city radius. The idea is to build a really large empire with cities of size 20 to 30+ citizens and have lots of city improvements to maximize individual city size and resource production. And to end the game by having a full size spaceship land on Alpha Centauri on turn 2020.

ICS is a race to kill all the AI civs as fast as you can, while HOF is using all the time the game allows one to perfect one's empire and get the highest score possible. Your style of play should be the one that gives you the most enjoyment from the game. Good Luck.
Ali Ardavan said:
The single player edition also works. That is what I have.

That should work for the GOTM, since Duke prepares the games using that edition. But you cannot open a save created by MGE - which might be a problem if you want to look at other players' GOTM games, or HOF games [or if you want to play succession games, etc, with MGE people]. I guess that was Fingered's problem.
'Classic' is version 2.42
'Fantastic Worlds' is version 2.7.8
'Multi-Player Gold Edition' is version 1.3

They go in order from oldest to newest. A version above cannot open games from a version below it.

You can 'convert' your game to the Multiplayer version:
Thanks great moderator!
Now my civ version is ok for multiplayer.
AI is really too stupid...even in deity level...
But How it works?
No, No, say nothing...I look the forum...
But I live in a little village (huts...) in France,
and Internet is not really present here.
I can talk now because I am in hollyday, in a great town with aqueduct...
(12 populations!!!), it's wonderful!!!
Don't worry, I will try.
And thanks one more time.
Hi all, I'm a new member.
Welcome to you then.

There are some collections of Civ 2 thought in several threads, including the stickied ones.

It might be of help to realize that there are drastically different playing styles of Civ 2, and a "common misperception" is that one need donly discover "THE strategy." It depends on the map, and what you want to accomplish.

Any town larger than 46 necessarily used food caravans to help it grow; in practice, towns larger than about 42 did too.

Equally important is that any city's citizen beyond #36 contributes absolutely nothing of practical value to your empire in the game (not even luxuries). However, it will award a single point toward your game score.

I strongly recommend you use DoM's link and simply "upgrade" your Civ 2 to 5.0.4f (the latest Multiplayer Gold Edition version number). Cedric's patch will also let you play Classic and FW.
Well, I'm not a new member, however, I also have two questions, and I did not want to start a new thread.

6 or 7 years ago when I was playing as French or Germans on a European Map, I built cities throughout the continent and reached the Kazakh region, the desert east to the Caspian Sea. At one moment I noticed that my latest cities were producing NON units. In fact it happened to me a couple of times. Question: What are the conditions for a city to produce NON units? Is it related to the number of cities in your empire?

At the end of each game you receive a civilization score as a percentage. I believe that it is correleted to the score that you get for the total population and wonders, minus pollution and barbarians. If this is true, then playing as a small civ, say 3-5 cities, makes it impossible for me to have a high civ %. Can you please clarify this?


At the end of each game you receive a civilization score as a percentage. I believe that it is correleted to the score that you get for the total population and wonders, minus pollution and barbarians. If this is true, then playing as a small civ, say 3-5 cities, makes it impossible for me to have a high civ %. Can you please clarify this?



I would really like to know this too.

The %score confuse me. I've heard you can get over 200%. Is the secret lots of future techs and happy citizens?
The citizens represent about 80% of your final score.
Take a look at the Hall of fame...560 for the wonders (always), 400 for the spaceship (always), 1000 for future techs...and over 10 000 for citizens! (happy or not)

I am not sure to understand "NON units". But if you can't built unit, it's because you have reach the max allowed by the game.
In civ2, you can't built over 255 towns and over X units I think.

-Tomasz- said:
At one moment I noticed that my latest cities were producing NON units. In fact it happened to me a couple of times. Question: What are the conditions for a city to produce NON units? Is it related to the number of cities in your empire?
In earliest versions of the Windows release a bug in the game caused this effect with cities beyond 128th. Later releases fixed this. Mac version never had this bug to begin with.
-Tomasz- said:
At the end of each game you receive a civilization score as a percentage. I believe that it is correleted to the score that you get for the total population and wonders, minus pollution and barbarians. If this is true, then playing as a small civ, say 3-5 cities, makes it impossible for me to have a high civ %. Can you please clarify this?
You get three kinds of ratings at the end of a game. A score, a percentage, and a title. Score is made of the following components: Citizens (2*happy+1*content+0*others) + wonders (20 for each) + Space Ship (100 * supported module (4*100 max)) + Future Tech (5 * each (5*255 max)) + peace bonus (3 per turn, I have heard this maxes out at 100 but rarely seen it very high) - pollution penalty (10* polluted tile) +/- Babarian activity level (+25, 0, -25, -50)
Percentage depends on your difficulty level. For emperor it is 10% of your score, for Deity it is higher, for lower levels it is lower.
Title (magnificent, cruel, unready, ...) depends on your percentage score.
civdood never get peace in score even if not attack, some specil thing it must be to do to get this points.
Regarding the NONE units, you may not have patched your version up to the most "recent" patch level. Which version are you playing, Classic/MGE/FW/ToT, and what is the version number? If you go to the Game Options page it should show in the top area.

For getting the peace score bonus, you have to win by spaceship or bribing the last enemy city. Using any unit to attack in the last turn cancels whatever peace bonus you may have accumulated in prior turns by not attacking. Simply being in a state of war with another civ does not cancel it.
Well I had the NON units while playing the vanilla unpatched version of civ2, about 6-7 years ago. Right now I have both versions MGE and Vanilla. Thanks for the replies.

I don't know what is "NON units"...'s not a reply I think.
What is "NON units"?

But for the score, citizens are all.
Pace bonus is nothing.
Wonders are nothing.
Future techs are nothing.

I am wrong?:band:
Tsing tsing poum poum I say. :eek:
A "NON Unit" is a unit that is not supported by any city. Your starting Settler is (obviously) a NONE unit, and if you get mercenaries from a "goody hut" that's closer to an AI city than your own, it also becomes a NONE unit, as do all nomads you receive from huts.
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