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Sulla's Civilization IV Walkthrough

Sullla said:
EDIT: The Walkthrough has been reposted at its new location. Please update any bookmarks you might have. :)
- Sullla
great :)

now i can read the last 3 parts i missed due to excessive civ4 playing ;)

good work
Does not work for me either.:(
Hopefully you can get it to work soon.
Well, I have to say that the entire timing on this Walkthrough has been PERFECT!!! I am picking up Civ4 tomorrow, and so this has maintained my anticipation levels right up until the purchase date. Now, I would be lying if I said there weren't things which bother/concern me, or things which don't look right from my CURRENT vantage point-but my overwhelming sense is that this will be the MOST FUN civ experience I have had since Civ2!!! Thanks a BILLION Sullla.

Aussie_Lurker said:
Well, I have to say that the entire timing on this Walkthrough has been PERFECT!!! I am picking up Civ4 tomorrow, and so this has maintained my anticipation levels right up until the purchase date. Now, I would be lying if I said there weren't things which bother/concern me, or things which don't look right from my CURRENT vantage point-but my overwhelming sense is that this will be the MOST FUN civ experience I have had since Civ2!!! Thanks a BILLION Sullla.


Hope you enjoy it, I would just recommend altering the research speed otherwise the experience flies by way to quickly...
toft said:
Now it says "Service Unavailable". :cry:

Had that problem too, but I just pressed return after setting the cursor in the address field of my browser and then it worked...
Hey all.

I am a Civilization noob. I never played the original games (back in the 90's) and didn't pay much attention to the expansions and sequels, even though I have a friend who is a Civ-junkie.

He was soooo excited by Civilization IV, I started to read the reviews and previews and being a strategy game fanatic (RTS, that is) so I became interested in it. My wife gave it to me for my b-day.

While I enjoy a big fat manual and I ALWAYS do the tutorials I was left head-scratching with a perplexed espression. I just didn't understand the way the game worked, and worse, I didn't see the fun in it.


I came accross Sulla's walkthrough and things started to make sense!! I started a new game on yesterday at 11:15 pm.... at 6:40 am today I was crushing my enemies!!! Not only that, I feel I haven't begun to scratch the surface! The liberty to do what I want with my civ!! It's like a drug (I finally feel the "one-more-turn" syndrome, now: make it go away).

Wow I just read what I wrote, it sounds like one of those TV Store (as seen on TV) commercials.

Anyways, from Spain I say: thanks Sulla!! Your walkthrough prevented me from returning the game, and is on its way to make me a Civ Fanatic.
I'm glad you joined the ranks! :)

Sulla's walkthrough is great stuff indeed! :goodjob: Was great to read it while waiting for the game to arrive. Shame 7 days wasn't long enough for the game to show up here, but that's not Sulla's fault :D

Should have it soon now, any day... is that the doorbell I hear? *runs off*
I think the best thing about Civ is that you can "waste" your whole day playing it and then not even feel guilty for wasting your time like with most games because you genuinely feel you've done something constructive; built your civilization up further and come closer to preparing that invasion of your weakest neighbour :D
1 Nov 2005 10:30 PM CST - Sullla posts that the site is back up

2 Nov 2006 8:12 AM CST - The site has likely consumed all its bandwidth

I checked the bandwidth usage, and it shows 1 Gigabyte of bandwidth consumed on 1 November. So, I guess it is reasonable to assume that the site (only about 15 Megabytes) consumed the entire 20 GIGABYTE monthly bandwidth in less than half a day.

I will email the hosting company and see if that is why it is unavailable.

Best regards to all of you helping me learn to play this great game!
Lol sullla keeps breaking peoples' websites!!

Maybe the zip file is the way to go.....or even the Torrent as someone said earlier.....would be more efficient that way!
corwin90 said:
So, I guess it is reasonable to assume that the site (only about 15 Megabytes) consumed the entire 20 GIGABYTE monthly bandwidth in less than half a day.

20G/15M = 1333

So if everyone accessing the site accessed all the content (and disregarding the fact that a megabyte isn't a million bytes and a gigabyte isn't a billion bytes), you'd use all the bandwidth after about 1300 hits. Even if some content gets missed by a lot of people, it's probably not going to go higher than 2000. ;)
EDI-Fuzzy said:
Lol sullla keeps breaking peoples' websites!!

Maybe the zip file is the way to go.....or even the Torrent as someone said earlier.....would be more efficient that way!

Did anyone download a copy of the site? If so, please zip it and send it to me and I'll whip it up into PDF files and get it hosted on PlanetCiv (Fileplanet). I'm sure they can handle it. :)
Maybe he should submit it as a forum thread/article and ask for it to be hosted here. We seem to be killing bandwidth on other sites way too fast :/
I REALLY want to read this walkthrough, and haven't had the chance to see even the first part of it...

While I have a host that could handle 40-50GB per month in traffic to help out, I don't know that is the solution.

Here is an idea:

1. Take your html files and create a ZIP file out of it. This should be viewable from a local machine. (I could make a PDF out of the whole thing if you like)

2. Upload it as a bit torrent file. Then everyone can share in the bandwidth cost. It's fast, free and easy.

If you don't know about bit torrent, I'll be happy to create it for you, post it and link it here in the forums.

bit torrent info
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