Starting location?


Sep 10, 2006
Hello all,

Just grabbed the game recently (old lurker, but fallen out of checking with the forums since college) and while I love it, I can't help but notice that every time I load up any map (customized or whatnot) it ALWAYS, without fail, starts me at the bottom of the map; the rest of the Europeans start up north. Is there a way to change that, or am I not the only one who gets this?

Thanks in advance!
Maybe the same issue. Have just got the game, started the Western Hemisphere (standard size) scenario 5 times. Every time--regardless of civ chosen--it starts me just off the NE coast of SA. Went into the WorldBuilder and saw ways to change many things but not that.

Is it possible to randomize or change the starting locations in this scenario?
Bumping, but commenting on how even in modded games, this tendency to start at the bottom of the other powers keeps happening. It doesn't interfere with gameplay, but it really does suck the randomness of starting games out of things. I won't play the premade maps like the Americas, because I'll always know I start in South America
This is an annoying bug that affects both scenarios and generated random maps. I did suggest a work-around for the Western Hemisphere map in another thread as follows:

Start as normal and then use Esc to enter WorldBuilder. Use the Erase mode to delete your starting units and then change to Player mode and add a new ship in the shipping lane of your choice. Add to that a hardy pioneer and a veteran soldier, and then quit WorldBuilder. Finally clear specialty on one or both of your units as appropriate and play the game.

The main drawback is that any new ships you buy will still appear off Brazil. However you can actually avoid that by starting on the West Coast – there are some very good colony sites in the Seattle area. If you do this your ships will have both the east and west coasts available to them from Europe so you will have to refrain from using the east coast option until you have discovered the Atlantic yourself.

It does actually work - I played a game as suggested and it went very well.
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