stJNES: An Old Light

Ruler: The Scythian Greeks/North King
Capital: Tomis
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Polytheism
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Starting just south of the Danube Delta. Basically a cross between the Greek colonists and the Dacians.
MJM you just had to start next to me out of the entirity of the planet and four players didn't you :p.
Ruler: Canaan/j_eps
Capital: Sidon
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Multiple forms of Polytheism (mainly greek/egyptian), with Fertility Cult as well.
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Updated Stats

Ruler: /Lord_Iggy
Capital: Lugdunum
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Animism
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Celtic Warriors- Powerful, lightly-armoured Warriors.
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:
Doesn't anyone else want to start in Asia?

Oh well, more land for me...
Im in asia! just middle asia. middle EAST asia.
Again, starting near other civs and in fertile lands will give you a definite boost in the beginning turns

Fertile lands? Yes
Neighbour? Not yet. Hopefully, egypt shall be claimed.
Ruler: Despot Orthur/erez87
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Celtic Polytheism
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Start me around London. thx :)
Yay.. You were the mod of the Very first industral NES I was in, where I killed my own nation, hail big fire..

hmm, where would be a good place for a fire-cult based nation...
So I was thinking to myself, ' Now that Jason is back when is stJNES coming back?' Then I saw this. Then I thought to myself again (some kind of record, 2 thoughts in the space of 10 minutes!) who do I want to be....

The Teutonic Empire
Ruler: King ??? /Sheep
Capital: Konisberg
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Polytheism
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Begining location. RE: East Prussia between ww1 and ww2 is ideal!
Kingdom of Jiroft
Ruler: King Sargon I/Azale
Capital: Jiroft (Jiroft is a city in Kerman province, Iran. It is located 230 kilometres south of the city of Kerman, and 1,375 kilometres south of Tehran.)
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Proto-Zoroastrianism
Culture: I’ll fill in
UU: Sargon's Immortals- Think civ3...
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

This should be fun :D
Ruler: Pharaoh Asamis/Kal'thzar
Capital: Memphis
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: Stable +2
Army: 500 men, Bronze Age
Navy: 5 Galleys
Religion: Egyption Polytheism
Culture: I’ll fill in
Confidence: Mediocre
Trading Partners:

Tis egypt!
Dont forget quick orders for update tomorrow.

I feel I must reiterate that the updates for this NES are going to be quick and to the beautiful language that is common from most modern mods. just trying to make sure there are no surprises.

EDIT: and remember those who start in more fertile areas and closer to neighbor civs will enjoy an easier start in the bronze age.
Teuton Orders: Grow the economy by encouraging ariculture. Expand in every direction.
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