Suggestions for program please!


Johnny Juwarra
Mar 27, 2004
I'd like to find some free program with what i can do flc from pcx file(s).
Links would be great.

Thanks in advance!
i have both, but they don't allow new pcx file to be opened.. or what?!
i need it to create static leaderhead flc
I tried to convert with BadKharma's suggested Rad Video Tools, but flc i got, made civ crash for some reason.. probably i'm doing something wrong, but i don't know what.. i read all help and faq's, but it didn't help me.
So, any other suggestions??
ok, i'll try

edit: yeah, thanx it works. I think BadKharma was trying to explain this same thing to me, but you said it really clearly.. thanx to both of you.
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