Strategy Guide Monday!


Oct 17, 2005
I read on that the strategy guide should be released on Monday. Does anyone actually buy strat guides anymore? I used to, but I was considering buying one for this game. What do you guys think?
The resources available on this site in just a couple weeks will be fre and probably better than any strategy guide. Don't waste your money.
yeah gamefaqs was the main reason that I don't buy the guides anymore. But they have so many pretty pictures! And plus I'd have a lot of info tomorrow, which would be nice.
ditto what Noldodan said.

sometimes strategy guides are based on old builds of the game so that they can publish on time- so in some cases things in the game might change and may contradict something in print.
You will get better infomation from this site in my view - don't waste money on the guide
First patch or expansion, and all the info in the strat guide is useless.

And besides, strategy guides haven't been useful since the days of Master of Magic. And I own one of the strategy guides for MoM: 450 pages of tables and formulas and descriptions. That's what strategy guides SHOULD be. And they should be released a month or two after the game, when they're based on the final build, rather than released the same day (which means they're based on a months-old version of the game).

Sorry, strat guides are useless nowadays.
You guys are all probably right. I'll check it out and see if it's worth buying. I'm trying not to spend too much money, and plus, the new Rammstein CD is coming out next week :) Gotta save for that.
Really - save your money and check this site out for what you need
I would suggest waiting and seeing what others think.

I remember I bought the strategy guide for Civ II, and that turned out to be the best strategy guide I ever had. So much better than the manual....Then, I did the same for Civ III --- what a waste! :cry: It had just a few extra tips over the user manual.

Tips here and gamefaqs will probably be just as good, but if feedback is positive I'll probably buy it for bathroom reading.
I agree guide is right here on this forum!!!!!!
Only strategy guide I ever found useful was the GTA:SA one, which was a novel and amazing. I won't be buying this one though, I'll get better here.
This forum will be far better than Gamefaqs. The best way to learn strategy by far is to play succession games or read how other people handle certain situations.
Pragmatic said:
First patch or expansion, and all the info in the strat guide is useless.

And besides, strategy guides haven't been useful since the days of Master of Magic. And I own one of the strategy guides for MoM: 450 pages of tables and formulas and descriptions. That's what strategy guides SHOULD be. And they should be released a month or two after the game, when they're based on the final build, rather than released the same day (which means they're based on a months-old version of the game).

Sorry, strat guides are useless nowadays.
Absolutely. I miss the olden days...:sad:
The only strat guide worth the money was Alan Emrich & Johnny Wilson's "Rome on 640k A Day" for Civilization I. It had LOTS of inside info, explained how to activate the beta test "cheat" mode, explained how the AI worked. I'd just frequent this forum (and Apolyton) to discuss strategy. It's always more fun when you learn it yourself, IMHO.
It really does seem like strategy guides are a thing of the past with the advent of comprehensive strategy sites like this one. Information in them is inaccurate about as often as accurate for PC games within 6 months of release, especially on oft-patched software. To echo the sentiments of others, you're better off saving your money and using the free resources online.
jkp1187 said:
The only strat guide worth the money was Alan Emrich & Johnny Wilson's "Rome on 640k A Day" for Civilization I.

That was a sweet guide. I recently uncovered my copy of it when I was reorganizing - what fun! It has all my scribbled notes in the margins, it was like re-reading an old college textbook!:crazyeye: I guess that is how important Civ is to some of us - they don't call it CivFanatics for nothing.
I enjoy reading them, mostly when they hit the store a day or two before the actual game. I just called my local Gamestop and they don't have it...had they gotten one in I would have bought it.
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