Strange Fears You Had As A Kid


Can the circle be unbroken?
Feb 19, 2010
What are some strange fears you had as a kid that don't really seem that big a deal as an adult?

When I was a kid, I was actually scared of anime because of the big, shiny eyes they typically drew characters with, I couldn't watch Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, or Naruto. It wasn't until in my early teens that my dad showed me some Miyazaki movies that I really learned to like it.
There was a time when I was afraid of the Moon. That round, white thing hanging in the sky seemed unnatural and strange, and I would just freak out whenever I caught a glimpse of it. I went through a period of time when I insisted that all the curtains had to be closed at night, or I wouldn't look toward the windows.

I don't know why that was. Now I love the Moon. I'm grateful to live in an apartment where I can actually see something of the night sky (too much light pollution to see much in the way of stars, unfortunately). I get a great view of the Moon and Jupiter, though.

I talk to the Moon sometimes - saying hello and goodnight. It was a gorgeous view last night.
Perhaps my greatest existential terror for a few years, maybe at 5 years old, was to be a Roman galley slave, chained to the boat and rowing for a war I didn't believe in, until I died at sea. You can guess what Easter special I had just seen.
Sometimes you have to do what the people in Harry Potter do with fear: Counter it with humor.


Ben-hur's Pizza Delivery! :D
I am not certain of its origin, but at home I would always run up there stairs at night.. because I had convinced myself some dogs were chasing me.
I used to have nightmares about trains.
Usually along these lines
edit actually this thread is about strange fears that shouldn't scare you. so nothing much really.
When I was a kid, I was actually scared of anime because of the big, shiny eyes they typically drew characters with
if you want to pass this on to future generations, only more cursed:

search "among us" with "anime crying eyes".

have fun trying to unsee that if you do
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