Steel Foundry


Apr 25, 2010
Hi everybody!

The first thing I must say is that I don't know if this post is OK here or must be into Mod Components forum, if I put in a wrong place sorry and move it, please.

About the mod, well... is nothing of the other world. A new building who provides a production increase of 25% and need 3 units of iron and 1 of coal. The pourpose is use the iron that is "lost" after the longswordsmen era. The cities must have iron or coal nearby and a factory.

I hope you enjoy it, the name is Steel Foundry... any suggestion are welcome.
i like this idea of using outdated resources like iron in later stages...maybe something similar could be done for horses? say...caravans?
I've done something similar in a mod I'm finishing up now, although I think you've got the requirements set too high. But the general principle is sound: make a building that consumes the outdated strategic resources.
In my version, the Foundry requires 1 iron and gives something like +20% production when constructing buildings (expanding on the Workshop, basically). Likewise, I added a Racetrack that adds some gold and uses up a unit of horses. I'd originally thought of adding a Recycling Center for other reasons, and having that building exchange horses for food as one of its effects...

In general, what I'd prefer is a simple rule change (or possibly an SP) that just outright gives you, say, 2 gold per turn per unused unit of strategic resources (or have the amount vary with the resource, with iron and horses giving less than, say, Uranium). But this way is much easier to code.

One other idea I'd had was to have the Stables change to require a unit of horses, but give the gold boost in addition to its military applications (effectively removing the upkeep cost). You'd probably want to bump up the yield of the Horse resource by 1 to compensate, but this would nicely reflect that horses were used for things like couriers and such in addition to their military uses, and it'd make the Stables a useful thing to build.
But I couldn't find a way to make the gold boost only kick in at a later tech, so the balance would have taken a while to sort out.
Spatzimaus, in fact I think something like you, but the building is only "a plus" in my point of view and not another building like the others, os for this reason I use 3 Iron... the main problem is the coal, you will need to build factories.

I use this proportion for two main reasons: (1) the iron you can have usually is more than 10 units and (2) to "create" steel you nees a big amount of Iron and a small amount of Coal in RL.
I use this proportion for two main reasons: (1) the iron you can have usually is more than 10 units and (2) to "create" steel you nees a big amount of Iron and a small amount of Coal in RL.

But also you request coal or iron nearby. It greatly reduces availability for this building.
Great idea! It's nice to see obsolete resources get some more use, esp. given how critical early Iron is.

Perhaps you can have this set to a sliding amount of Iron/Coal instead of a flat 3/1. I don't know if this is possible, but you could have the Foundry give +5% :hammers: per unit of Iron allocated to it, and within the city screen, distribute anywhere from 0-available Iron/Coal. This way, there's still a reason to keep gathering Iron and Coal in the late game, even if the new city isn't a production one.
For horses you could build a Rodeo that requires horses that increases happiness.
But also you request coal or iron nearby. It greatly reduces availability for this building.

But that continues to follow the design philosophy for Civ V in that not every building should be built in every city. I like the idea of requiring a larger amount of obsolete resources.

I'm keeping Civ V vanilla right now but when I add mods, it will be ones that expand on the original design philosophy rather than changing it,
Hmm, I like the idea of a Racetrack but how about a "Knacker's Yard" which consumes horses and provides a production increase due to glue being manufactured? ... I think I'm using that one ;)
Has anyone thought of buildings actually using resources like units do, ie the building supply? I think I would like to see that.
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