Space Ship Launch Problem!

Iron Clad

May 8, 2005
I was waiting so long until the last part of the space ship would be done. When it finished, the game didn't bring up that screen of the space ship. So now I can't launch it. I tried to look through advisors to launch the ship but, I couldn't find any button that would launch it. So does anyone know what to do to launch the space ship? :crazyeye:
The advisors are only F1-F6. Spaceship is F10.
Did you get to 2050AD? If so the spaceship cannot be launched.
Has the game already been won by another victory condition? If so you can't launch the spaceship.
You can also press the little "S" in the bottom-right corner.

The game might be already won/lost. Or you just have to wait until the end of the turn.
The launch button is a holdover from Civ2. It allowed you to launch the ship without all of the parts in a do or die attempt to beat the AI launch.

Once all parts or done, the game laucnhes it automaticly. If all parts are done and no launch, then the game was aleady won or lost.
I was having the same problem before I figured that out. They really should tell wants going on on. Maybe they could let you win that way even if you already lost another way. Or see how many different types of wins you could rack up in a single game.
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