Suggestion: negotiating land with neighbors

In general Rhye could do with looking at merging other mods but I think this would be a bit of a nightmare.

Theresome great work in RevolutionDCM for BTS that Ryhe could look at.

In fact it could be argued Rhye should replace his whole stability code with the ones from Revolution. Because it soo much more obviously what is happening. Basically every city is worked out individually and it tells you what you need to do to keep the city from revolting.
War is the best way to "negotiate" land. Let's say it's around 1870 and Germany wants the Alsace-Lorraine tiles from France. Paris is too much of a stronghold so it would simply invade those tiles, garrison and then modify the culture percentage towards German. Like workers have an option to build an improvement, there should be some way to spread more German culture. Of course there should be some other implications, but it's an idea. :)

Yeah, I've always felt it's silly to have a huge invading army not controlling the land they pass through unopposed. This would also prompt you to garrison your borders rather well, instead of shoving everybody in the nearest city, which is a bit inaccurate. However, I don't think this should be the only means to negotiate land. Maybe after a certain date, or some other trigger, you would be allowed to use land tiles in the trade table as well as forceful conquering.
Perhaps the ability to spread culture could be some sort of promotion, which works like a spy's function...Controlling that land would make moving reinforcements a lot easier too: send in an initial force to control the roads, then attack with your main force.
maybe there could be a unit called occupying force or something to that effect. you move that unit onto to foreign culture in a war and it changes to your culture.
That's in RoM.
War is the best way to "negotiate" land. Let's say it's around 1870 and Germany wants the Alsace-Lorraine tiles from France. Paris is too much of a stronghold so it would simply invade those tiles, garrison and then modify the culture percentage towards German. Like workers have an option to build an improvement, there should be some way to spread more German culture. Of course there should be some other implications, but it's an idea. :)

You know about the espionage feature to spread culture, do you ?
Maybe having troops on a tile during war-time could act like the home territory modifier (and/or annul it) as in they would then have to have 4x your culture to own the tile.
Long time lurker and great hater of Rhye (He ruined my life! Can't stop playing the damn game *grr*). Might as well start contributing somewhere.

Culture in Civ4 can be spread in individual tiles using spy missions if I am not mistaken. Not sure if there has been any spy changes made in RFC though, regardless it is a very small amount requiring lots of missions to make a dent in a contested square.
Perhaps it is possible to adjust the amount and then use spies for the targeted culture war, provided RFC spies have that mission available to them.
Culture in Civ4 can be spread in individual tiles using spy missions if I am not mistaken. Not sure if there has been any spy changes made in RFC though, regardless it is a very small amount requiring lots of missions to make a dent in a contested square.
Perhaps it is possible to adjust the amount and then use spies for the targeted culture war, provided RFC spies have that mission available to them.

Culture can only be spread in this way to a tile that is controlled by a foreign civ. A tile that you control with some foreign culture in it cannot be affected by your own spies though.
I think that they fixed that in the recent update, it seems a decimal dot was out of place so instead of spreading 5% culture like it was supposed to it spread only 0.05%.
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