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SW8 - Stupid Spacers!!!!


Oct 25, 2004
Sydney, NSW

well this is a variant i wanted to try out for a very long time.
i've tried before a NO SCI variant in a solo game story, but no real time to finish it soon.
so this is take two.

we may not hire scientists. EVER.
we can trade only via PEACE TALKS.
That means its a game long POINTY STICK GAME!!!
only limits on what we can deal for via peace talks is NO 20 TURN STUFF. just 1 for 1s
we CANT build the GREAT LIBRARY.

we want our rep to remain intact? which means NO FALSE PEACE.
if we sign peace we do it for 20 FULL turns.

all other stuff is OK, as i guess it will be difficult enough as is.
we are NOT defiant. we can talk (or cave) at will, but no deals done.

all other enabled, so the AI has a chance.

level? im thinking EMPEROR. or DEMI-GOD. DG is better.
we are? i prefer germans, but TBD.
they are? all SEAFARING. TBD.
world? Continents 60% (so we have a chance) or 80% Pelgo (my first suicidal thought :D )
weather, etc. AVERAGE.
barbs etc, normal. or usual SG types.

i expect this to be a mighty heavy WAR game. so you should be able to use an AXE to maximum effect.

places reserved to academy members.
if youre not in... sorry... but you can (and i hope will.. play a guest set sometimes)

that means im saving 2-3 spots for NooBies and people i havent played with yet.

* footnotes
** you should be a comfortable monarch player to join. this seems to up the stakes a thick bit.
*** usual SG rules (exploit-wise and time span-wise)
**** further rules to be added here later.
***** if by popular demand palces are needed LURKER TURNS SHALL BE GIVEN AWAY

lurker's comment: I call "shotgun" on the first idiot lurker turns! I can't handle anymore games right now. :cry:
lurker's comment: I'm gonna lurk.

Mind, I don't know if I'm a full-blown Academician: I've shown some signs of being a little too level-headed for that. Also these games get bogged down late on, waiting for the AI to research the one tech you need to launch :lol:
I'm wary about joining another SG with school starting soon...although they've all been moving along slowly anyway. Sign me up! (if I'm considered an Academian)
lurker's comment: IP, I must tell you I am the officer that'll take (very bad) care of you if you decide to take the academician spot.

By all means, sign up another academician for the 3rd spot, as I need a serious cut-off of this SG whatchamacallit. I will however lurk and fullfill my :whipped: duties as commander, if this is an "initiation" :devil:

[EDIT] X-post: what do you think, that he'll just allow his team to wait until satellites to capture TGL ?! :whipped: !! Back to cleaning the dorms, cadet !

Addendum: below EMP, I'm unsure if you'll be actually able to get an AI to research through to space for you, under war pressure. I'd personnally put it lowest agression level, to give it a chance.
lurker's comment: I'm RL time challenged for the moment. However, if'n your only allowing research through pointy things, you may wish to invite a guest lecturer for a symposium. If'n I may, I respectfully suggest that you PM Bede and/or DocT for a strategic interlude lecture. Standard no research, this is no sweat, your variant appears to be insane (in the fine tradition of idiocy :) ) Monarch may be enough of a challenge. having said that, I should be available for a modern age idiot appearance.

Note: the academy has just bestowed its first honorary degree (no that doesn't mean women) upon whomp :king: Something about tassels and speeches...

Lurker's comment:SW is one of the trainers for TGOMTG and this was the variant we used (and failed). I'm sure he picked up a lot of the mistakes we made during the initial part of that game. The hardest part was keeping the AI's from constantly warring with each and instead researching.
I'm honored for being honorary...err...what does it all mean?
If may I would like to designate IP as Lt. Junior Grade Idiot Civant Pliskenator!
I don't know what all the Academy stuff is about, but I assume that I am excluded from this game.

I played a similar SG with a friend that was Emperor, No Self-Science, No slow units (after horses connected), treasury must always be less than 300 gold, and no attacking enemy capitols. The goal was also Spaceship.

The focus of that game was to be forced to do trading for all science. However, this is basically impossible in the early game when you know few civs and can't trade resources, thus we allowed an exception: we could research just 2 techs, Writing and Literature.

The game went very well, lots of fun and a good challenge. However, your limit of trading only while in Peace Talks is probably harder than our 2-techs-only but with 3 other variants.

I think deciding your stance on the Great Library is crucial.
lurker's comment: You will never get there at Monarch, so you need to play at Emperor or above, and even at Emperor it will be tough to get the tech pace you need. (AdmK, the Jumpmasters game was a mad-bax map that encouraged trading and brokering, so the deck was stacked just a leetle) If you can stand the initial strain of the AI starting settlers and military, and I think you can, then Demi-god makes sense.

What you really have going on here is an Oscillating War variant with the opponents picked based on technology rather than some other scheduling mechanism.

Are you going to allow resource and luxury trading?
@ Vol--Soul Warrior would prefer people like you. It's all us other idiots he's trying to avoid.

As far as the variant goes it can be done. I joined a training game that Bede ran and DL123654 was in and won as Carths. The hard part is waiting to steal all the techs to the spaceship.
Well I'll tentatively join up, then, pending any rules changes. I think as-is its very do-able and should be fun.
@ whomp - load up your trusty .303, wee gonna hunt us some *^%$

@ eldar - you're an honourary academian. youd have full status if you were more of an idiot though :D

@ IroP - Academian it is, oh - Lt. Junior Grade Idiot Civant Pliskenator
you're in.

@ ALL Academians, whip away.... :spank: is nice too :blush:

methos said:
Lurker's comment:SW is one of the trainers for TGOMTG and this was the variant we used (and failed). I'm sure he picked up a lot of the mistakes we made during the initial part of that game. The hardest part was keeping the AI's from constantly warring with each and instead researching.
a bit too much confidence in my prowess, but hey....
i plan on doing this right this time.

whomp said:
@ Vol--Soul Warrior would prefer people like you. It's all us other idiots he's trying to avoid.
Vol is in.
not trying to avoid the idiots out there, just make more of us.
as you know, human stupidity has NO limits,
and Idiots can be VERY ingenius

whomp - 1st set
AK - when we get some cool toys.
bede and BEF - call 'em when you want them.

MY stance on THE GREAT LIB is NO. it would help short term, but no building it.
if we capture though...
and NO. we wont wait till space to take it.

resource and lux trading... hmm. i think not.
it would allow us to practice some nifty MM skills, juggling the clowns and sliders.

agree with bede on raising the level abit to Demi-God.

so a recap on the rules:
*no trades unless in peace talks.
** in trades NO 20 turn items AT ALL. just 1 for 1's.
*** no building the GLIB. capturing is OK.
Having played in two losing DG defiant games that would be absolutely brutal. We had towns razed and that means those civs must be destroyed. Can you say dogpile and UN loss!!
For the sake of Tech pace purposes, I'd have to agree against the further rules of defiant and no initiation of peace.
lurker's comment:

Defiant and silent would doom you from the start. Defiant is bad enough.

Looks like you are going to be using lots of tax collectors to keep the lid on. What are you going to do with all that gold?

Bede said:
lurker's comment:

Defiant and silent would doom you from the start. Defiant is bad enough.

Looks like you are going to be using lots of tax collectors to keep the lid on. What are you going to do with all that gold?

dont know. rush stuff? steal it? pay for the techs when i get peace? it would certainly help those dim AI if i threw 1000s of gold on them....
and i always wanted to discover the purse limit in this game....

and nobody said anything against taking some lux of our own. did they?
i want the AI smart not happy ;)
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