Soren Johnson's Old World

So no comments on my post above. Does everyone else find that the mouse navigates the map without them having to set it up in some way first? For me the mouse works fine for most purposes and pressing the middle wheel locks information lists in place as it is meant to. But when I move the mouse to the edge of the screen the map does not move. I have to use keyboard keys (WASD) to navigate the map. This is very cumbersome and makes the game almost unplayable for me.
So no comments on my post above. Does everyone else find that the mouse navigates the map without them having to set it up in some way first? For me the mouse works fine for most purposes and pressing the middle wheel locks information lists in place as it is meant to. But when I move the mouse to the edge of the screen the map does not move. I have to use keyboard keys (WASD) to navigate the map. This is very cumbersome and makes the game almost unplayable for me.
Can't say I've encountered that yet.
I believe extreme levels of unhappiness lead to improvements being destroyed (not pillaged but removed from the map). However I can't find any documentation of this and you don't seem to be alerted to improvements being destroyed.

This was happening in only one city, which was at 5 unhappiness I believe. This was the only conquered foreign city in my empire. Has anyone seen this as well?
So no comments on my post above. Does everyone else find that the mouse navigates the map without them having to set it up in some way first? For me the mouse works fine for most purposes and pressing the middle wheel locks information lists in place as it is meant to. But when I move the mouse to the edge of the screen the map does not move. I have to use keyboard keys (WASD) to navigate the map. This is very cumbersome and makes the game almost unplayable for me.

This is early access. there is NO edge of screen mouse scrolling. ALL navigation of the map is used by wasd + camera functions as per the tutorial. If the game is unplayable, wait for release and see if it has mouse edge scrolling.
Is anyone else have major performance issues spike around turn 90 / around ambition 6? Changing graphics to the bare minimum doesn't help so I think it's something else. And i only play 4 person maps.

This is early access. there are known memory leaks. Personally, whenever i see the yellow debug messages, i save, quit and reload.. which on average is about every hour or so, or 50 ish turns. If you ignore the yellow debug messages, eventually it slows right down, becomes very sluggish, music cuts out. then you get the red debug text and the game freezes.. So, just save and reload at the yellow debug messages and you'll be fine.
This is early access. there are known memory leaks. Personally, whenever i see the yellow debug messages, i save, quit and reload.. which on average is about every hour or so, or 50 ish turns. If you ignore the yellow debug messages, eventually it slows right down, becomes very sluggish, music cuts out. then you get the red debug text and the game freezes.. So, just save and reload at the yellow debug messages and you'll be fine.
That's what I figured those were. Thanks!
Agree re unhappiness -- I think you just have to learn to live with it at higher difficulties rather than obsess over eliminating it through festivals, etc. I'd rather have the extra five orders from slavery in many cases.

Yeah, eventually it is possible to eliminate it with the level IV projects, and a couple of improvements.
This is early access. there are known memory leaks. Personally, whenever i see the yellow debug messages, i save, quit and reload.. which on average is about every hour or so, or 50 ish turns. If you ignore the yellow debug messages, eventually it slows right down, becomes very sluggish, music cuts out. then you get the red debug text and the game freezes.. So, just save and reload at the yellow debug messages and you'll be fine.

Oh, thank you for this tip. I also noticed the yellow debug messages popping up and have ignored them, but will def pay attn now. (Also I realized this should have been put into the "Performance Problems" thread).
This is early access. there is NO edge of screen mouse scrolling. ALL navigation of the map is used by wasd + camera functions as per the tutorial. If the game is unplayable, wait for release and see if it has mouse edge scrolling.
Thanks. But riddleofsteel says he hasn't encountered the difficulty, so I presume from that that he has edge of screen mouse scrolling. He can correct me if I'm wrong.
This is early access. there is NO edge of screen mouse scrolling. ALL navigation of the map is used by wasd + camera functions as per the tutorial. If the game is unplayable, wait for release and see if it has mouse edge scrolling.

I have this same issue, but I prefer keyboard over mouse (increasing carpal tunnel!!) so it doesn't bother me. But yes, you're not the only one.
Hi guys, I'm really enjoying the game and this is the only forum I can find to discuss it.

My question is, is there anyway to quickly see all the buildings that have been built in a city? Looking at the map is not always clear because of unfinished artwork, etc. And in the city builder screen, it just shows what you can build. Or am I missing something?
Hi guys, I'm really enjoying the game and this is the only forum I can find to discuss it.

My question is, is there anyway to quickly see all the buildings that have been built in a city? Looking at the map is not always clear because of unfinished artwork, etc. And in the city builder screen, it just shows what you can build. Or am I missing something?

While there is no specific list of all the buildings you built (apart from the stats when you win a game), if you go into the town view (aka to que up stuff to build), across the top of the screen are small arrows showing what your making or losing. hovering your mouse over these gives a breakdown of the + and -'s, and from those calculations you can infer to how much of something you have. but personally i've never bothered looking at it, coz the progression of buildings is quite self explanatory. The tooltip on what to build is what i build 90% of the time. If i need more culture, i'll build odeon's or ampitheatres, if i need more gold, i'll build hamlets and marketplaces, etc. Same with the military buildings, some are limited by the culture level, like you can't build a stronghold until your town is "strong". You need to build barracks to unlock garrisons etc. There is a fairly clear path to take in choosing what to build. The tooltip will suggest what is best to build, and its always listed at the bottom of the list of things. You can pick whatever you want, but 90% of the time i do what it suggests. It works for me.
You can pick whatever you want, but 90% of the time i do what it suggests. It works for me.
Thanks Wildmick. That's some good food for thought. I guess there's going to be alot of balancing and changes, so I shouldn't worry too much about optimizing everything at the moment.

