Supreme court upholds Trump's travel ban


May 19, 2007
San Jose, CA

A big win for Trump and Trump supporters. I think this is great! I don't see any reason why we should be letting potential terrorists into our country. Everyone can see what has happened in Europe over the last few years, it's just not worth the risk. In 2016 we dropped a whopping 26,172 bombs on these countries. That's bad enough on its own, but to then accept migrants en masse from these countries?? That just makes no sense at all. Of course they are going to attack us. I don't support the bombings, but you can't decide to bomb them and then also decide to let the people there migrate to your country. That is plain suicidal, you have to at least pick a side.
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Are you willing to provide links that definitively provide evidence that Muslim travelers and migrants in the US are conducting terror attacks?
9-11 doesn't count?

You are welcome to explain how this ban prevents a 9/11 event. :)

At a press conference later in the afternoon, police identified the suspect as Amor Ftouhi, 49, a Canadian citizen originally from Tunisia. He entered the U.S. on June 16 through New York.

Countries on the ban list: Libya, Sudan, Syria, Iran, Yemen, and Somalia.

Countries missing from this ban list that would make your link relevant: Canada and Tunisia.

:think: :think: :think:
Are you willing to provide links that definitively provide evidence that Muslim travelers and migrants in the US are conducting terror attacks?

Why should he? The Supreme Court obviously saw enough evidence to uphold the travel ban. And seeing as they would be privy to more information than any of us or anyone in the media, I'd say their decision should be good enough for you. Just because you may disagree with their decision on ideological grounds doesn't mean they made the wrong decision.
anybody seen any goalposts around here?

I'm only operating within the goal posts established by the Trump administration. Those are the six countries banned. Can anyone provide evidence that migrants and travelers from those six countries have conducted terror attacks on US soil?

Why should he?

I think this is great! I don't see any reason why we should be letting potential terrorists into our country. Everyone can see what has happened in Europe over the last few years, it's just not worth the risk. In 2016 we dropped a whopping 26,172 bombs on these countries. That's bad enough on its own, but to then accept migrants en masse from these countries?? That just makes no sense at all. Of course they are going to attack us.
I'm only operating within the goal posts established by the Trump administration. Those are the six countries banned. Can anyone provide evidence that migrants and travelers from those six countries have conducted terror attacks on US soil?

Well he cites Europe as his example. Based on that, one could say that Muslim immigrants to the US haven't caused as much trouble as they have in Europe precisely because of our unwillingness to just wantonly accept everyone who claims refugee status.
Well he cites Europe as his example. Based on that, one could say that Muslim immigrants to the US haven't caused as much trouble as they have in Europe precisely because of our unwillingness to just wantonly accept everyone who claims refugee status.

If the US is already safeguarded from Muslim traveler/migrant terror attacks, why is the ban necessary?

Kenya isn't on the banned list and he was an American citizen.

The second one is a good link, though. Somalian, active operation on US soil. I like that. Links like that can do a lot towards justifying a ban like this. While it isn't a terror attack and doesn't involve travelers and migrants, it's certainly a far closer step than random attacks from local citizens that drank a foreign koolaid.
Trumpists are so desperate for the wins that Trump promised that they will exaggerate to a truly remarkable degree.

The supreme court agreed to hear the case on the travel ban. That isn't in any way the same as
"Supreme court upholds Trump's travel ban"

so the thread title right out the gate is an outright lie.

The court did order that a single aspect would be allowed to be enforced pending their hearing.
Travelers accepted at American universities...can't be harassed.
Travelers with US employment...can't be harassed.
Travelers with family in the US...can't be harassed.
Trumpists get to see outright tourists turned away.

Looks to me like they took it full force in the teeth, but compared to the usual spankings that Trump has taken I suppose they can call it a win by comparison.

Then there's the really funny part that the SCOTUS is very likely, when the scheduled hearing date arrives, to just say "okay your order has already expired so we really don't even have a reason to hear this...beat it Dingbat Don."

This is all very reminiscent of the big rose garden celebration when the house unilaterally repealed and replaced the ACA and Donny and his simpleton fans never expected to hear another word about it...then were informed there was a Senate. Who knew?
I was thinking "really...?", but fortunately Tim cleared this one up.
who needs a court order?

Napolitano: Tell me, Mr. Holder, why did you not get a court order authorizing you to go in and get the boy (Elian Gonzalez)?

Holder: Because we didn’t need a court order. INS can do this on its own.

Napolitano: You know that a court order would have given you the cloak of respectability to have seized the boy.

Holder: We didn’t need an order.

Napolitano: Then why did you ask the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals for such an order if you didn’t need one?

Holder: [Silence]

Napolitano: The fact is, for the first time in history you have taken a child from his residence at gunpoint to enforce your custody position, even though you did not have an order authorizing it. When is the last time a boy, a child, was taken at the point of a gun without an order of a judge…Unprecedented in American history."

Holder: "He was not taken at the point of a gun."

Napolitano: "We have a photograph showing he was taken at the point of a gun."

Holder: "They were armed agents who went in there who acted very sensitively..."
Seems good.
Well he cites Europe as his example. Based on that, one could say that Muslim immigrants to the US haven't caused as much trouble as they have in Europe precisely because of our unwillingness to just wantonly accept everyone who claims refugee status.
Y'know what happens to some of those people? They stay illegally, then try to sneak into Canada. Some of them have lost body parts to frostbite and at least one person died of hypothermia (her body was found in a ditch when the farmers were getting their fields ready for planting).

There's no such thing as too much security.
That's why we prefer that Americans leave their guns at home when they visit Canada. We don't want innocent people getting shot just for asking if someone's been to the Stampede.
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