By the way, do you know why sometimes the list shows alot of things to build, but when you move to a different title, it shows fewer things (or more)? For example, let's say I want to build one of the wonders, it'll be grayed out but the tooltip explains why I can't built it in this tile (maybe there's already a barracks there or it needs to be near 2 urban tiles). So I move to another tile, and now it doesn't even list it. I move to another one, and it's available again. I just can't figure out why. One thing I've noticed is if you build a rural item (farm, mine), it will not show up in the list while you are on that tile. So it might be linked to that somehow?

Anyway, I kinda like this feature compared to Civ - worker builds buildings instead of the city - but it's gonna take some time to get used to it.
Its a lil bit tricky.. If you press control and hover mouse on a potential site it will list what can be built, but you don't know for sure till you move there, and then you may need to press alt to purchase the needed ingredients to make it happen, or it will list what requirement is needed to build it.

a small example: I had an ambition to own 2 legionnaires. I couldn't for the life of me work out how to get them. I saw in the tech tree i could get a free one, but needed one more. I worked out that the were an upgraded version of the other roman unique military unit, the hastistus, but in order to upgrade to a legionnaire i needed to build a citadel. So I had to control click around my province to see which tiles i could build it on, and which already built item i would lose in order to build it.

note: the game doesn't give hints to every item that can be built. sending a worker to an empty tile will list what is the best thing to build. The game doesn't seem to like to point out that you can build harbors in every coastal water tile!
How fast are you all spreading out and making new cities? I feel like I have to rush so I don't get penned in by the AI but the quality of my cities seems to be lacking as a result.
I like to go for four cities quickly (a) for the ambition, and (b) so that I can have two training-focused cities crank out military units. The latter is particularly important if I'm expanding in different directions and need to defend in several places.

From there it depends. At a certain point order limits constrain your ability to develop too many cities, especially if you need orders for war/barbs/scouting. And unlike Civ you can reserve a city location in perpetuity with a single unit, so there's not as much pressure to claim territory.
I like to go for four cities quickly (a) for the ambition, and (b) so that I can have two training-focused cities crank out military units. The latter is particularly important if I'm expanding in different directions and need to defend in several places.

From there it depends. At a certain point order limits constrain your ability to develop too many cities, especially if you need orders for war/barbs/scouting. And unlike Civ you can reserve a city location in perpetuity with a single unit, so there's not as much pressure to claim territory.
So, two cities from the hero or similar family and two from the landowner or equivalent to make workers and militia?
So, two cities from the hero or similar family and two from the landowner or equivalent to make workers and militia?

Speaking of, does anyone use militias and if so, how much / when? They seem to be cannon fodder (raising the EXP of opponents) and depending on the city can take just as long to build as a military unit, or at least close to it. I do get what you're saying, that in high growth cities you can build them faster, but it seems more productive to build specialists or the other projects. Or is the sole purpose to slow down any blitzkrieg/teleportation invasion (in which case you'd need to build a lot)?

I have moved towards building one militia unit per city just to satisfy the family requirement that someone in the family defend the city. I also used one militia once in an extremely clutch situation where an enemy unit only had 0.5 HP left and the militia could only do 0.5 damage. Beyond that I don't understand the point of them.
Hi guys, I'm really enjoying the game and this is the only forum I can find to discuss it.

My question is, is there anyway to quickly see all the buildings that have been built in a city? Looking at the map is not always clear because of unfinished artwork, etc. And in the city builder screen, it just shows what you can build. Or am I missing something?

I would very much like this feature as well - i just ran into the problem yesterday. I understand that mousing over the production stats can help you figure out what you need more of, but there are other reasons I want to know quickly whether a city has something.

The most obvious one is the coliseum because that actually lowers unhappiness. The other one is the stronghold/citadel as someone mentioned, b/c that leads to unique units. It'd be nice to see at a quick glance what cities have what buildings other than scrolling around and eyeballing the map (granted, they will undoubtedly make the buildings more illustrative of what they are), or mousing-over things using process of elimination.
Speaking of, does anyone use militias and if so, how much / when? They seem to be cannon fodder (raising the EXP of opponents) and depending on the city can take just as long to build as a military unit, or at least close to it. I do get what you're saying, that in high growth cities you can build them faster, but it seems more productive to build specialists or the other projects. Or is the sole purpose to slow down any blitzkrieg/teleportation invasion (in which case you'd need to build a lot)?

I have moved towards building one militia unit per city just to satisfy the family requirement that someone in the family defend the city. I also used one militia once in an extremely clutch situation where an enemy unit only had 0.5 HP left and the militia could only do 0.5 damage. Beyond that I don't understand the point of them.
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I never used to use militia and have only done so a few times after reading about others using them. I found out the hard way that you can't use scouts to reserve city spots!
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